Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
440 | above | /əˈbʌv/ | adv | in a higher place than something else |
436 | account | /əˈkaʊnt/ | noun | arrangement with a bank to keep your money for you |
474 | action | /ˈæk.ʃən/ | noun | something that a person or thing does |
432 | activity | /ækˈtɪv.ɪ.ti/ | noun | an action or task (e.g., sports, washing your clothes) |
414 | add | /æd/ | verb | to put two things or numbers together (e.g., 2+2) |
420 | agree | /əˈgri/ | verb | to have the same opinion as someone else |
405 | appear | /əˈpɪər/ | verb | to be seen, become visible; come into sight |
495 | approach | /əˈproʊtʃ/ | verb | to get close to reaching something or somewhere |
459 | available | /əˈveɪ.lə.bəl/ | adj | present and able to be used |
455 | bear | /bɛər/ | noun | large brown animal with fur that lives in forests |
492 | behind | /bɪˈhaɪnd/ | adv | in or toward the back |
411 | black | /blæk/ | adj | color of the sky on a dark night |
401 | body | /ˈbɑd.i/ | noun | a person's physical self |
446 | carry | /ˈkær.i/ | verb | to hold something and move it to another place |
451 | certain | /ˈsɜr.tn/ | adj | being sure about something; without doubt |
498 | charge | /tʃɑrdʒ/ | verb | to ask for money as a price for a service or goods |
447 | choose | /tʃuz/ | verb | to select; decide between several possibilities |
465 | community | /kəˈmju.nɪ.ti/ | noun | group of people who share a common idea or area |
429 | computer | /kəmˈpju.tər/ | noun | a machine for storing information and accessing the internet |
445 | condition | /kənˈdɪ.ʃən/ | noun | state of living you are in (e.g., good health) |
424 | cover | /ˈkʌv.ər/ | noun | thing you put over something to close or hide it |
487 | customer | /ˈkʌs.tə.mər/ | noun | someone who buys goods or services from a business |
456 | cut | /kʌt/ | verb | to use a knife or scissors to divide or open the surface |
483 | date | /deɪt/ | noun | a day in the calendar such as January 3rd |
449 | decision | /dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/ | noun | a choice you make about something after thinking about it |
457 | describe | /dɪˈskraɪb/ | verb | to tell someone the appearance, sound or smell of something |
441 | design | /dɪˈzaɪn/ | verb | to plan in a particular way to fulfill a purpose |
472 | detail | /dɪˈteɪl/ | noun | small part of something; tiny fact |
454 | die | /daɪ/ | verb | to stop living |
473 | difference | /ˈdɪf.ər.əns/ | noun | not of the same kind; unlike other things |
470 | difficult | /ˈdɪf.ɪˌkʌlt/ | adj | hard; not easy; you need to work hard to do it |
490 | door | /dɔr/ | noun | you walk through this when you go in a room |
481 | draw | /drɔ/ | verb | to create an image using pen or pencil and paper |
408 | easy | /ˈi.zi/ | adj | not hard to do; not difficult |
476 | eat | /it/ | verb | to put food in your mouth |
493 | economic | /ˌɛk.əˈnɑm.ɪk/ | adj | having to do with trade, industry, and money |
466 | else | /ɛls/ | adv | otherwise; if you fail to... |
460 | especially | /ɪˈspɛʃ.ə.li/ | adv | more than usual; extremely |
442 | event | /ɪˈvɛnt/ | noun | something that happens |
422 | everything | /ˈɛv.riˌθɪŋ/ | pron | all of the things mentioned |
489 | explain | /ɪkˈspleɪn/ | verb | to make clear or easy to understand by describing |
448 | father | /ˈfɑ.ðər/ | noun | a male parent |
433 | film | /fɪlm/ | noun | movie |
499 | finally | /ˈfaɪ.nə.li/ | adv | after a long time or some difficulty |
452 | forward | /ˈfɔr.wərd/ | adv | toward what is ahead or in front |
488 | front | /frʌnt/ | adj | opposite of back; the forward part of an object |
410 | full | /fʊl/ | adj | containing or holding as much as possible |
404 | general | /ˈdʒɛn.ər.əl/ | adj | widespread, normal or usual |
463 | girl | /gɜrl/ | noun | a female child |
475 | health | /hɛlθ/ | noun | being in a good condition; being well |
458 | himself | /hɪmˈsɛlf/ | pron | the same (male) person who did the action |
428 | human | /ˈhju.mən/ | noun | a person; a man, woman or child |
409 | individual | /ˌɪn.dəˈvɪdʒ.u.əl/ | noun | single person, looked at separately from others |
469 | join | /dʒɔɪn/ | verb | to bring something close to another, to become one |
497 | land | /lænd/ | noun | the earth; the ground |
421 | law | /lɔ/ | noun | system or rules made by the government |
453 | main | /meɪn/ | adj | most important; most often used |
438 | major | /ˈmeɪ.dʒər/ | adj | important, serious, or large in scope |
464 | maybe | /ˈmeɪ.bi/ | adv | possibly but not certainly; perhaps |
485 | model | /ˈmɑd.l/ | noun | a copy that represents an object or standard |
434 | morning | /ˈmɔr.nɪŋ/ | noun | early part of the day before 12 noon |
427 | near | /nɪər/ | adj | with a small distance between things |
491 | outside | /ˈaʊt.saɪd/ | noun | area around or near something, such as a building |
425 | paper | /ˈpeɪ.pər/ | noun | pages of a book are made from this |
467 | particular | /pərˈtɪk.jə.lər/ | adj | one specific (one) |
416 | pass | /pæs/ | verb | to travel through or near a place |
413 | perhaps | /pərˈhæps/ | adv | possibly, but not certainly; maybe |
479 | phone | /foʊn/ | verb | to talk to someone using a telephone |
471 | please | /pliz/ | adv | you say this when you politely ask people for things |
426 | position | /pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ | noun | specific location where someone or something is |
484 | practice | /ˈpræk.tɪs/ | verb | to do something many times to improve a skill |
417 | produce | /prəˈdus/ | verb | to manufacture something using machines |
486 | raise | /reɪz/ | verb | to increase a quantity, size, intensity or price |
402 | require | /rɪˈkwaɪər/ | verb | to need something, to make it necessary |
423 | research | /rɪˈsɜrtʃ/ | verb | to carefully study to find and report new knowledge |
462 | rise | /raɪz/ | verb | to move from a lower position to a higher one |
468 | role | /roʊl/ | noun | character played by an actor |
415 | rule | /rul/ | noun | statement that says how things should be |
418 | sell | /sɛl/ | verb | to exchange something for money |
412 | sense | /sɛns/ | verb | to perceive using sight, sound, taste touch or hearing |
437 | shop | /ʃɑp/ | noun | place which sells things |
419 | short | /ʃɔrt/ | noun | small distance from one end to the other |
500 | sign | /saɪn/ | noun | something such as a mark or event that shows that something exists, is true, is happening or will happen |
494 | site | /saɪt/ | noun | present, former, or future location of something, such as a building |
430 | situation | /ˌsɪtʃ.uˈeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | condition, location or position |
439 | someone | /ˈsʌmˌwʌn/ | pron | person who is not known or named |
444 | sometimes | /ˈsʌmˌtaɪmz/ | adv | only at certain times; occasionally |
443 | special | /ˈspɛʃ.əl/ | adj | different from what is usual; better or greater than normal |
431 | staff | /stæf/ | noun | employees of a company |
477 | step | /stɛp/ | noun | flat horizontal piece that forms stairs |
461 | strong | /strɔŋ/, /strɑŋ/ | adj | having big muscles; physically powerful |
450 | table | /ˈteɪ.bəl/ | noun | raised flat surface |
496 | teacher | /ˈti.tʃər/ | noun | person who teaches others, especially in a school |
407 | team | /tim/ | noun | group of people working on a task together |
480 | themselves | /ðəmˈsɛlvz/ | pron | reflexive form of they |
406 | toward | /təˈwɔrd/ | adv | facing or moving in the direction of something |
478 | true | /tru/ | adj | agreeing with the facts; not false; real or actual |
403 | wait | /weɪt/ | verb | to spend time until an expected thing happens |
435 | war | /wɔr/ | noun | situation where armies fight each other |
482 | white | /waɪt/ | adj | lightest color; the color of fresh snow and milk |