Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
advocate | /æd•və•kɛɪt/ | verb | to publicly support a belief, or to request change |
characterize | /kæ•rɪk•tə•raɪz/ | verb | to describe the qualities of person, place, thing |
conventional | /kən•vɛn•ʃə•nL/ | adj | following the common attitudes and practices |
deposit | /dɪ•pɑ•zɪt/ | noun | money that is given for a special purpose such as proof that you will buy something, or as savings in a bank |
digital | /dɪ•dʒɪ•tl/ | adj | using electronic signals or computers |
edit | /ɛ•dɪt/ | verb | to check and makes changes before publication |
entitle | /ɪn•taɪ•tl/ | verb | to give the right to do or have something to someone |
establishment | /ɪs•tæb•lɪʃ•mənt/ | noun | organization, institution or place to do business |
exact | /ɪg•zækt/ | adj | completely correct; accurate; specific |
exposure | /ɪks•poʊ•ʒə/ | noun | state of experiencing something directly |
formation | /foɚ•mɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | process of creating, or making into a particular shape |
grab | /græb/ | verb | to quickly reach out and take something in your hand. |
involvement | /ɪn'vɑlvmənt/ | noun | act or process of joining in a particular activity |
lend | /lɛnd/ | verb | to give to someone for a while before it is returned |
overseas | /oʊ•və•siːz/ | adv | in or to a foreign country that is across a sea |
pen | /pɛn/ | noun | something you write with that uses ink |
pleasant | /plɛ•znt/ | adj | causing a good feeling |
recovery | /rɪ•kʌ•və•rɪ/ | noun | process of returning to a former state after problems |
rough | /rʌf/ | adj | not smooth, gentle, or careful |
seal | /siːl/ | verb | to make something so that it does not leak air or water |
specify | /spɛ•sɪ•faɪ/ | verb | to state, name or mention exactly and clearly |
summary | /sʌ•mə•rɪ/ | noun | brief statement that gives the most important information |
tower | /toʊ•ə/ | noun | tall, narrow building |
translate | /træns•lɛɪt/ | verb | to change words from one language into another |
tube | /tjub/ | noun | long, hollow object |