Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
adjust | /ə•dʒʌst/ | verb | to change so as to fit in with new conditions |
agricultural | /æ•grɪ•kʌl•tʃə•rəl/ | adj | concerning farming |
alcohol | /æl•kə•hɑl/ | noun | drinks such as wine, whiskey, beer |
awful | /oɚ•fʊl/ | adj | very bad; horrible; terrible |
competitor | /kəm•pɛ•tɪ•tə/ | noun | someone taking part in race, business, etc |
confident | /kɑn•fɪ•dənt/ | adj | feeling that you can do well at something |
creative | /kriː•ɛɪ•tɪv/ | adj | having the ability to make something new |
curve | /kɚv/ | noun | smooth rounded line that is not straight |
depth | /dɛpθ/ | noun | distance below a surface |
entrance | /ɪn•trɑɚns/ | noun | way into a place |
festival | /fɛs•tə•vəl/ | noun | cultural event with a program of events |
giant | /dʒaɪ•ənt/ | adj | extremely big, or much bigger than other things |
knee | /niː/ | noun | middle part of your leg that bends |
log | /lɑg/ | noun | a piece of a tree that has been cut |
mirror | /mɪ•rə/ | noun | thing with a glass surface used to look at yourself |
mode | /moʊd/ | noun | way of acting or doing something |
nowadays | /naʊ•ə•dɛɪz/ | adv | at the present time; now |
overcome | /oʊ•və•kʌm/ | verb | to succeed in a struggle |
planet | /plæ•nɪt/ | noun | one of the bodies that orbit the sun |
poem | /poʊ•ɪm/ | noun | a written composition in verse, not prose |
pose | /poʊz/ | verb | to put someone in a position to be photographed |
reverse | /rɪ•vɚs/ | verb | to go in the opposite direction |
van | /væn/ | noun | truck with an enclosed cargo space |
vegetable | /vɛ•dʒɪ•tə•bl/ | noun | plant that is raised and eaten as food |
web | /wɛb/ | noun | a net made by spiders; many things connected together |