Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
behave | /bɪ•hɛɪv/ | verb | to act in a particular way; to act correctly |
consult | /kən•sʌlt/ | verb | to discuss something to make a decision |
dimension | /dɪ•mɛn•ʃən/ | noun | measurement of length, width, or height |
exam | /ɪg•zæm/ | noun | test of your knowledge or ability in something |
extensive | /ɪks•tɛn•sɪv/ | adj | large; full or complete |
god | /gɑd/ | noun | a being with special powers that cannot be explained by nature |
harm | /hɑɚm/ | verb | to hurt, damage, or cause problems |
impress | /ɪm•prɛs/ | verb | to make someone admire or respect another person or thing |
independence | /ɪn•dɪ•pɛn•dəns/ | noun | having the freedom to make your own decisions |
infection | /ɪn•fɛk•ʃən/ | noun | act or state of becoming infected with a disease |
inner | /ɪ•nə/ | adj | concerning the inside part of something |
interpret | /ɪn•tɚ•prɪt/ | verb | to repeat what was said in another language |
intervention | /ɪn•tɚ•vɛn•ʃən/ | noun | involvement in a situation to prevent future problems |
loud | /laʊd/ | adj | making a lot of noise |
pink | /pɪŋk/ | adj | pale red color |
portion | /poɚ•ʃən/ | noun | part of a whole |
radical | /ræ•dɪ•kəl/ | adj | very new and different from what is traditional |
shadow | /ʃæ•doʊ/ | noun | dark shape that appears when something stops the light |
similarly | /sɪmələlɪ/ | adv | in away that is almost the same as something or someone else |
smooth | /smuð/ | adj | something that feels pleasant and flat when you touch it; not rough |
strip | /strɪp/ | verb | to take something away from (someone) |
subsequent | /sʌb•sɪ•kwənt/ | adj | happening after |
substance | /sʌb•stəns/ | noun | particular type of material |
sugar | /ʃʊ•gə/ | noun | white sweet substance used to make foods sweeter |
vice | /vaɪ•sɪ/ | noun | type of evildoing |