Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
2542 | abortion | /əˈbɔr.ʃən/ | noun | a medical operation to end the time when a female is going to have a baby |
2721 | abstract | /ˈæb.strækt/ | adj | concerning something that doesn't exist physically |
2428 | acceptable | /ækˈsɛp.tə.bəl/ | adj | satisfactory; good enough |
2456 | accomplish | /əˈkɑm.plɪʃ/ | verb | to succeed in doing; complete successfully |
2717 | adjustment | /əˈdʒʌst.mənt/ | noun | a small change to make something function better |
2667 | adventure | /ædˈvɛn.tʃər/ | noun | an exciting and often dangerous experience |
2467 | aggressive | /əˈgrɛs.ɪv/ | adj | behaving in a very threatening way |
2602 | airline | /ˈɛərˌlaɪn/ | noun | company that flies passengers in its planes |
2562 | allege | /əˈlɛdʒ/ | verb | to state without proof |
2766 | alongside | /əˈlɔŋˈsaɪd/ | prep | side by side with something |
2801 | alright | /ɔlˈraɪt/ | adv | good; acceptable |
2678 | altogether | /ˈɔl.təˌgɛð.ər/ | adv | completely and fully |
2603 | amendment | /əˈmɛnd.mənt/ | noun | a change, addition, or improvement to something |
2458 | announcement | /əˈnaʊns.mɛnt/ | noun | act of informing people about something publicly |
2666 | anxious | /ˈæŋk.ʃəs/ | adj | afraid of what may happen; worried and nervous |
2427 | architecture | /ˈɑr.kɪˌtɛk.tʃər/ | noun | design and construction of buildings |
2806 | ashamed | /əˈʃeɪmd/ | adj | feeling shame or guilt because you did something wrong |
2493 | assign | /əˈsaɪn/ | verb | to give someone a particular job or something to do |
2759 | athlete | /ˈæθ.lit/ | noun | person trained to compete in sports |
2794 | attachment | /əˈtætʃ.mənt/ | noun | strong affection for someone |
2751 | attendance | /əˈtɛn.dəns/ | noun | state of being present at a place or event |
2670 | attraction | /əˈtræk.ʃən/ | noun | interesting place people want to visit |
2781 | aunt | /ɑnt/ | noun | sister of your father or mother or the wife of your uncle |
2521 | automatically | /ˌɔ.təˈmæt.ɪk.li/ | adv | in a way not requiring control by a person |
2792 | autumn | /ˈɔ.təm/ | noun | season when the weather is getting colder, between summer and winter |
2423 | awareness | /əˈwɛər.nɪs/ | noun | having knowledge of something |
2626 | barely | /ˈbɛər.li/ | adv | almost not possible or does not happen |
2402 | barrier | /ˈbær.i.ər/ | noun | structure or object that stops free movement |
2691 | bell | /bɛl/ | noun | a hollow metal object shaped like a cup that rings when it is hit |
2622 | belt | /bɛlt/ | noun | band of material worn around a person's waist |
2649 | bias | /ˈbaɪ.əs/ | noun | a strong feeling not based on facts to believe one thing over another |
2556 | bin | /bɪn/ | noun | a container for storing things |
2658 | biological | /ˌbaɪ.əˈlɑdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | something related to life and living things |
2663 | bite | /baɪt/ | verb | to press down on or cut into something with the teeth |
2601 | bless | /blɛs/ | verb | to ask the gods to protect someone or something |
2808 | blog | /blɑɡ/ | noun | a website with regularly updated short articles and opinions about a particular topic |
2545 | boom | /bum/ | verb | to make a deep hollow resonant sound |
2539 | boost | /bust/ | verb | to help increasing progress or growth |
2463 | brush | /brʌʃ/ | noun | thing used to comb your hair or to clean the floor |
2612 | bunch | /bʌntʃ/ | noun | group of things of the same kind |
2436 | burst | /bərst/ | verb | to break in a sudden and violent way |
2406 | bury | /ˈbɛr.i/ | verb | to put something into the ground and cover it |
2438 | buyer | /ˈbaɪ.ər/ | noun | someone who gets something by paying money for it |
2583 | carbon | /ˈkɑr.bən/ | noun | a chemical element (C) found in all living things |
2680 | carpet | /ˈkɑr.pɪt/ | noun | colored floor covering made of wool or other material |
2673 | castle | /ˈkæ.səl/ | noun | a strong building used in the past to protect people in times of war |
2651 | catalog | /ˈkæt.lˌɔg/ | noun | list of items that are available for purchase |
2477 | celebration | /ˌsɛl.əˈbreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | special event where people show the importance of something |
2517 | ceremony | /ˈsɛr.əˌmoʊ.ni/ | noun | special social or religious event |
2531 | chamber | /ˈtʃeɪm.bər/ | noun | a room or space inside something used for a special purpose |
2446 | champion | /ˈtʃæm.pi.ən/ | noun | person who fights for or supports strongly |
2640 | championship | /ˈtʃæm.pi.ənˌʃɪp/ | noun | sports competition to find the best player or team |
2706 | chase | /tʃeɪs/ | verb | to follow and try to catch someone or something |
2534 | chat | /tʃæt/ | verb | to talk in a friendly and relaxed manner |
2793 | cheek | /tʃik/ | noun | soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes |
2585 | cheese | /tʃiz/ | noun | a yellow or white food made from milk |
2468 | chest | /tʃɛst/ | noun | the front of your body between your neck and your waist |
2620 | chocolate | /ˈtʃɔ.kə.lɪt/ | noun | a sweet brown food made from cocoa beans |
2607 | civilian | /sɪˈvɪl.jən/ | noun | ordinary person who is not in the army |
2480 | classical | /ˈklæs.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | concerning ideas considered to be traditional |
2529 | clause | /klɔz/ | noun | a separate part of a contract, a will, or another legal document |
2514 | click | /klɪk/ | noun | to press a button |
2535 | clothing | /ˈkloʊ.ðɪŋ/ | noun | things you wear on your body |
2681 | cluster | /ˈklʌs.tər/ | verb | to come together to form a group of people, animals, or things |
2430 | coal | /kəʊl/ | noun | dark hard substance from the earth burnt as a fuel |
2609 | coin | /kɔɪn/ | noun | a small, flat piece of metal used as money |
2705 | comedy | /ˈkɑm.ə.di/ | noun | light or funny play or film, usually with a happy ending |
2479 | compensation | /ˌkɑm.pənˈseɪ.ʃən/ | noun | money given or received as payment for loss |
2644 | complexity | /kəmˈplɛk.sɪ.ti/ | noun | state of having many parts and not being simple |
2579 | compose | /kəmˈpoʊz/ | verb | to come together to form or make something |
2608 | composition | /ˌkɑm.pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ | noun | something that is created from different parts to make something new |
2739 | comprise | /kəmˈpraɪz/ | verb | to make up or form something |
2455 | compromise | /ˈkɑm.prəˌmaɪz/ | verb | an agreement in which each side must give up some things |
2769 | compute | /kəmˈpjut/ | verb | to find out by calculating or estimating |
2569 | concrete | /ˈkɑn.krit/ | noun | hard substance used in building made by mixing cement, sand, small stones, and water |
2682 | confusion | /kənˈfju.ʒən/ | noun | not knowing what to do |
2549 | consequently | /ˈkɑn.sɪˌkwɛnt.li/ | adv | therefore; as a result of something |
2554 | constraint | /kənˈstreɪnt/ | noun | something that limits or prevents someone or something from moving |
2659 | consume | /kənˈsum/ | verb | to eat, drink, buy or use up something |
2462 | contest | /ˈkɑn.tɛst/ | noun | an event in which people try to win |
2652 | continuous | /kənˈtɪn.ju.əs/ | adj | happening without stops |
2685 | controversial | /ˌkɑn.trəˈvɜr.ʃəl/ | adj | causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict |
2606 | cooperation | /koʊˌɑp.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | a situation where everyone works together to get something done |
2774 | cough | /kɑf/ | verb | to force air through your throat with a short, loud noise |
2407 | counsel | /ˈkaʊn.səl/ | verb | to listen and give expert advice to someone |
2412 | counter | /ˈkaʊn.tər/ | noun | a long, flat surface in a shop or kitchen where work is done |
2551 | cow | /kaʊ/ | noun | large farm animal from which we get milk and beef |
2567 | craft | /kræft/ | verb | to make by hand and with much skill |
2526 | creature | /ˈkri.tʃər/ | noun | animal of any type |
2543 | curious | /ˈkjʊər.i.əs/ | adj | wanting to know more about something |
2778 | curtain | /ˈkɜr.tən/ | noun | piece of cloth used to cover a window |
2571 | damn | /dæm/ | verb | to say someone should be punished for their bad behavior |
2401 | dare | /dɛər/ | verb | to have enough courage to do something |
2780 | darkness | /ˈdɑrk.nɪs/ | noun | quality of no or little light |
2449 | dedicate | /ˈdɛd.ɪˌkeɪt/ | verb | to give your energy, time, etc., completely to someone |
2483 | deficit | /ˈdɛf.ə.sɪt/ | noun | an amount that is less than needed |
2547 | democratic | /ˌdɛm.əˈkræt.ɪk/ | adj | of democracy; entitling the people to power |
2788 | density | /ˈdɛn.sɪ.ti/ | noun | number of people or things in a particular area |
2434 | depress | /dɪˈprɛs/ | verb | to make someone feel very sad; to reduce the value of something |
2588 | destruction | /dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/ | noun | damaging something so badly that it no longer exists |
2677 | determination | /dɪˌtɜr.məˈneɪ.ʃən/ | noun | will to achieve a goal despite difficulties |
2650 | differently | /ˈdɪf.ər.ənt.li/ | adv | in a way that is not the same |
2503 | disagree | /ˌdɪs.əˈgri/ | verb | to have a different opinion from someone |
2724 | distant | /ˈdɪs.tənt/ | adj | existing or happening far away in space |
2572 | distinct | /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ | adj | clearly different in nature from something else |
2561 | diversity | /daɪˈvɜr.sɪ.ti/ | noun | state or quality of having a range of different things |
2404 | divorce | /dɪˈvɔrs/ | noun | legal ending of a marriage |
2524 | dramatically | /drəˈmæt.ɪk.li/ | adv | in a sudden or extreme manner |
2448 | dust | /dʌst/ | noun | fine dry powder that builds up on surfaces |
2420 | electric | /ɪˈlɛk.trɪk/ | adj | using a particular type of energy carried through metal wire |
2464 | embarrass | /ɛmˈbær.əs/ | verb | to cause someone to feel uncomfortable about something |
2472 | embrace | /ɛmˈbreɪs/ | verb | to hold someone closely |
2748 | empire | /ˈɛm.paɪər/ | noun | group of countries controlled by one government |
2491 | entertain | /ˌɛn.tərˈteɪn/ | verb | to take care of guests by helping them enjoy their time |
2656 | envelope | /ˈɛn.vəˌloʊp/ | noun | cover for a letter or card |
2489 | equation | /ɪˈkweɪ.ʒən/ | noun | a statement showing things to be equal |
2454 | evaluation | /ɪˌvæl.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | judgment about the value or condition of something |
2422 | evolution | /ˌɛv.əˈlu.ʃən/ | noun | slow, steady change or development |
2536 | evolve | /ɪˈvɑlv/ | verb | to slowly change or develop into something better |
2508 | exceed | /ɪkˈsid/ | verb | to be greater in number than something |
2643 | excess | /ˈɛk.sɛs/ | noun | amount that is more than necessary |
2741 | excitement | /ɪkˈsaɪt.mənt/ | noun | when people feel very happy and enthusiastic |
2669 | exhaust | /ɪɡˈzɑst/ | verb | to use all of something such as energy, resources, or possibilities; to make someone very, very tired |
2509 | expenditure | /ɪkˈspɛn.dɪ.tʃər/ | noun | amount of money used during a certain time |
2744 | experimental | /ɪkˌspɛr.əˈmɛn.təl/ | adj | using techniques that are different or untried before |
2647 | extract | /ˈɛk.strækt/ | verb | to take something out of something else |
2773 | fade | /feɪd/ | verb | to lose strength or freshness |
2791 | faithfully | /ˈfeɪθ.fə.li/ | adv | in a trustworthy manner |
2532 | fancy | /ˈfæn.si/ | adj | not plain or ordinary, expensive |
2492 | fantastic | /fænˈtæs.tɪk/ | adj | very fanciful in design, construction, or appearance |
2668 | fence | /fɛns/ | noun | a wooden or metal structure that separates an area |
2679 | fiction | /ˈfɪk.ʃən/ | noun | book or story including ideas, people, and events that are not real |
2719 | filter | /ˈfɪl.tər/ | noun | device to remove unwanted substances from a liquid or gas |
2635 | firmly | /ˈfɜrm.li/ | adv | in a hard, steady, unchanging way |
2665 | firstly | /ˈfɜrst.li/ | adv | before anything else |
2590 | flag | /flæɡ/ | noun | piece of cloth, frequently marked with a colorful symbol or sign |
2485 | flash | /flæʃ/ | noun | sudden bright light |
2720 | flexible | /ˈflɛk.sə.bəl/ | adj | capable of being easily bent or changed without breaking |
2416 | float | /fləʊt/ | verb | to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink |
2555 | fold | /ˈfəʊld/ | verb | to move one part of something so that it lies on top of another part |
2765 | fool | /ful/ | noun | a stupid or silly person |
2507 | forever | /fɔrˈɛv.ər/ | adv | for a very long or seemingly endless time |
2469 | format | /ˈfɔr.mæt/ | noun | form, design, or arrangement of something |
2800 | fortunate | /ˈfɔr.tʃə.nɪt/ | adj | having good luck |
2516 | fortune | /ˈfɔr.tʃən/ | noun | chance or luck, particularly good luck |
2807 | found | /faʊnd/ | verb | to start something such as a company or organization |
2784 | fragment | /ˈfræg.mənt/ | noun | part that is broken off of something |
2409 | frequent | /ˈfri.kwənt/ | adj | happening often |
2486 | friendship | /ˈfrɛnd.ʃɪp/ | noun | feeling of liking someone; good relationship |
2447 | fulfill | /fʊlˈfɪl/ | verb | to do something that was promised or required |
2755 | functional | /ˈfʌŋk.ʃə.nəl/ | adj | useful; not just for decoration |
2465 | gallery | /ˈgæl.ə.ri/ | noun | place to look at various types of art |
2772 | gaze | /geɪz/ | noun | a long continuous look at someone or something |
2513 | gear | /gɪər/ | noun | special supplies, tools, or clothes needed for a particular activity; machinery that turns power into forward or backward movement |
2466 | genetic | /dʒəˈnɛt.ɪk/ | adj | concerning the parts of a cell that determine particular characteristics |
2750 | gentle | /ˈdʒɛn.təl/ | adj | kind and quiet in nature; not harsh or violent |
2768 | gently | /ˈdʒɛnt.li/ | adv | in a mild, careful, and soft manner |
2698 | genuine | /ˈdʒɛn.ju.ɪn/ | adj | being real, actual, and not false |
2490 | gesture | /ˈdʒɛs.tʃər/ | noun | a hand or body movement that expresses a particular idea or feeling |
2460 | glance | /glɑns/ | verb | to look at someone or something quickly |
2653 | golden | /ˈgoʊl.dən/ | adj | made of valuable, heavy, yellow metal |
2478 | golf | /gɑlf/ | noun | game played to hit a ball into a hole with a stick |
2471 | govern | /ˈgʌv.ərn/ | verb | to officially control and lead an area |
2727 | grain | /greɪn/ | noun | seeds of plants used for food |
2687 | grammar | /ˈgræm.ər/ | noun | rules that explain how words are used in a language |
2604 | grandmother | /ˈgrændˌmʌð.ər/ | noun | mother of your mother or father |
2418 | greatly | /ˈgreɪt.li/ | adv | very much |
2614 | greet | /grit/ | verb | to meet someone with friendly words and actions; to welcome |
2797 | grin | /ɡrɪn/ | verb | to smile a big smile |
2655 | guideline | /ˈgaɪdˌlaɪn/ | noun | rule, instruction, or principle |
2589 | guitar | /gɪˈtɑr/ | noun | stringed musical instrument played with the fingers |
2697 | happiness | /ˈhæp.i.nɪs/ | noun | state of feeling pleased; feeling of satisfaction |
2704 | harbor | /ˈhɑr.bər/ | noun | area of water protected by land and used by ships |
2803 | hello | /hɛˈloʊ/ | intj | what you say when you meet someone |
2631 | hesitate | /ˈhɛz.ɪˌteɪt/ | verb | to stop before doing something because you are unsure what to do |
2689 | hint | /hɪnt/ | noun | information that helps you understand or do something more easily |
2495 | historic | /hɪˈstɔr.ɪk/ | adj | belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past |
2795 | holder | /ˈhoʊl.dər/ | noun | person who owns or has received something |
2690 | hook | /hʊk/ | noun | curved or bent tool |
2615 | hopefully | /ˈhoʊp.fə.li/ | adv | in a manner wishing something to happen |
2709 | horrible | /ˈhɔr.ə.bəl/ | adj | very unpleasant |
2573 | humor | /ˈhju.mər/ | noun | quality of being funny |
2804 | hunger | /ˈhʌŋ.gər/ | noun | feeling of needing to eat food |
2683 | hurry | /ˈhʌr.i/ | verb | to move quickly |
2775 | hypothesis | /haɪˈpɑθ.ə.sɪs/ | noun | idea that leads to further study or discussion |
2435 | illustration | /ˌɪl.əˈstreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | picture that helps explain something |
2502 | imagination | /ɪˌmædʒ.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ | noun | the ability to think of new ideas or things that are not real |
2642 | immigrant | /ˈɪm.ɪ.grənt/ | noun | person moving to another country to live there |
2786 | immigration | /ˌɪm.ɪˈgreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | the act of moving from one country to another for good |
2648 | implementation | /ˌɪm.plə.mənˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | making a law, system, or plan start to happen or be used |
2421 | impressive | /ɪmˈprɛs.ɪv/ | adj | something makes someone admire or respect |
2575 | indication | /ˌɪn.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | something that signals that something else exists or will happen |
2494 | inflation | /ɪnˈfleɪ.ʃən/ | noun | continual rise in the prices of products |
2496 | injure | /ˈɪn.dʒər/ | verb | do physical harm or damage |
2714 | innocent | /ˈɪn.ə.sənt/ | adj | not having done anything wrong or bad |
2565 | inquiry | /ˈɪn.kwə.ri/ | noun | request for information |
2505 | insight | /ˈɪnˌsaɪt/ | noun | a clear idea about how something works |
2745 | institutional | /ˌɪn.stɪˈtu.ʃən.əl/ | adj | concerning a large organization such as a hospital or university |
2805 | insure | /ɪnˈʃʊər/ | verb | to buy protection against possible loss or injury |
2564 | intense | /ɪnˈtɛns/ | adj | very strong, great, or extreme in degree |
2636 | interior | /ɪnˈtɪ.ri.ər/ | adj | inside part of something |
2627 | invent | /ɪnˈvɛnt/ | verb | to create something useful for the first time |
2580 | jail | /dʒeɪl/ | noun | place to hold criminals being punished for a crime |
2429 | journal | /ˈdʒɜr.nəl/ | noun | a written record of subjects or events |
2510 | joy | /dʒɔɪ/ | noun | feeling of great happiness and pleasure |
2605 | jury | /ˈdʒʊər.i/ | noun | group of people who listen to information about something and make a decision |
2657 | knife | /naɪf/ | noun | long piece of metal you use for cutting things |
2442 | laboratory | /ˈlæb.rəˌtɔr.i/ | noun | a place for doing research and experiments |
2802 | lazy | /ˈleɪ.zi/ | adj | not liking to work or make an effort |
2730 | leap | /lip/ | verb | to move forwards often in big steps |
2733 | leather | /ˈlɛð.ər/ | noun | a material made from the skin of an animal |
2645 | liability | /ˌlaɪ.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ | noun | something that is owed to someone else (e.g., a debt) |
2574 | limitation | /ˌlɪm.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | act of controlling or reducing the size of something |
2692 | liquid | /ˈlɪk.wɪd/ | noun | basic state of things that is similar to water; not solid or gas |
2785 | listener | /ˈlɪs.ə.nər/ | noun | someone who pays attention to what is said |
2488 | literally | /ˈlɪt.ər.ə.li/ | adv | in a way that expresses the exact meaning of something |
2470 | literary | /ˈlɪt.əˌrɛr.i/ | adj | concerned with written works |
2684 | logic | /ˈlɑdʒ.ɪk/ | noun | a way of thinking by using facts and reasoning |
2711 | lover | /ˈlʌv.ər/ | noun | a person who likes someone or something very strongly |
2660 | luxury | /ˈlʌk.ʃə.ri/ | noun | something expensive or costly that is not needed which is bought for pleasure |
2417 | mad | /ˈmæd/ | adj | very angry, very strong feelings, crazy |
2592 | magic | /ˈmædʒ.ɪk/ | noun | a special power that allows impossible things to happen |
2548 | maintenance | /ˈmeɪn.tə.nəns/ | noun | keeping (a machine) working by checking and fixing it |
2619 | maker | /ˈmeɪ.kər/ | noun | person, company, or object that creates things |
2453 | march | /mɑrtʃ/ | verb | to walk with regular steps as a group |
2779 | mayor | /ˈmeɪ.ər/ | noun | head of a city's government |
2431 | measurement | /ˈmɛʒ.ər.mənt/ | noun | the finding of the size or amount of something or someone |
2597 | menu | /ˈmɛn.ju/ | noun | list of dishes available at a restaurant |
2582 | mere | /mɪər/ | adj | small and unimportant |
2520 | mixture | /ˈmɪks.tʃər/ | noun | something made by combining two or more things |
2484 | modify | /ˈmɑd.əˌfaɪ/ | verb | to make small changes to something |
2790 | module | /ˈmɑdʒ.ul/ | noun | part or unit with a specific job |
2738 | monthly | /ˈmʌnθ.li/ | adv | occurring twelve times a year |
2599 | moon | /mun/ | noun | round object circling the earth at night |
2443 | mortgage | /ˈmɔr.gɪdʒ/ | noun | long-term loan from a bank for buying property |
2441 | motivate | /ˈmoʊ.təˌveɪt/ | verb | to make someone excited about doing something |
2633 | motivation | /ˌmoʊ.təˈveɪ.ʃən/ | noun | feeling in a person that makes him or her want to do something |
2410 | motor | /ˈmoʊ.tər/ | noun | a machine that uses energy to make something work or move |
2439 | mutual | /ˈmju.tʃu.əl/ | adj | shared between two or more people |
2593 | mystery | /ˈmɪs.tə.ri/ | noun | book, play, or film that deals with a solution of a strange crime |
2624 | narrative | /ˈnær.ə.tɪv/ | noun | the telling of a story |
2578 | neglect | /nɪˈglɛkt/ | verb | to fail to take care of something |
2676 | nerve | /nɜrv/ | noun | long thin cells in the body that makes feeling and movement possible |
2799 | noun | /naʊn/ | noun | a word that refers to a person, place, thing, quality, idea, or action |
2638 | nowhere | /ˈnoʊˌwɛər/ | adv | not in or at any place; no place |
2671 | ocean | /ˈoʊ.ʃən/ | noun | large body of salt water that covers most of the surface of the earth |
2461 | opera | /ˈɑp.ər.ə/ | noun | play with music in which all the words are sung |
2499 | orange | /ˈɔr.ɪndʒ/ | adj | a color that is a mixture of red and yellow |
2760 | organic | /ɔrˈgæn.ɪk/ | adj | concerning food made with few or no chemicals |
2752 | ownership | /ˈoʊ.nərˌʃɪp/ | noun | legal right to have something belong to you |
2757 | pale | /peɪl/ | adj | light in color |
2693 | panic | /ˈpæn.ɪk/ | noun | overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety |
2618 | paragraph | /ˈpɛr.əˌɡræf/ | noun | section of writing that usually deals with one subject |
2528 | participation | /pɑrˌtɪs.əˈpeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | act of being involved in something |
2527 | partnership | /ˈpɑrt.nərˌʃɪp/ | noun | working with others for some purpose |
2445 | passion | /ˈpæʃ.ən/ | noun | powerful, positive feeling about something |
2530 | penalty | /ˈpɛn.l.ti/ | noun | punishment for committing a crime or offense |
2414 | permission | /pərˈmɪʃ.ən/ | noun | right to do something as allowed by another |
2501 | personnel | /ˌpɜr.səˈnɛl/ | noun | group of people who work for a company |
2591 | piano | /piˈæn.oʊ/ | noun | keyboard instrument used for playing music |
2519 | pig | /ˈpɪɡ/ | noun | farm animal that gives bacon and ham |
2518 | pile | /paɪl/ | noun | group of things one on top of another |
2587 | pipe | /paɪp/ | noun | tube a round, hollow piece of metal, plastic, or wood |
2515 | poet | /ˈpoʊ.ɪt/ | noun | person who writes poems |
2533 | poetry | /ˈpoʊ.ɪ.tri/ | noun | poetic writing; imaginative verses |
2713 | portrait | /ˈpɔr.trɪt/ | noun | painting, drawing, or photograph of a person's head and shoulders |
2413 | possess | /pəˈzɛs/ | verb | to have or own something |
2541 | possession | /pəˈzɛʃ.ən/ | noun | having or owning something |
2550 | pot | /pɑt/ | noun | deep, round container that is used for cooking |
2623 | potato | /pəˈteɪ.toʊ/ | noun | edible vegetable |
2558 | potentially | /pəˈtɛn.ʃə.li/ | adv | that could happen or become reality |
2473 | praise | /preɪz/ | verb | to express approval of something or someone |
2639 | pray | /preɪ/ | verb | to wish or hope for something to happen or be true |
2723 | precise | /prɪˈsaɪs/ | adj | very accurate and exact expression or detail |
2743 | pregnancy | /ˈprɛg.nən.si/ | noun | time when a female is going to have a baby |
2511 | pregnant | /ˈprɛg.nənt/ | adj | when a female carries a baby inside her that is not yet born |
2600 | presumably | /prɪˈzu.mə.bli/ | adv | concerning a true or likely nature |
2560 | pretend | /prɪˈtɛnd/ | verb | to act as if something is true when it is not |
2563 | pride | /praɪd/ | noun | when you respect yourself |
2664 | printer | /ˈprɪn.tər/ | noun | machine that makes copies of papers and documents |
2437 | privilege | /ˈprɪv.lɪdʒ/ | noun | advantage or right that is given to only a certain person or group of people |
2629 | pro | /prəʊ/ | noun | someone who earns money doing something they are particularly good at |
2732 | probability | /ˌprɑb.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ | noun | what the chances are that something will happen |
2487 | profession | /prəˈfɛʃ.ən/ | noun | job requiring special education or skills |
2444 | promotion | /prəˈmoʊ.ʃən/ | noun | moving someone to a more important position |
2452 | province | /ˈprɑv.ɪns/ | noun | area that a country or nation is divided into |
2523 | psychological | /ˌsaɪ.kəˈlɑdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | having to do with the mind |
2476 | publisher | /ˈpʌb.lɪ.ʃər/ | noun | business that produces books or magazines |
2475 | pump | /pʌmp/ | verb | to make water or any other liquid move using a machine |
2753 | qualification | /ˌkwɑl.ə.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | official record proving a certain standard or level |
2672 | quietly | /ˈkwaɪ.ɪt.li/ | adv | making little sound |
2613 | racial | /ˈreɪ.ʃəl/ | adj | relating to a person's group based on inherited physical appearance |
2440 | rail | /reɪl/ | noun | long, thin piece of metal |
2432 | random | /ˈræn.dəm/ | adj | chosen or done without a plan or pattern |
2712 | rat | /ræt/ | noun | an animal that looks like a large mouse |
2686 | raw | /rɔ/ | adj | uncooked |
2596 | rear | /rɪər/ | adj | towards the back part of something |
2718 | reasonably | /ˈri.zən.ə.bli/ | adv | in a fair and just manner |
2701 | reckon | /ˈrɛk.ən/ | verb | to believe that something is true or possible; to calculate or guess |
2675 | reflection | /rɪˈflɛk.ʃən/ | noun | image that you see in a mirror, glass, or water |
2736 | refugee | /ˌrɛf.jʊˈdʒi/ | noun | a person who ran away from his or her country because of war |
2610 | regardless | /rɪˈgɑrd.lɪs/ | adj | without being affected or concerned by something difficult or troubling |
2783 | registration | /ˌrɛdʒ.əˈstreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | act of recording information on an official list |
2584 | regulate | /ˈrɛg.jəˌleɪt/ | verb | to make rules or laws to control something or someone |
2512 | reliable | /rɪˈlaɪ.ə.bəl/ | adj | deserving of your trust, dependable |
2497 | remote | /rɪˈmoʊt/ | adj | far away |
2566 | resign | /rɪˈzaɪn/ | verb | to leave a job because you want to |
2688 | revise | /rɪˈvaɪz/ | verb | to make changes to improve something |
2695 | rice | /raɪs/ | noun | white or brown grains from a plant used for food |
2403 | rid | /ˈrɪd/ | verb | to no longer be wanted so you throw it away |
2634 | romantic | /roʊˈmæn.tɪk/ | adj | related to strong feelings of love between two people |
2798 | rose | /rəʊz/ | noun | a red flower used to show love |
2450 | roughly | /ˈrʌf.li/ | adv | in an inexact or imprecise manner |
2776 | royal | /ˈrɔɪ.əl/ | adj | concerning a king or queen |
2405 | ruin | /ˈru.ɪn/ | verb | to spoil something, to make it useless |
2537 | sake | /seɪk/ | noun | interest or benefit of someone or something |
2459 | salt | /sɔlt/ | noun | natural white substance used to flavor or preserve food |
2616 | sanction | /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/ | noun | action taken to force a country to obey laws |
2611 | scan | /skæn/ | verb | to look within something for a particular person or thing |
2522 | scholar | /ˈskɑl.ər/ | noun | a person who studies and knows a lot about a particular subject |
2559 | scope | /ˈskəʊp/ | noun | range of things that something includes |
2641 | servant | /ˈsɜr.vənt/ | noun | a person who works in another person's house and takes care of them |
2762 | server | /ˈsɜr.vər/ | noun | a person or thing that brings things to you when asked to |
2726 | shade | /ʃeɪd/ | noun | area of darkness where something stops the light |
2710 | sheep | /ʃip/ | noun | farm animal kept for meat and wool |
2538 | shelf | /ʃɛlf/ | noun | flat board attached to a wall on which to store things |
2570 | shell | /ʃɛl/ | noun | hard outer covering that protects |
2581 | shelter | /ˈʃɛl.tər/ | noun | a place to live or stay that protects someone from weather |
2632 | shine | /ʃaɪn/ | verb | to make bright light |
2737 | shore | /ʃɔr/ | noun | land along the edge of an area of water |
2742 | sigh | /saɪ/ | verb | to breathe out in a way to show boredom or disappointment |
2474 | silent | /ˈsaɪ.lənt/ | adj | not speaking or making noise |
2702 | silly | /ˈsɪl.i/ | adv | lacking seriousness or foolish |
2728 | situate | /ˈsɪtʃ.uˌeɪt/ | verb | to place someone or something in a particular place or position |
2594 | ski | /ski/ | noun | one of a pair of long flat boards attached to boots for moving smoothly over snow |
2451 | skirt | /skɜrt/ | noun | piece of clothing for the lower body worn by women |
2425 | slave | /sleɪv/ | noun | someone who is legally owned by another person |
2746 | slice | /slaɪs/ | noun | a flat piece of food that has been cut from a bigger piece |
2696 | slope | /sloʊp/ | noun | an area of land that is higher on one side than the other |
2731 | snap | /snæp/ | verb | to break something long and thin |
2796 | solar | /ˈsoʊ.lər/ | adj | to do with the sun, like sunlight or the heat from the sun |
2598 | species | /ˈspi.siz/ | noun | a group of related animals or plant |
2576 | stability | /stəˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ | noun | quality of not being easily moved or changed |
2758 | stain | /steɪn/ | verb | to mark or change the color of something so it looks dirty |
2630 | stair | /stɛər/ | noun | steps that go from one level to another |
2525 | stake | /steɪk/ | verb | a strong stick with a pointed end that you push into the ground |
2654 | stamp | /stæmp/ | noun | small piece of paper you buy to put on a letter that you mail |
2621 | stimulate | /ˈstɪm.jəˌleɪt/ | verb | excite to action |
2740 | stir | /stɜr/ | verb | to mix something by making circular movements in it with a tool |
2637 | stomach | /ˈstʌm.ək/ | noun | place in the body where food is broken down so your body can use it |
2707 | storage | /ˈstɔr.ɪdʒ/ | noun | a safe place to keep something until it is needed |
2725 | stranger | /ˈstreɪn.dʒər/ | noun | someone you do not know |
2552 | strengthen | /ˈstrɛŋ.θən/ | verb | to make something stronger |
2568 | strict | /strɪkt/ | adj | must be obeyed |
2763 | structural | /ˈstrʌk.tʃər.əl/ | adj | related to the way something is built or organized |
2749 | subsequently | /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt.li/ | adv | after something else has happened |
2715 | substitute | /ˈsʌb.stɪˌtut/ | noun | person or thing that takes the place of something |
2433 | successfully | /səkˈsɛs.fəl/ | adv | in a manner that achieves a goal |
2729 | summarize | /ˈsʌm.əˌraɪz/ | verb | to state the main or most important ideas of something |
2716 | supplement | /ˈsʌp.lə.mənt/ | noun | something added to another thing to make it better |
2646 | surprisingly | /sərˈpraɪ.zɪŋ.li/ | adv | in an unexpected way |
2411 | survival | /sərˈvaɪ.vəl/ | noun | act of continuing to exist when facing difficulty |
2754 | suspend | /səˈspɛnd/ | verb | to stop something for a period of time; to interrupt |
2735 | swear | /swɛər/ | verb | to make a serious promise to do something |
2506 | tackle | /ˈtæk.əl/ | verb | to take action to solve a difficult problem |
2540 | tail | /teɪl/ | noun | back end of an animal's body that sticks out |
2546 | tale | /teɪl/ | noun | story about colorful and imaginary events |
2408 | tendency | /ˈtɛn.dən.si/ | noun | quality that something happens or someone behaves in a particular way |
2787 | tender | /ˈtɛn.dər/ | adj | loving and gentle |
2722 | tent | /tɛnt/ | noun | portable cloth shelter used outdoors |
2777 | theoretical | /ˌθi.əˈrɛt.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | involving the uncertain or yet to be proved parts of a particular subject |
2498 | therapy | /ˈθɛr.ə.pi/ | noun | treatment intended to help fix your problem or medical illness |
2809 | thirst | /θɜrst/ | noun | need for something to drink |
2504 | throat | /ˈθrəʊt/ | noun | passage inside the neck used to swallow and breathe |
2625 | tissue | /ˈtɪʃ.u/ | noun | piece of thin, soft paper |
2761 | tongue | /tʌŋ/ | noun | part of the mouth that tastes food and is used for speaking |
2628 | tourism | /ˈtʊər.ɪz.əm/ | noun | traveling to new places (e.g., abroad, for vacations) |
2782 | tournament | /ˈtʊər.nə.mənt/ | noun | a competition made up of a series of games between many competitors |
2703 | transportation | /ˌtræns.pərˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another |
2617 | trick | /trɪk/ | verb | to make someone believe something that is not true |
2586 | trigger | /ˈtrɪg.ər/ | verb | to make something start happening |
2500 | twist | /twɪst/ | verb | to turn something in opposite directions at the same time |
2789 | ugly | /ˈʌg.li/ | adj | unpleasant to look at; not attractive |
2734 | uncertainty | /ʌnˈsɜr.tn.ti/ | noun | feeling that you don't really know what will happen |
2694 | uncle | /ˈʌŋ.kəl/ | noun | brother of your father or mother or the husband of your aunt |
2557 | undergo | /ˌʌn.dərˈgoʊ/ | verb | to experience something, often bad |
2767 | unite | /juˈnaɪt/ | verb | to join or come together as one |
2708 | universe | /ˈju.nəˌvɜrs/ | noun | all of space and everything in it |
2415 | valley | /ˈvæl.i/ | noun | long, low area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it |
2700 | verb | /vɜrb/ | noun | word that expresses an action or state |
2482 | versus | /ˈvɜr.səs/ | prep | used to show that a thing or person is against another thing or person |
2699 | vessel | /ˈvɛs.əl/ | noun | pot, container |
2674 | veteran | /ˈvɛt.ər.ən/ | noun | experienced through long service or practice |
2424 | violent | /ˈvaɪ.ə.lənt/ | adj | done with force; likely to cause physical damage |
2419 | visible | /ˈvɪz.ə.bəl/ | adj | easily seen or understood |
2756 | voluntary | /ˈvɑl.ənˌtɛr.i/ | adj | done or given by their own will and not forced to do |
2747 | wander | /ˈwɑn.dər/ | verb | to move around without purpose |
2457 | weakness | /ˈwik.nɪs/ | noun | quality of not being powerful or strong |
2426 | wealthy | /ˈwɛl.θi/ | adj | having a great amount of money or property |
2764 | website | /ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ | noun | a set of internet pages that give information about a particular person or organization |
2661 | weekly | /ˈwik.li/ | adv | happening once a week |
2481 | weigh | /weɪ/ | verb | to determine the weight of, using scales |
2771 | weird | /wɪərd/ | adj | odd or unusual |
2662 | wherever | /wɛərˈɛv.ər/ | adv | in any situation or at any time that |
2553 | whilst | /waɪlst/ | conj | during the time that; at the same time |
2595 | whisper | /ˈwɪs.pər/ | verb | to talk with breath but no voice |
2770 | wipe | /waɪp/ | verb | to clean or dry something with a cloth |
2577 | wise | /waɪz/ | adj | knowledgeable about life; having good judgment |
2544 | wooden | /ˈwʊd.ən/ | adj | made of wood |