Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
anymore | /ɛni•moɚ/ | adv | no longer; no more |
beside | /bɪ•saɪd/ | prep | by the side of something; next to something |
convert | /kən•vɚt/ | verb | to change form, character, or function to another |
devote | /dɪ•voʊt/ | verb | to decide to use or give something for something else |
disaster | /dɪ•zɑɚs•tə/ | noun | something that causes a lot of harm or damage |
external | /ɛks•tɚ•nL/ | adj | outside of something |
fascinate | /fæ•sɪ•nɛɪt/ | verb | attract or interest greatly |
heavily | /hɛvɪlɪ/ | adv | a lot or to a great degree |
hero | /hiːɚ•roʊ/ | noun | person of great courage and strength who saves others |
justify | /dʒʌs•tɪ•faɪ/ | verb | to give reasons why you did something or why it is right |
meter | /miː•tə/ | noun | unit of length equal to 100 cm or about 39 inches |
nose | /noʊz/ | noun | part of the face used for breathing and smelling |
pace | /pɛɪ•sɪ/ | noun | speed at which someone or something moves or happens |
perceive | /pɚ•siːv/ | verb | to notice or become aware of something |
routine | /ru•tiːn/ | noun | happening or done regularly or frequently |
sail | /sɛɪl/ | verb | to travel on water in a ship or boat |
sink | /sɪŋk/ | verb | to go down below the surface of water, mud, etc. |
spare | /spɛɚ/ | adj | kept as something extra that can be used if it is needed |
stare | /stɛɚ/ | verb | to look at someone or something for a long time |
steady | /stɛ•dɪ/ | adj | firmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking, rocking or likely to fall over |
supporter | /sə•poɚ•tə/ | noun | someone who shows they are in favor of idea/plan |
terrorist | /tɛ•rə•rɪst/ | noun | a person who uses fear or violence for a political purpose |
truck | /trʌk/ | noun | a large road vehicle used to carry things |
vital | /vaɪ•tl/ | adj | necessary |
whenever | /wɛn•ɛ•və/ | adv | at any or every time that |