Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
agenda | /ə•dʒɛn•də/ | noun | a list of subjects that people will discuss at a meeting |
dispute | /dɪs•pjut/ | noun | argument between two or more parties about something |
edition | /ɪ•dɪ•ʃən/ | noun | a particular version of something that is sold to the public |
elderly | /ɛl•də•lɪ/ | adv | a polite word for 'old', used to describe people |
emphasis | /ɛm•fə•sɪs/ | noun | particular importance to the way something is said |
enterprise | /ɛn•tə•praɪz/ | noun | a business or organization |
entertainment | /ɛn•tə•tɛɪn•mənt/ | noun | activities that make people have a good time by singing, telling jokes, etc. |
equivalent | /ɪ•kwɪ•və•lənt/ | adj | being about equal in value, use or meaning |
framework | /frɛɪ•mwɚk/ | noun | basic structure of something |
gay | /gɛɪ/ | noun | person attracted to someone of the same sex |
honest | /ɑ•nɪst/ | adj | good; always telling the truth and not stealing |
inch | /ɪntʃ/ | noun | a measure of length; 1/12 of a foot (2.54 centimeters) |
preparation | /prɛ•pə•rɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | getting ready for something |
publication | /pʌb•lɪ•kɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | process of producing a book or magazine |
restrict | /rɪs•trɪkt/ | verb | to prevent from doing something |
retail | /riː•tɛɪl/ | adj | concerning the business of selling products to the public for personal use |
silver | /sɪl•və/ | noun | expensive, near white color metal (symbol Ag) |
slight | /slaɪt/ | adj | very small in degree or amount |
solid | /sɑ•lɪd/ | adj | firm or hard; not a gas or liquid |
trace | /trɛɪs/ | verb | to find, describe or discover by investigation |
undertake | /ʌn•də•tɛɪk/ | verb | to begin or attempt, commit oneself to and begin |
unknown | /ʌn•noʊn/ | noun | not familiar or famous |
unlikely | /ʌn•laɪk•lɪ/ | adv | not being likely to happen or not likely to be the truth |
wire | /waɪ•ə/ | noun | thin, flexible thread of metal |
zone | /zoʊn/ | noun | area of space used for a particular reason |