Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
analyst | /æ•nə•lɪst/ | noun | someone who is skilled at studying details of data |
apartment | /ə•pɑɚt•mənt/ | noun | set of rooms to live in on one floor of a building |
badly | /bædlɪ/ | adv | not in a good way; not as wanted or liked |
boundary | /baʊn•də•rɪ/ | noun | where one area ends and another begins |
cake | /kɛɪk/ | noun | a sweet baked food made from flour, eggs, fat and sugar |
constantly | /kɑnstəntlɪ/ | adv | happening a lot or all the time |
demonstration | /dɛ•məns•trɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | explanation of how something works |
disorder | /dɪs•oɚ•də/ | noun | a lack of organization |
essay | /ɛ•sɛɪ/ | noun | short written work that displays someone's opinions or beliefs regarding a particular subject |
everyday | /ɛ•vrɪ•dɛɪ/ | adj | used or seen daily; suitable for daily use; ordinary |
expansion | /ɪks•pæn•ʃən/ | noun | act of expanding or becoming bigger |
foundation | /faʊn•dɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | underground base on which building is constructed |
furniture | /fɚ•nɪ•tʃə/ | noun | items such as tables, chairs, beds or closets |
muscle | /mʌ•sl/ | noun | a body tissue that can become longer or shorter and moves the body |
platform | /plæt•foɚm/ | noun | a raised area for people to stand on |
pollution | /pə•lu•ʃən/ | noun | dirty or dangerous waste released into an environment |
ratio | /rɛɪ•ʃɪ•oʊ/ | noun | two numbers that show the relationship between two groups of people or things |
restriction | /rɪs•trɪk•ʃən/ | noun | a rule or law that limits what people can do |
scare | /skɛɚ/ | verb | to make someone feel frightened or worried |
scream | /skriːm/ | verb | to make a sudden loud cry |
steel | /stiːl/ | noun | very strong metal made of iron and other substances mixed together |
symbol | /sɪm•bəl/ | noun | action, object that represents a particular idea or quality |
transform | /træns•foɚm/ | verb | to change the shape of something completely |
withdraw | /wɪð•droɚ/ | verb | pull back; move away or backward from something |
wound | /waʊnd/ | noun | an injury to the body that is caused when something breaks the skin |