Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
414 | add | /æd/ | verb | to put two things or numbers together (e.g., 2+2) |
420 | agree | /əˈgri/ | verb | to have the same opinion as someone else |
405 | appear | /əˈpɪər/ | verb | to be seen, become visible; come into sight |
411 | black | /blæk/ | adj | color of the sky on a dark night |
401 | body | /ˈbɑd.i/ | noun | a person's physical self |
408 | easy | /ˈi.zi/ | adj | not hard to do; not difficult |
410 | full | /fʊl/ | adj | containing or holding as much as possible |
404 | general | /ˈdʒɛn.ər.əl/ | adj | widespread, normal or usual |
409 | individual | /ˌɪn.dəˈvɪdʒ.u.əl/ | noun | single person, looked at separately from others |
416 | pass | /pæs/ | verb | to travel through or near a place |
413 | perhaps | /pərˈhæps/ | adv | possibly, but not certainly; maybe |
417 | produce | /prəˈdus/ | verb | to manufacture something using machines |
402 | require | /rɪˈkwaɪər/ | verb | to need something, to make it necessary |
415 | rule | /rul/ | noun | statement that says how things should be |
418 | sell | /sɛl/ | verb | to exchange something for money |
412 | sense | /sɛns/ | verb | to perceive using sight, sound, taste touch or hearing |
419 | short | /ʃɔrt/ | noun | small distance from one end to the other |
407 | team | /tim/ | noun | group of people working on a task together |
406 | toward | /təˈwɔrd/ | adv | facing or moving in the direction of something |
403 | wait | /weɪt/ | verb | to spend time until an expected thing happens |