NGSL Level 6 Glossary
Unit 6

anger /æŋ•gə/ verb to make someone mad, upset, or annoyed
apparent /ə•pæ•rənt/ adj easy to see or clearly understand
currency /kʌ•rən•sɪ/ noun money system that a country uses
database /deɪ•tə•beɪs/ noun information stored in a computer in an organized way
depression /dɪ•prɛ•ʃən/ noun feeling of great sadness
distinction /dɪs•tɪŋ•kʃən/ noun special quality that makes something different
evaluate /ɪ•væ•ljʊ•ɛɪt/ verb to form an idea to judge something carefully
guilty /gɪl•tɪ/ adj having done something bad or illegal
height /haɪt/ noun distance of something from the bottom to the top
incorporate /ɪn•koɚ•pə•rɛɪt/ verb to include or involve as part of something else
initially /ɪ'nɪʃəlɪ/ adv at the beginning
mom /mɑːm/ noun mother
naturally /nætʃrəlɪ/ adv as someone would expect; not surprising
obligation /ɑb•lɪ•gɛɪ•ʃən/ noun something that you do because it is your duty or because you feel you have to
perception /pɚ•sɛp•ʃən/ noun way in which one sees or understands something
pour /poɚ/ verb to make a liquid flow from one container into another
pub /pʌb/ noun a place that sells alcohol and food
rarely /rɛɚlɪ/ adv in an infrequent manner
satisfaction /sæ•tɪs•fæk•ʃən/ noun happy feeling because of something that you did
sir /sɚ/ noun form of address to a man you respect
stream /striːm/ noun small river
sweep /swiːp/ verb to remove dust or dirt from a surface with a broom or brush
territory /tɛ•rɪ•tə•rɪ/ noun area of land or ocean owned or controlled by a government or person
underlie /ʌn•də•laɪ/ verb to lie or exist beneath
western /wɛs•tən/ adj coming from, found in, or facing towards the west