Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
779 | ability | /ə•bɪ•lɪ•tɪ/ | noun | power, money, knowledge, or skill to do something |
440 | above | /ə•bʌv/ | adv | in a higher place than something else |
561 | accept | /ək•sɛpt/ | verb | to agree to receive or take something offered |
522 | accord | /ə•koɚd/ | noun | agreement or harmony |
436 | account | /ə•kaʊnt/ | noun | arrangement with a bank to keep your money for you |
746 | achieve | /ə•tʃiːv/ | verb | to succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard |
515 | act | /ækt/ | verb | to behave in a certain way |
474 | action | /æk•ʃən/ | noun | something that a person or thing does |
432 | activity | /æk•tɪ•vɪ•tɪ/ | noun | an action or task (e.g., sports, washing your clothes) |
414 | add | /æd/ | verb | to put two things or numbers together (e.g., 2+2) |
707 | addition | /ə•dɪ•ʃən/ | noun | fact of adding something; thing that is added |
558 | address | /ə•drɛs/ | noun | exact street location of a place |
773 | advantage | /əd•vɑɚn•tɪdʒ/ | noun | thing making the chance of success higher |
639 | affect | /ə•fɛkt/ | verb | to do something that changes something else |
420 | agree | /ə•griː/ | verb | to have the same opinion as someone else |
785 | agreement | /ə•griː•mənt/ | noun | when you share the same opinion or reach a decision |
794 | aim | /ɛɪm/ | noun | act of pointing something at a target |
542 | air | /ɛɚ/ | noun | mixture of gases around the earth that we breathe |
719 | alone | /ə•loʊn/ | adv | without anyone or anything else |
507 | amount | /ə•maʊnt/ | noun | quantity of something |
756 | analysis | /ə'næləsɪs/ | noun | careful study to better understand something |
587 | animal | /æ•nɪ•məl/ | noun | a living creature that is not a plant or person |
754 | anyone | /ɛ•nɪ•wʌn/ | pron | any person |
405 | appear | /ə•piːɚ/ | verb | to be seen, become visible; come into sight |
611 | apply | /ə•plaɪ/ | verb | to ask formally for (a job, building permission, etc.) |
495 | approach | /ə•proʊtʃ/ | verb | to get close to reaching something or somewhere |
740 | argue | /ɑɚ•gju/ | verb | to give reasons for or against an idea or point of view |
621 | arm | /ɑɚm/ | noun | part of your body from your shoulder to your hand |
588 | arrive | /ə•raɪv/ | verb | to reach the place you are travelling to |
646 | art | /ɑɚt/ | noun | a creative skill using the imagination (e.g., painting) |
630 | article | /ɑɚ•tɪ•kl/ | noun | piece of writing about a particular subject |
632 | attack | /ə•tæk/ | verb | to try to destroy, beat, or injure |
686 | attempt | /ə•tɛmpt/ | verb | to try to do something challenging or difficult |
578 | attention | /ə•tɛn•ʃən/ | noun | focus of your thoughts on something |
459 | available | /ə•vɛɪ•lə•bl/ | adj | present and able to be used |
690 | average | /æ•və•rɪdʒ/ | adj | typical or normal; usual; ordinary |
627 | bank | /bæŋk/ | noun | a financial institution that keeps or lends money |
455 | bear | /bɛɚ/ | noun | large brown animal with fur that lives in forests |
792 | beautiful | /bju•tə•fʊl/ | adj | having very attractive or appealing physical qualities |
694 | bed | /bɛd/ | noun | a piece of furniture that people sleep on |
706 | behavior | /bɪ•heɪv•jɚ/ | noun | way a person or thing acts; manner |
492 | behind | /bɪ•haɪnd/ | adv | in or toward the back |
761 | below | /bɪ•loʊ/ | adv | in a lower position, place, or level |
543 | benefit | /bɛ•nɪ•fɪt/ | noun | good result or effect, something advantageous |
411 | black | /blæk/ | adj | color of the sky on a dark night |
741 | board | /boɚd/ | noun | surface for posting or showing information |
401 | body | /bɑ•dɪ/ | noun | a person's physical self |
510 | boy | /boɪ/ | noun | a young male person |
647 | campaign | /kæm•pɛɪn/ | verb | to work in an organized and active way toward a goal |
789 | capital | /kæ•pɪ•tl/ | adj | main, or major |
781 | card | /kɑɚd/ | noun | small piece of paper or plastic used as i.d. |
446 | carry | /kæ•rɪ/ | verb | to hold something and move it to another place |
683 | catch | /kætʃ/ | verb | use your hands to stop and hold something flying |
629 | cell | /sɛl/ | noun | short for 'cellphone' |
749 | cent | /sɛnt/ | noun | 100th of the basic unit of money (e.g., there are 100 of these in a dollar) |
591 | century | /sɛn•tʃʊ•rɪ/ | noun | period of 100 years |
451 | certain | /sɚ•tn/ | adj | being sure about something; without doubt |
536 | certainly | /sɚtnlɪ/ | adv | definitely true or is sure to happen |
766 | challenge | /tʃæ•lɪndʒ/ | noun | an activity you wish to try that may be hard to do |
560 | chance | /tʃɑɚns/ | noun | possibility that something will happen |
693 | character | /kæ•rɪk•tə/ | noun | your personality or nature |
498 | charge | /tʃɑɚdʒ/ | verb | to ask for money as a price for a service or goods |
580 | check | /tʃɛk/ | verb | to confirm the details of something are correct |
565 | choice | /tʃoɪs/ | noun | decision between two or more possibilities |
447 | choose | /tʃuz/ | verb | to select; decide between several possibilities |
744 | church | /tʃɚtʃ/ | noun | building where religious people gather and pray |
501 | claim | /klɛɪm/ | verb | to say something is true when others may not agree |
728 | clearly | /kliːɚlɪ/ | adv | in a way that is easy to understand; obviously |
760 | club | /klʌb/ | noun | group of people who share an interest, as in sport |
739 | college | /kɑ•lɪdʒ/ | noun | school or educational institution for adults |
716 | comment | /kɑ•mɛnt/ | noun | something you say; give an opinion; remark |
567 | common | /kɑ•mən/ | adj | typical, normal; not unusual |
465 | community | /kə•mju•nɪ•tɪ/ | noun | group of people who share a common idea or area |
614 | compare | /kəm•pɛɚ/ | verb | to consider how similar and different things are |
581 | complete | /kəm•pliːt/ | verb | to finish or reach the end of doing something |
429 | computer | /kəm•pju•tə/ | noun | a machine for storing information and accessing the internet |
445 | condition | /kən•dɪ•ʃən/ | noun | state of living you are in (e.g., good health) |
600 | contact | /kən•tækt/ | verb | to get in touch with someone |
663 | contain | /kən•tɛɪn/ | verb | to hold something inside something else |
714 | contract | /kən•trækt/ | noun | legal agreement (e.g., for doing work for money) |
514 | couple | /kʌ•pl/ | noun | two of something; two people; a pair |
615 | court | /koɚt/ | noun | large, flat area, to play tennis or basketball |
424 | cover | /kʌ•və/ | noun | thing you put over something to close or hide it |
568 | culture | /kʌl•tʃə/ | noun | beliefs and customs of a particular group |
590 | current | /kʌ•rənt/ | adj | happening or being in the present time |
487 | customer | /kʌs•tə•mə/ | noun | someone who buys goods or services from a business |
456 | cut | /kʌt/ | verb | to use a knife or scissors to divide or open the surface |
556 | data | /dɛɪ•tə/ | noun | facts or information used to calculate or analyze |
483 | date | /dɛɪt/ | noun | a day in the calendar such as January 3rd |
505 | death | /dɛθ/ | noun | when someone dies; the end of life |
449 | decision | /dɪ•sɪ•ʒən/ | noun | a choice you make about something after thinking about it |
798 | degree | /dɪ•griː/ | noun | unit for measuring temperature or angles |
570 | demand | /dɪ•mɑɚnd/ | verb | to strongly request someone to do something; insist |
736 | department | /dɪ•pɑɚt•mənt/ | noun | division of a larger part or organization |
731 | depend | /dɪ•pɛnd/ | verb | to need (someone or something) for support, help, etc. |
457 | describe | /dɪs•kraɪb/ | verb | to tell someone the appearance, sound or smell of something |
441 | design | /dɪ•zaɪn/ | verb | to plan in a particular way to fulfill a purpose |
771 | despite | /dɪs•paɪt/ | prep | without being affected by something; in spite of |
472 | detail | /diː•tɛɪl/ | noun | small part of something; tiny fact |
708 | determine | /dɪ•tɚ•mɪn/ | verb | to control exactly how something will be or act |
454 | die | /daɪ/ | verb | to stop living |
473 | difference | /dɪ•frəns/ | noun | not of the same kind; unlike other things |
470 | difficult | /dɪ•fɪ•kəlt/ | adj | hard; not easy; you need to work hard to do it |
724 | direct | /dɪ•rɛkt/ | verb | to tell someone to do something in a straight-talking way |
727 | director | /dɪ•rɛk•tə/ | noun | senior person who manages part of an organization |
605 | discuss | /dɪs•kʌs/ | verb | to talk about something seriously or in great detail |
764 | discussion | /dɪs•kʌ•ʃən/ | noun | any long communication about some particular topic |
763 | doctor | /dɑk•tə/ | noun | a professional who is trained and licensed to treat sick or injured people; a person who has the highest degree given by a university |
490 | door | /doɚ/ | noun | you walk through this when you go in a room |
481 | draw | /droɚ/ | verb | to create an image using pen or pencil and paper |
655 | drink | /drɪŋk/ | verb | to put water in your body through your mouth |
640 | drop | /drɑp/ | verb | to let something fall from your hand |
721 | drug | /drʌg/ | noun | chemical used as a medicine |
574 | due | /dju/ | adj | when something is required or expected |
408 | easy | /iː•zɪ/ | adj | not hard to do; not difficult |
476 | eat | /ɛt/ | verb | to put food in your mouth |
493 | economic | /iː•kə•nɑ•mɪk/ | adj | having to do with trade, industry, and money |
699 | economy | /iː•kɑ•nə•mɪ/ | noun | total of all the goods, services, and wages in an area |
531 | education | /ɛ•dju•kɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | process of giving or receiving teaching |
577 | effort | /ɛ•fət/ | noun | amount of work used trying to do something |
757 | election | /ɪ•lɛk•ʃən/ | noun | process of choosing someone by voting |
466 | else | /ɛls/ | adv | otherwise; if you fail to... |
624 | employee | /ɛm•ploɪ•iː/ | noun | person who works for someone else for payment |
504 | enjoy | /ɪn•dʒoɪ/ | verb | to take pleasure in something |
717 | enter | /ɛn•tə/ | verb | to go into a room |
712 | environment | /ɪn•vaɪ•ə•rən•mənt/ | noun | natural world in which plants and animals live |
460 | especially | /ɪ'spɛʃəlɪ/ | adv | more than usual; extremely |
696 | establish | /ɪs•tæb•lɪʃ/ | verb | to set or create something to last for a long time |
679 | evening | /iːv•nɪŋ/ | noun | last part of the day and early part of the night |
442 | event | /ɪ•vɛnt/ | noun | something that happens |
650 | everyone | /ɛ•vrɪ•wʌn/ | pron | every person; everybody |
422 | everything | /ɛ•vrɪ•θɪŋ/ | pron | all of the things mentioned |
592 | evidence | /ɛ•vɪ•dəns/ | noun | factual proof that helps to establish the truth |
670 | exactly | /ɪg'zæktlɪ/ | adv | no more and no less than; precisely |
593 | exist | /ɪg•zɪst/ | verb | to be present, alive or real |
489 | explain | /ɪks•plɛɪn/ | verb | to make clear or easy to understand by describing |
636 | factor | /fæk•tə/ | noun | something that influences a result |
711 | fail | /fɛɪl/ | verb | to not achieve a goal, or to go wrong |
631 | fast | /fɑɚst/ | adj | moving or able to move quickly |
448 | father | /fɑɚ•ðə/ | noun | a male parent |
793 | fear | /fiːɚ/ | noun | unpleasant feelings caused by being aware of danger |
635 | feature | /fiː•tʃə/ | noun | distinctive or important point of something |
540 | field | /fiːld/ | noun | open area of land, especially without buildings |
595 | fight | /faɪt/ | noun | act of trying to hurt someone by hitting them |
433 | film | /fɪlm/ | noun | movie |
698 | final | /faɪ•nL/ | adj | being the last thing in a series |
499 | finally | /faɪ•nə•lɪ/ | adv | after a long time or some difficulty |
644 | financial | /faɪ•næn•ʃəl/ | adj | involving money |
597 | fine | /faɪn/ | adj | good, acceptable or satisfactory |
609 | finish | /fɪ•nɪʃ/ | noun | end of something; completion |
613 | fire | /faɪ•ə/ | noun | heat and the flame produced when burning |
628 | firm | /fɚm/ | adj | fairly hard or solid, not soft |
700 | fit | /fɪt/ | adj | proper or acceptable; morally or socially correct |
751 | floor | /floɚ/ | noun | part of a room on which you stand |
550 | focus | /foʊ•kəs/ | noun | main purpose or center of interest or activity |
576 | foot | /fʊt/ | noun | lowest part of the leg we use to stand on |
633 | foreign | /fɑ•rɪn/ | adj | being of a different place or country |
651 | forget | /fə•gɛt/ | verb | to not remember something |
599 | former | /foɚ•mə/ | det | being something previously, but not now |
452 | forward | /foɚ•wəd/ | adv | toward what is ahead or in front |
488 | front | /frʌnt/ | adj | opposite of back; the forward part of an object |
410 | full | /fʊl/ | adj | containing or holding as much as possible |
702 | function | /fʌŋ•kʃən/ | noun | what something is intended to be used for; purpose |
527 | fund | /fʌnd/ | noun | to supply money for something |
737 | gain | /gɛɪn/ | verb | to get something wanted, needed, or valued |
404 | general | /dʒɛ•nə•rəl/ | adj | widespread, normal or usual |
463 | girl | /gɚl/ | noun | a female child |
586 | ground | /graʊnd/ | verb | solid surface of the earth that we stand on |
678 | growth | /groʊθ/ | noun | act of growing |
701 | guy | /gaɪ/ | noun | informal man; boy; any person |
513 | happy | /hæ•pɪ/ | adj | feeling pleasure or joy; glad |
475 | health | /hɛlθ/ | noun | being in a good condition; being well |
622 | heart | /hɑɚt/ | noun | part of the body that pumps blood |
458 | himself | /hɪm•sɛlf/ | pron | the same (male) person who did the action |
695 | hit | /hɪt/ | verb | to fight, attack or damage something or someone |
742 | holiday | /hɑ•lə•dɪ/ | noun | day when people don't go to work or school |
782 | hospital | /hɑs•pɪ•tl/ | noun | building for sick people, with doctors and nurses |
759 | hotel | /hoʊ•tɛl/ | noun | place where people can stay when traveling |
428 | human | /hju•mən/ | noun | a person; a man, woman or child |
704 | image | /ɪ•mɪdʒ/ | noun | picture, sculpture, or painting of something |
508 | improve | /ɪm•pruv/ | verb | to make, or become, something better |
697 | indeed | /ɪn•diːd/ | adv | actually; in fact; in reality |
409 | individual | /ɪn•dɪ•vɪ•djʊəl/ | noun | single person, looked at separately from others |
530 | industry | /ɪn•dəs•trɪ/ | noun | factories or businesses that make certain products |
680 | influence | /ɪn•flʊəns/ | verb | to affect what happens; change something (indirectly) |
660 | inside | /ɪn•saɪd/ | adj | being in something |
553 | instead | /ɪn•stɛd/ | adv | when one thing is replaced by another |
662 | international | /ɪn•tɚ•næ•ʃə•nL/ | adj | done or relating to several countries, not just your own |
784 | interview | /ɪn•tə•vju/ | verb | to formally ask questions about a given topic |
772 | introduce | /ɪn•trə•djus/ | verb | to make someone known to another by name |
747 | item | /aɪ•tɛm/ | noun | distinct, individual thing, often part of a group |
538 | itself | /ɪt•sɛlf/ | pron | referring to it |
469 | join | /dʒoɪn/ | verb | to bring something close to another, to become one |
659 | key | /kiː/ | noun | something you use to open a lock or start a car |
529 | kid | /kɪd/ | noun | informal child or young person |
533 | kill | /kɪl/ | verb | to end the life of a person or other living thing |
619 | knowledge | /nɑ•lɪdʒ/ | noun | information, understanding, or skill |
729 | lack | /læk/ | verb | to not have, or not have enough, of something |
497 | land | /lænd/ | noun | the earth; the ground |
620 | laugh | /lɑɚf/ | verb | to make a happy sound when something is funny |
421 | law | /loɚ/ | noun | system or rules made by the government |
596 | leader | /liː•də/ | noun | person who is in charge of a group or task |
582 | lie | /laɪ/ | verb | to say something that you know is not true |
535 | likely | /laɪk•lɪ/ | adj | referring to the chance that something will actually happen |
572 | limit | /lɪ•mɪt/ | noun | point beyond which it is not possible to go |
770 | link | /lɪŋk/ | verb | to join or connect together |
523 | list | /lɪst/ | noun | series of written names, words or numbers |
573 | listen | /lɪ•sn/ | verb | to use your ears to hear and understand things |
745 | machine | /mə•ʃiːn/ | noun | piece of equipment used to do work |
453 | main | /mɛɪn/ | adj | most important; most often used |
438 | major | /mɛɪ•dʒə/ | adj | important, serious, or large in scope |
625 | manage | /mæ•nɪdʒ/ | verb | to run or operate a business by directing others |
692 | management | /mæ•nɪdʒ•mənt/ | noun | people who are in control of a business or group |
661 | manager | /mæ•nɪ•dʒə/ | noun | person who controls and runs a business or group |
743 | mark | /mɑɚk/ | verb | to make or leave a visible sign on something; a writing symbol |
775 | marry | /mæ•rɪ/ | verb | to become the husband or wife of someone |
571 | material | /mə•tiːɚ•riːɚl/ | noun | substance from which a thing is made of |
464 | maybe | /mɛɪ•biː/ | adv | possibly but not certainly; perhaps |
532 | measure | /mɛ•ʒə/ | verb | to calculate size, weight or temperature of |
689 | medium | /miː•djəm/ | noun | middle size, something between other things |
564 | mention | /mɛn•ʃən/ | verb | to refer to or talk or write about something |
755 | method | /mɛ•θəd/ | noun | organized and planned way of doing something |
777 | mile | /maɪl/ | noun | unit of distance; 1.6 kilometers |
758 | military | /mɪ•lɪ•tə•rɪ/ | noun | concerning soldiers or the armed forces |
645 | miss | /mɪs/ | verb | to be too late to ride on something (e.g., train or bus) |
485 | model | /mɑ•dl/ | adj | to make a small scale copy of a full original |
434 | morning | /moɚ•nɪŋ/ | noun | early part of the day before 12 noon |
762 | movie | /mu•vɪ/ | noun | motion picture; film |
669 | myself | /maɪ•sɛlf/ | pron | same person as did the action mentioned |
767 | nation | /nɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | area or region controlled by a government and army |
537 | national | /næ•ʃə•nL/ | adj | concerning a nation as a whole |
666 | nature | /nɛɪ•tʃə/ | noun | physical world, including plants, animals, rocks |
427 | near | /niːɚ/ | adj | with a small distance between things |
768 | nearly | /niːɚlɪ/ | adv | not completely; almost |
676 | necessary | /nɛ•sɪ•sə•rɪ/ | adj | needed or required; unavoidable |
546 | news | /njuz/ | noun | information about recent events |
506 | nice | /naɪs/ | adj | good or enjoyable |
664 | notice | /noʊ•tɪs/ | verb | to become aware by sight, touch, or hearing |
718 | occur | /ə•kɚ/ | verb | to come to pass or to happen |
643 | official | /ə•fɪ•ʃəl/ | adj | of or done by someone in authority; formal |
656 | opinion | /ə•pɪ•njən/ | noun | a person's thoughts on a topic |
520 | opportunity | /ɑ•pə•tju•nɪ•tɪ/ | noun | time/situation when a thing might be done; chance |
512 | organization | /oɚ•gə•naɪ•zɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | formal group of people with a particular purpose |
491 | outside | /aʊt•saɪd/ | noun | area around or near something, such as a building |
652 | page | /pɛɪdʒ/ | noun | one side of a sheet of paper |
672 | paint | /pɛɪnt/ | verb | to apply something; coat |
425 | paper | /pɛɪ•pə/ | noun | pages of a book are made from this |
657 | park | /pɑɚk/ | verb | to put your car or bike in a certain place for a time |
467 | particular | /pə•tɪ•kjʊ•lə/ | adj | one specific (one) |
601 | particularly | /pə'tɪkjʊləlɪ/ | adv | specially; more than others |
416 | pass | /pɑɚs/ | verb | to travel through or near a place |
589 | patient | /pɛɪ•ʃənt/ | adj | not getting annoyed when things take a long time |
649 | pause | /poɚz/ | verb | to stop doing for a while before continuing |
549 | percent | /pɚ•sɛnt/ | noun | one one-hundredth of a whole |
559 | performance | /pɚ•foɚ•məns/ | noun | activity done to entertain an audience |
413 | perhaps | /pɚ•hæps/ | adv | possibly, but not certainly; maybe |
585 | personal | /pɚs•nL/ | adj | done by or to a particular person; individual |
479 | phone | /foʊn/ | verb | to talk to someone using a telephone |
583 | pick | /pɪk/ | verb | to decide on a thing from various choices; select |
509 | picture | /pɪk•tʃə/ | noun | painting, drawing or photograph on paper or screen |
608 | piece | /piːs/ | noun | small part that of something larger |
671 | plant | /plɑɚnt/ | noun | living thing with leaves and roots growing in soil |
715 | player | /plɛɪ•ə/ | noun | person who plays sports |
471 | please | /pliːz/ | adv | you say this when you politely ask people for things |
616 | police | /pə•liːs/ | noun | people, often in uniforms, who solve crimes |
618 | poor | /pʊə/ | adj | without money; not rich |
790 | popular | /pɑ•pjʊ•lə/ | adj | liked or enjoyed by many people |
710 | population | /pɑ•pjʊ•lɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | number of people who live in a country, area, etc. |
426 | position | /pə•zɪ•ʃən/ | noun | specific location where someone or something is |
484 | practice | /præk•tɪs/ | verb | to do something many times to improve a skill |
604 | prepare | /prɪ•pɛɚ/ | verb | to make something ready for use |
612 | president | /prɛ•zɪ•dənt/ | noun | person in charge of a country, company, or organization |
674 | press | /prɛs/ | verb | to push something against something else |
637 | pretty | /prɪ•tɪ/ | adj | being attractive to the eye in a simple way |
648 | private | /praɪ•vɪt/ | adj | personal; not to be seen by everyone |
417 | produce | /prə•djus/ | verb | to manufacture something using machines |
713 | production | /prə•dʌk•ʃən/ | noun | process of making something on a large scale |
518 | project | /prə•dʒɛkt/ | noun | a planned piece of work for specific purpose |
748 | prove | /pruv/ | verb | to demonstrate truth by providing evidence |
799 | pull | /pʊl/ | verb | to hold something and move it toward you |
735 | purpose | /pɚ•pəs/ | noun | reason for which something is done; aim; goal |
517 | quality | /kwɑ•lɪ•tɪ/ | noun | high level of worth or excellence |
783 | quickly | /kwɪklɪ/ | adv | without taking a lot of time; fast |
732 | race | /rɛɪs/ | noun | contest between people, animals, or vehicles, to determine which is the fastest |
486 | raise | /rɛɪz/ | verb | to increase a quantity, size, intensity or price |
516 | range | /rɛɪndʒ/ | noun | limits within which something extends or varies |
774 | ready | /rɛ•dɪ/ | adj | prepared to do something |
554 | realize | /riːɚ•laɪz/ | verb | to become aware of or understand mentally |
641 | recent | /riː•snt/ | adj | happening or beginning not long ago |
638 | recently | /riːsntlɪ/ | adv | just a while ago; not long ago |
733 | recognize | /rɛ•kəg•naɪz/ | verb | to remember because you have met it before |
800 | red | /rɛd/ | adj | being the color of blood |
584 | reduce | /rɪ•djus/ | verb | to make something smaller or use less of it |
511 | regard | /rɪ•gɑɚd/ | verb | to pay attention to someone or something |
677 | region | /riːdʒən/ | noun | part of a country, of the world, area, etc. |
642 | relate | /rɪ•lɛɪt/ | verb | to understand or sympathize with someone or something |
502 | relationship | /rɪ•lɛɪ•ʃən•ʃɪp/ | noun | manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another |
786 | release | /rɪ•liːs/ | verb | to allow to leave jail, cage, prison, etc. |
658 | represent | /rɛ•prɪ•zɛnt/ | verb | to stand in the place or to act the part of |
402 | require | /rɪ•kwaɪ•ə/ | verb | to need something, to make it necessary |
423 | research | /rɪ•sɚtʃ/ | verb | to carefully study to find and report new knowledge |
681 | respect | /rɪs•pɛkt/ | verb | to think very highly of another person because of what they do |
606 | response | /rɪs•pɑns/ | noun | something said or written as an answer to something |
528 | rest | /rɛst/ | noun | time when one relaxes, sleeps, or is inactive |
730 | review | /rɪ•vju/ | verb | to carefully look at the quality of something |
462 | rise | /raɪz/ | verb | to move from a lower position to a higher one |
545 | risk | /rɪsk/ | verb | to take the chance that you may do something dangerous |
521 | road | /roʊd/ | noun | long piece of hard land for cars to travel on |
468 | role | /roʊl/ | noun | character played by an actor |
519 | round | /raʊnd/ | adj | being in the shape of a circle or ball |
415 | rule | /rul/ | noun | statement that says how things should be |
566 | save | /sɛɪv/ | verb | to rescue someone or something from a bad situation |
750 | season | /siː•zn/ | noun | one of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time |
668 | section | /sɛk•ʃən/ | noun | one of the parts that form something |
541 | security | /sɪ•kjʊə•rɪ•tɪ/ | noun | things done to protect people, buildings, a country, etc., from harm |
778 | seek | /siːk/ | verb | to search for; to try to find; look for |
418 | sell | /sɛl/ | verb | to exchange something for money |
412 | sense | /sɛns/ | verb | to perceive using sight, sound, taste touch or hearing |
723 | series | /siːɚ•riːz/ | noun | number of things that happen one after another |
796 | serious | /siːɚ•riːɚs/ | adj | needing thought or concentration; important; in a sober manner |
534 | serve | /sɚv/ | verb | to give or provide something to another person |
437 | shop | /ʃɑp/ | noun | place which sells things |
419 | short | /ʃoɚt/ | noun | small distance from one end to the other |
500 | sign | /saɪn/ | noun | something such as a mark or event that shows that something exists, is true, is happening or will happen |
720 | significant | /sɪg•nɪ•fɪ•kənt/ | adj | large enough to be noticed or have an effect; important |
594 | similar | /sɪ•mɪ•lə/ | adj | nearly the same |
688 | simple | /sɪm•pl/ | adj | not hard to understand or do; not complex |
626 | simply | /sɪm•plɪ/ | adv | in an easy or clear manner |
557 | single | /sɪŋ•gl/ | adj | only, merely |
494 | site | /saɪt/ | noun | present, former, or future location of something, such as a building |
430 | situation | /sɪ•tjʊ•ɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | condition, location or position |
705 | size | /saɪz/ | noun | how big or small a thing is |
685 | skill | /skɪl/ | noun | ability to do something well |
562 | society | /sə•saɪ•ə•tɪ/ | noun | community of people living together |
788 | solution | /sə•lu•ʃən/ | noun | something that ends a problem |
439 | someone | /sʌ•mwʌn/ | pron | person who is not known or named |
444 | sometimes | /sʌm•taɪmz/ | adv | only at certain times; occasionally |
687 | son | /sʌn/ | noun | male child; friendly way of addressing a boy |
765 | sorry | /sɑ•rɪ/ | itj | what you say to admit you were wrong |
623 | source | /soɚs/ | noun | produces or provides what is wanted or needed |
552 | space | /spɛɪs/ | noun | empty area with nothing in it |
443 | special | /spɛ•ʃəl/ | adj | different from what is usual; better or greater than normal |
791 | specific | /spɪ•sɪ•fɪk/ | adj | special or particular; clearly presented or stated |
603 | sport | /spoɚt/ | noun | game or physical exercise with rules |
431 | staff | /stɑɚf/ | noun | employees of a company |
551 | stage | /stɛɪdʒ/ | noun | place where actors or musician perform for others |
547 | standard | /stæn•dəd/ | adj | accepted level of quality; an official measurement |
769 | statement | /stɛɪt•mənt/ | noun | act or process of saying something formally |
709 | station | /stɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | place where you can catch a train or a bus |
477 | step | /stɛp/ | noun | flat horizontal piece that forms stairs |
691 | stock | /stɑk/ | noun | piece of a business bought in the form of shares |
617 | store | /stoɚ/ | noun | place where you can go to buy things |
598 | street | /striːt/ | noun | road in a city with buildings and places to walk |
776 | strike | /straɪk/ | verb | to hit something |
461 | strong | /strɑŋ/ | adj | having big muscles; physically powerful |
667 | structure | /strʌk•tʃə/ | noun | way something is built, arranged, or organized |
752 | stuff | /stʌf/ | noun | generic description for things, materials, objects |
725 | success | /sək•sɛs/ | noun | achievement of a desired purpose or goal |
654 | summer | /sʌ•mə/ | noun | part of the year when the weather is hot |
610 | suppose | /sə•poʊz/ | verb | to imagine or guess what might happen |
634 | surprise | /sə•praɪz/ | verb | to do something that another person didn't expect |
450 | table | /tɛɪ•bl/ | noun | raised flat surface |
797 | target | /tɑɚ•gɪt/ | noun | a goal or amount you are trying to achieve |
787 | tax | /tæks/ | noun | money taken by a government from its people |
539 | teach | /tiːtʃ/ | verb | to help someone learn or do something |
496 | teacher | /tiː•tʃə/ | noun | person who teaches others, especially in a school |
407 | team | /tiːm/ | noun | group of people working on a task together |
563 | technology | /tɛk•nɑ•lə•dʒɪ/ | noun | use or knowledge of science in industry, engineering, etc. |
795 | television | /tɛ•lɪ•vɪ•ʒən/ | noun | device that broadcasts programs, movies, or show |
480 | themselves | /ðəm•sɛlvz/ | pron | reflexive form of they |
525 | therefore | /ðɛɚ•foɚ/ | adv | for that reason |
684 | thus | /ðʌs/ | adv | therefore; so; as a result |
726 | tomorrow | /tə•mɑ•roʊ/ | adv | day after today |
569 | total | /toʊ•tl/ | noun | whole number or amount of something |
406 | toward | /tə•woɚd/ | adv | facing or moving in the direction of something |
544 | trade | /trɛɪd/ | verb | to buy, sell and exchange goods in business |
503 | travel | /træ•vl/ | verb | to go to a place that is far away |
738 | tree | /triː/ | noun | tall green plants in a forest |
478 | true | /tru/ | adv | agreeing with the facts; not false; real or actual |
780 | unit | /ju•nɪt/ | noun | single thing or person; a part of something larger |
579 | upon | /ə•pɑn/ | prep | more formal term for on |
555 | usually | /juʒəlɪ/ | adv | normally; regularly |
682 | various | /vɛɚ•riːɚs/ | adj | several; consisting of different things or types |
607 | voice | /voɪs/ | noun | sound made when you speak or sing |
548 | vote | /voʊt/ | verb | to make a choice for or against, as in an election |
403 | wait | /wɛɪt/ | verb | to spend time until an expected thing happens |
722 | wall | /woɚl/ | noun | high, flat side of a room or building |
435 | war | /woɚ/ | noun | situation where armies fight each other |
526 | wear | /wɛɚ/ | verb | to have clothes, glasses, shoes, etc., on your body |
675 | whatever | /wɑt•ɛ•və/ | det | anything or everything needed; no matter what |
482 | white | /waɪt/ | adj | lightest color; the color of fresh snow and milk |
753 | wide | /waɪd/ | adj | having a great distance from one side to the other |
602 | wife | /waɪf/ | noun | married woman |
734 | window | /wɪn•doʊ/ | noun | opening in a wall or door to let in light |
524 | wish | /wɪʃ/ | verb | to want something to happen or to become true |
665 | wonder | /wʌn•də/ | noun | surprise caused by experiencing something amazing |
673 | worker | /wɚ•kə/ | noun | person who works |
653 | worry | /wʌ•rɪ/ | verb | to feel concerned or troubled about something |
575 | wrong | /rɑŋ/ | adj | not right, incorrect; not true; bad |
703 | yesterday | /jɛs•tə•dɪ/ | adv | day before today |