Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
6 | a | /ə/ | det | one (of something) |
271 | able | /ˈeɪ.bəl/ | adj | having the power, skill, knowledge, or money to do something |
37 | about | /əˈbaʊt/ | prep | of (a subject); concerning |
383 | across | /əˈkrɑs/ | adv | from one side to the other of something |
291 | actually | /ˈæk.tʃu.ə.li/ | adv | used to add new (often different) information |
84 | after | /ˈæf.tər/ | adv | later than another time, or behind something |
175 | again | /əˈgɛn/ | adv | one more time, once more |
224 | against | /əˈgɛnst/ | prep | in opposition to; disagreeing with |
282 | age | /eɪdʒ/ | noun | number of years a person has lived (also of things) |
372 | ago | /əˈgoʊ/ | adv | at a specified length of time in the past |
33 | all | /ɔl/ | adv | completely; totally |
324 | allow | /əˈlaʊ/ | verb | to let or permit someone do something |
307 | almost | /ˈɑl.məʊst/ | adv | only a little less than, nearly, not quite |
388 | along | /əˈlɔŋ/ | prep | at a point on a line |
302 | already | /ɔlˈrɛd.i/ | adv | having happened or been done before this time |
72 | also | /ˈɑl.səʊ/ | adv | in addition; too; in a similar way |
278 | although | /ɔlˈðoʊ/ | conj | despite the fact that; however |
183 | always | /ˈɑl.weɪz/ | adv | at all times; in every situation |
376 | among | /əˈmʌŋ/ | prep | in the center of some things; in relation to several things |
3 | and | /ænd/ | conj | used to refer to two or more things |
140 | another | /əˈnʌð.ər/ | det | one more (thing); additional (thing) |
355 | answer | /ˈæn.sər/ | noun | solution to a problem or test question |
83 | any | /ˈɛn.i/ | adj | one (thing) of many; some (thing) |
318 | anything | /ˈɛn.iˌθɪŋ/ | noun | thing of any kind; used to refer to a thing in questions |
204 | area | /ˈɛər.i.ə/ | noun | a specific section or space; part of a region |
170 | around | /əˈraʊnd/ | adv | located on every side, or along something |
22 | as | /æz/ | prep | a word used to compare two equal things |
134 | ask | /æsk/ | verb | to say to someone that you want something |
23 | at | /æt/ | prep | in the place where something is |
234 | away | /əˈweɪ/ | adv | not here; far from here; in a different direction |
94 | back | /bæk/ | noun | behind; to the rear; previous |
268 | bad | /bæd/ | adj | not good; wrong |
327 | base | /beɪs/ | noun | origin or start from which something came |
2 | be | /bi/ | verb | To exist; to be alive; used to give information about someone or something |
62 | because | /bɪˈkɔz/ | conj | for a reason |
141 | become | /bɪˈkʌm/ | verb | to begin to be; grow to be; develop into |
106 | before | /bɪˈfɔr/ | adv | at a time earlier than the present; previously |
189 | begin | /bɪˈgɪn/ | verb | to do the first part of an action; to start |
225 | believe | /bɪˈliv/ | verb | to think or accept that something is true |
116 | between | /bɪˈtwin/ | prep | in the space that separates two objects |
184 | big | /bɪg/ | adj | large |
352 | bit | /bɪt/ | noun | small piece of something |
171 | book | /bʊk/ | noun | thing made of pages with writing on that you read |
128 | both | /boʊθ/ | det | used to refer to two things at the same time |
368 | break | /breɪk/ | verb | to separate into pieces by force, or by dropping |
196 | bring | /brɪŋ/ | verb | to take or go with someone to a place |
221 | build | /bɪld/ | verb | to make (e.g., a house, by putting materials together) |
211 | business | /ˈbɪz.nɪs/ | noun | the making, buying, or selling goods or services for money |
25 | but | /bʌt/ | conj | used before you say something different, opposite |
242 | buy | /baɪ/ | verb | to get something by paying money for it |
27 | by | /baɪ/ | prep | near; with |
105 | call | /kɔl/ | verb | to phone someone |
38 | can | /kæn/ | aux | to be able to; have the skill to; have the time to |
260 | car | /kɑr/ | noun | a vehicle with four wheels and engine that can carry things |
313 | care | /kɛər/ | verb | to look after someone or something |
168 | case | /keɪs/ | noun | example or instance of something |
319 | cause | /kɔz/ | verb | to make something happen; create effect or result |
334 | center | /ˈsɛn.tər/ | noun | place in the middle of something |
113 | change | /tʃeɪndʒ/ | verb | to make or become different, or into something else |
102 | child | /tʃaɪld/ | noun | a very young person, between about 2 and 15 |
269 | city | /ˈsɪt.i/ | noun | a heavily populated area with many buildings and roads |
362 | class | /klæs/ | noun | rank or level in society, ranked from high (rich professional people) to low (ordinary people) |
369 | clear | /klɪər/ | adj | easy to understand; well-explained; obvious |
239 | close | /kloʊz/ | adv | next to; only a short distance away |
378 | color | /ˈkʌl.ər/ | noun | the quality of things you can see (e.g., red, blue) |
65 | come | /kʌm/ | verb | to move toward someone; go with someone |
107 | company | /ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ | noun | a business that sells things or provides services |
303 | concern | /kənˈsɜrn/ | noun | feeling of worry or anxiety |
295 | consider | /kənˈsɪd.ər/ | verb | to think carefully about something |
308 | continue | /kənˈtɪn.ju/ | verb | to do something without stopping, or after pausing |
301 | control | /kənˈtroʊl/ | verb | to direct or influence the behavior of something |
252 | cost | /kɔst/ | noun | price you pay for something |
66 | could | /kʊd/ | aux | used as the past form of can, to show possibility |
143 | country | /ˈkʌn.tri/ | noun | an area of land that is controlled by a government |
164 | course | /kɔrs/ | noun | route or direction that a river, etc., moves along |
386 | create | /kriˈeɪt/ | verb | to make, cause, or bring into existence |
85 | day | /deɪ/ | noun | a period of 24 hours |
321 | deal | /dil/ | verb | to give out (cards, etc.) to; distribute |
359 | decide | /dɪˈsaɪd/ | verb | to make a choice about something or choose after thinking |
350 | develop | /dɪˈvɛl.əp/ | verb | to grow bigger, more complex, or more advanced |
363 | development | /dɪˈvɛl.əp.mənt/ | noun | act or process of growing bigger or more advanced |
149 | different | /ˈdɪf.ər.ənt/ | adj | not of the same kind; unlike other things |
21 | do | /du/ | verb | to act; to perform actions |
109 | down | /daʊn/ | prep | going from a higher position to a lower position |
387 | drive | /draɪv/ | verb | to control a vehicle so that it moves somewhere |
182 | during | /ˈdʊər.ɪŋ/ | prep | at some point in the course of an event or thing |
145 | each | /itʃ/ | det | every one of two or more things |
197 | early | /ˈɜr.li/ | adj | happening sooner than expected |
315 | effect | /ɪˈfɛkt/ | noun | change brought about by a cause; result |
371 | either | /ˈi.ðər/ | adj | one of two (used when there is a choice of two) |
152 | end | /ɛnd/ | noun | a point that marks the limit of something; finish |
267 | enough | /ɪˈnʌf/ | adj | equal to what is needed; as much as required |
96 | even | /ˈi.vən/ | adv | as well; too |
317 | ever | /ˈɛv.ər/ | adv | at any time; at all times in the future |
180 | every | /ˈɛv.ri/ | det | including each person or thing in a group |
235 | example | /ɪɡˈzæm.pəl/ | noun | something or someone who represents a group |
314 | expect | /ɪkˈspɛkt/ | verb | to believe something is probably going to happen |
264 | experience | /ɪkˈspɪər.i.əns/ | noun | knowledge gained by living life, doing new things |
391 | eye | /aɪ/ | noun | part of the body that you see with |
249 | face | /feɪs/ | noun | front part of the head where eyes, nose, and mouth are |
202 | fact | /fækt/ | noun | something that is known or proved to be true |
320 | fall | /fɔl/ | noun | dropping from a standing position to the ground |
172 | family | /ˈfæm.ə.li/ | noun | a group of people who are related through blood |
245 | far | /fɑr/ | adj | a long way away |
117 | feel | /fil/ | verb | to be aware of or experience an emotion or sensation |
195 | few | /fju/ | adj | not many; small in number |
357 | figure | /ˈfɪɡ.jər/ | verb | to understand after thinking; work out |
81 | find | /faɪnd/ | verb | to discover something by looking for it |
78 | first | /fɜrst/ | adj | coming before all others in time or place |
188 | follow | /ˈfɑl.oʊ/ | verb | to come after someone; be guided by someone |
367 | food | /fud/ | noun | what people and animals eat to live |
12 | for | /fɔr/ | prep | used to show the purpose, or need of something |
346 | force | /fɔrs/ | verb | to use physical strength or violence to persuade |
257 | form | /fɔrm/ | noun | visible shape or style; type; kind |
395 | free | /fri/ | adj | costing no money |
208 | friend | /frɛnd/ | noun | person who you like and enjoy being with |
26 | from | /frɑm/ | prep | starting at a particular place, time, or level |
400 | further | /ˈfɜr.ðər/ | adj | extra; in addition |
370 | future | /ˈfju.tʃər/ | noun | time that is to come after the present |
393 | game | /geɪm/ | noun | activity with rules that people play to have fun |
43 | get | /gɛt/ | verb | to obtain, receive, or be given something |
77 | give | /gɪv/ | verb | to hand over or present something to someone |
31 | go | /goʊ/ | verb | to move or travel to another place |
56 | good | /gʊd/ | adj | excellent; high quality |
216 | government | /ˈgʌv.ərn.mənt/ | noun | group of people and system which rule a nation |
124 | great | /greɪt/ | adj | very good; fantastic; wonderful |
167 | group | /grup/ | noun | number of people or things gathered together |
335 | grow | /groʊ/ | verb | to develop and become bigger or taller over time |
365 | half | /hæf/ | noun | the part you get when one is divided into two; ½ |
198 | hand | /hænd/ | noun | body part at the end of a person's arm |
236 | happen | /ˈhæp.ən/ | verb | to take place or occur |
298 | hard | /hɑrd/ | adj | difficult to bend, break or cut; solid |
8 | have | /hæv/ | aux | to own, possess, or hold something |
11 | he | /hi/ | pron | object form of a male person you are talking about |
259 | head | /hɛd/ | noun | top part of your body with eyes and a mouth |
178 | hear | /hɪər/ | verb | to be aware of sound; to perceive with the ear |
133 | help | /hɛlp/ | verb | to act to enable a person to do something; assist |
98 | here | /hɪər/ | adv | in, at, or to this position or place |
148 | high | /haɪ/ | adj | rising upward a great distance |
385 | history | /ˈhɪs.tə.ri/ | noun | study of past event |
222 | hold | /hoʊld/ | verb | to use hands or arms to carry or keep something |
161 | home | /hoʊm/ | noun | place where a person or a family lives |
250 | hope | /hoʊp/ | noun | when you wish something would happen; what you wish |
247 | hour | /ˈaʊ.ər/ | noun | 60 minutes; one of 24 equal units of time in a day |
165 | house | /haʊs/ | noun | building in which a family, person lives |
93 | how | /haʊ/ | adv | in what way something happens or is done |
203 | however | /haʊˈɛv.ər/ | conj | used to say something is different from what was said before; but |
20 | I | /aɪ/ | pron | the person who is speaking or writing |
251 | idea | /aɪˈdi.ə/ | noun | belief, thought, suggestion, opinion, or plan |
34 | if | /ɪf/ | conj | introducing a condition for something to happen |
190 | important | /ɪm.ˈpɔr.tənt/ | adj | having a big effect on (person, the future) |
7 | in | /ɪn/ | prep | being inside something |
163 | include | /ɪnˈklud/ | verb | to make someone/something part of a group |
230 | increase | /ɪnˈkris/ | verb | to make or become something larger in size or amount |
213 | information | /ˌɪn.fərˈmeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | collection of facts and details about something |
142 | interest | /ˈɪn.tər.ɪst/ | verb | to make someone want to know about something |
73 | into | /ˈɪn.tu/ | prep | going inside something |
379 | involve | /ɪnˈvɑlv/ | verb | to have or be included as a part of something |
218 | issue | /ˈɪʃ.u/ | noun | important topic discussed, debated, or argued over |
9 | it | /ɪt/ | pron | a thing that has been previously mentioned |
231 | job | /dʒɑb/ | noun | regular work of earning money |
64 | just | /dʒʌst/ | adv | only; a short time ago |
177 | keep | /kip/ | verb | to have and continue to hold something |
176 | kind | /kaɪnd/ | noun | one type of thing |
41 | know | /noʊ/ | verb | to have knowledge of things in your mind |
360 | language | /ˈlæŋ.gwɪdʒ/ | noun | words or signs used to communicate messages |
210 | large | /lɑrdʒ/ | adj | big; of great size; broad, tall, wide, long, or fat |
101 | last | /læst/ | noun | the one before |
147 | late | /leɪt/ | adj | happening near the end of a given time |
241 | lead | /lid/ | verb | to show the way or guide others |
261 | learn | /lɜrn/ | verb | to get knowledge or skills by study or experience |
281 | least | /list/ | adv | in the smallest or lowest way |
126 | leave | /liv/ | verb | to go away from; depart |
253 | less | /lɛs/ | adj | smaller in amount or degree |
174 | let | /lɛt/ | verb | to not stop someone from doing something |
358 | letter | /ˈlɛt.ər/ | noun | message you put in an envelope and send by post |
262 | level | /ˈlɛv.əl/ | verb | to make things flat or even |
111 | life | /laɪf/ | noun | all the living things (e.g., animals, plants, humans) |
349 | light | /laɪt/ | adj | not heavy; weighing only a little |
45 | like | /laɪk/ | verb | to find something pleasing; to prefer something |
274 | line | /laɪn/ | noun | mark that is long, straight, and very thin |
132 | little | /ˈlɪt.l/ | adj | not great in size, amount, or degree; small |
153 | live | /lɪv/ | verb | to be alive |
300 | local | /ˈloʊ.kəl/ | adj | relating or restricted to a particular area, city, or town |
115 | long | /lɔŋ/ | adj | large distance from one end to the other |
75 | look | /lʊk/ | verb | to turn your eyes in a particular direction |
305 | lose | /luz/ | verb | to be unable to find something you once had |
123 | lot | /lɑt/ | noun | A large quantity, or number taken together |
229 | love | /lʌv/ | verb | to care for and like someone very strong and deeply |
283 | low | /loʊ/ | adj | not high; being near the ground, or bottom |
48 | make | /meɪk/ | verb | to create something by putting things together |
112 | man | /mæn/ | noun | an adult male human being |
99 | many | /ˈmɛn.i/ | adj | used to refer to a large number of things |
219 | market | /ˈmɑr.kɪt/ | noun | public event where people sell goods on tables |
340 | matter | /ˈmæt.ər/ | noun | problem or reason for concern |
97 | may | /meɪ/ | aux | used to talk about what is possible |
95 | mean | /min/ | verb | to have a particular meaning or value |
135 | meet | /mit/ | verb | to come together at a certain time or place |
266 | member | /ˈmɛm.bər/ | noun | person or thing belonging to a group or team |
159 | might | /maɪt/ | aux | used to express that something could happen |
341 | mind | /maɪnd/ | noun | part of humans that allows us to think or feel |
366 | minute | /ˈmɪn.ɪt/ | noun | unit of time equal to 60 seconds |
397 | moment | /ˈmoʊ.mənt/ | noun | very short or brief period of time |
201 | money | /ˈmʌn.i/ | noun | coins or notes we use to pay for things |
209 | month | /mʌnθ/ | noun | one of 12 time periods that make a year, each from 28 to 31 days long |
42 | more | /mɔr/ | adj | greater in amount, number, or size |
88 | most | /moʊst/ | pron | nearly all of something |
338 | mother | /ˈmʌð.ər/ | noun | a female who has a child or children |
200 | move | /muv/ | verb | to cause something to change to a different place |
91 | much | /mʌtʃ/ | pron | a lot; large amount; a high degree of |
392 | music | /ˈmju.zɪk/ | noun | sounds that are sung or played to give pleasure |
160 | must | /mʌst/ | aux | used to say that something is required or necessary |
206 | name | /neɪm/ | noun | what something or someone is called |
90 | need | /nid/ | verb | to be unable to manage without something; require |
162 | never | /ˈnɛv.ər/ | adv | not ever; not at any time |
79 | new | /nu/ | adj | not old, recently born, built, or made |
151 | next | /nɛkst/ | adj | immediately after the previous one |
270 | night | /naɪt/ | noun | the time of time from when the sun goes down to when it comes up again |
60 | no | /noʊ/ | adv | being none; not having or being |
14 | not | /nɒt/ | adv | word indicating the negative of verbs, adjectives, etc. |
384 | note | /noʊt/ | verb | to make mention of something; to make a remark |
336 | nothing | /ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/ | pron | not anything, not a single thing |
70 | now | /naʊ/ | adv | at the present time or moment |
127 | number | /ˈnʌm.bər/ | noun | symbols such as 1, 2, 56, 793 |
4 | of | /ɑv/ | prep | belonging to or connected with something |
150 | off | /ɑf/ | adj | away from; not on |
237 | offer | /ˈɑ.fər/ | verb | to give the opportunity to accept something |
343 | office | /ˈɑ.fɪs/ | noun | building of set of rooms used to do business or professional activities |
288 | often | /ˈɑf.(t)ən/ | adv | many times, frequently, on many occasions |
144 | old | /oʊld/ | adj | having existed for a long time, not young or new |
17 | on | /ɑn/ | prep | located on the surface of something (e.g., a table or wall) |
265 | once | /wʌns/ | adv | one time; one instance |
35 | one | /wʌn/ | num | number 1 |
74 | only | /ˈoʊn.li/ | adv | just one; just that amount or thing; not more than |
214 | open | /ˈoʊ.pən/ | adj | not closed or shut |
29 | or | /ɔr/ | conj | used to link alternatives, to introduce another choice |
215 | order | /ˈɔr.dər/ | verb | to ask for something you want to buy (e.g., a meal) |
54 | other | /ˈʌð.ər/ | adj | something else; not the first one |
55 | out | /aʊt/ | prep | away from the inside or center |
82 | over | /ˈoʊ.vər/ | prep | above; across; more than; on the other side |
129 | own | /oʊn/ | det | yours, his, hers, etc.; not belonging to another |
297 | parent | /ˈpɛər.ənt/ | noun | person's mother or father |
130 | part | /pɑrt/ | noun | some, but not all of a specific thing |
299 | party | /ˈpɑr.ti/ | noun | social event often with food, drinks, and dancing |
330 | past | /pæst/ | noun | the time that existed before now (e.g., long ago) |
220 | pay | /peɪ/ | verb | to give money for goods or work done |
57 | people | /ˈpi.pəl/ | noun | human beings in general; plural of person |
373 | per | /pɜr/ | prep | for each; during each |
382 | period | /ˈpɪər.i.əd/ | noun | set amount of time during which events take place |
263 | person | /ˈpɜr.sən/ | noun | man, woman, or child |
114 | place | /pleɪs/ | verb | to put something in a certain location or position |
232 | plan | /plæn/ | verb | to decide a set of actions to do something |
158 | play | /pleɪ/ | verb | to do or perform a game or sport |
131 | point | /pɔɪnt/ | verb | to indicate something with your finger to others |
399 | policy | /ˈpɑl.ə.si/ | noun | course of action proposed by an organization, etc. |
394 | political | /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | concerning government or public affairs |
290 | possible | /ˈpɑs.ə.bəl/ | adj | having a chance of happening, or being true |
331 | power | /ˈpaʊ.ər/ | noun | legal or official right to perform certain actions |
275 | present | /ˈprɛz.ənt/ | noun | gift |
296 | price | /praɪs/ | verb | to determine or set the cost of something |
328 | probably | /ˈprɑb.ə.bli/ | adv | likely to happen or be true |
120 | problem | /ˈprɑb.ləm/ | noun | something difficult to deal with or causes trouble |
286 | process | /ˈprɑs.ɛs/ | verb | to adopt a set of actions that produce a particular result |
304 | product | /ˈprɑd.əkt/ | noun | item that can be bought |
240 | program | /ˈproʊ.græm/ | noun | planned set of actions; a schematic system |
205 | provide | /prəˈvaɪd/ | verb | to make available; to supply for use |
287 | public | /ˈpʌb.lɪk/ | adj | concerning society in general |
139 | put | /pʊt/ | verb | to move or place a thing in a particular position |
181 | question | /ˈkwɛs.tʃən/ | verb | to ask for or try to get information |
277 | quite | /kwaɪt/ | adv | very; in a complete or total manner |
312 | rate | /reɪt/ | noun | speed or frequency of events over time |
292 | rather | /ˈræð.ər/ | adv | somewhat; fairly; not that much |
380 | reach | /ritʃ/ | verb | to come to or arrive at a goal or destination |
207 | read | /rid/ | verb | to look at and comprehend the meaning some writing |
354 | real | /ril/ | adj | actually existing or happening, not imagined |
104 | really | /ˈrɪə.li/ | adv | very |
256 | reason | /ˈri.zən/ | noun | explanation for why something occurred or was done |
396 | receive | /rɪˈsiv/ | verb | to get something that someone has given or sent to you |
344 | record | /ˈrɛk.ərd/ | noun | being the highest or most extreme level achieved in an area |
374 | remain | /rɪˈmeɪn/ | verb | to be left behind, to continue to exist |
351 | remember | /rɪˈmɛm.bər/ | verb | to bring a previous image or idea to your mind |
166 | report | /rɪˈpɔrt/ | noun | account of something which gives the necessary facts and information |
233 | result | /rɪˈzʌlt/ | verb | to be the outcome of other causes and effects |
337 | return | /rɪˈtɜrn/ | verb | to come back to a place again |
92 | right | /raɪt/ | adj | on side where the hand that most people write with |
254 | room | /rum/ | noun | a part of building enclosed by walls (e.g., kitchen) |
192 | run | /rʌn/ | verb | to move your legs faster than walking |
398 | sale | /seɪl/ | noun | giving something for money; the amount sold |
122 | same | /seɪm/ | det | identical; not different |
30 | say | /seɪ/ | verb | to use words to tell a message |
146 | school | /skul/ | noun | building where you learn in classes with a teacher |
226 | second | /ˈsɛk.ənd/ | adj | 2nd; the one following first |
50 | see | /si/ | verb | to use your eyes to look at something |
173 | seem | /sim/ | verb | to appear to be something |
323 | send | /sɛnd/ | verb | to cause mail or package to go to another place |
223 | service | /ˈsɜr.vɪs/ | verb | to maintain a piece of machinery so it runs well |
185 | set | /sɛt/ | noun | complete group of something (e.g., a chess set) |
348 | several | /ˈsɛv.ər.əl/ | det | more than two but not many |
353 | share | /ʃɛər/ | noun | part of a company you own, shown by a certificate |
24 | she | /ʃi/ | pron | female person or animal mentioned before |
89 | should | /ʃʊd/ | aux | used to indicate what is proper or reasonable |
110 | show | /ʃoʊ/ | verb | to explain or teach how something is done |
276 | side | /saɪd/ | noun | straight edge of an object |
191 | since | /sɪns/ | prep | from the time in the past that |
356 | sit | /sɪt/ | verb | to be in a resting position on a chair |
186 | small | /smɔl/ | adj | little in size; not big |
32 | so | /soʊ/ | conj | for that reason |
381 | social | /ˈsoʊ.ʃəl/ | adj | involving activities among people especially free time activities |
53 | some | /sʌm/ | adj | used to refer to a person or thing that is not known |
138 | something | /ˈsʌmˌθɪŋ/ | pron | thing that is not yet known or named |
325 | soon | /sun/ | adv | at a time not long from now |
316 | sort | /sɔrt/ | noun | group or class of similar things or people |
390 | sound | /saʊnd/ | noun | waves traveling in air or water that can be heard |
284 | speak | /spik/ | verb | to use words to tell information, express thoughts |
258 | spend | /spɛnd/ | verb | to use money to pay for something |
309 | stand | /stænd/ | verb | to be upright; not be sitting or lying down |
136 | start | /stɑrt/ | noun | first time or place that a thing exists; beginning |
199 | state | /steɪt/ | noun | region within a country, with its own government |
345 | stay | /steɪ/ | verb | to spend time visiting a place or someone's home |
119 | still | /stɪl/ | adv | happening in the past and continuing into the present |
347 | stop | /stɑp/ | verb | to finish moving or to come to an end |
306 | story | /ˈstɔr.i/ | noun | an account or description of how something happened |
248 | student | /ˈstu.dənt/ | noun | person studying at school |
187 | study | /ˈstʌd.i/ | verb | to focus on learning something usually at school |
361 | subject | /ˈsʌb.dʒɪkt/ | noun | the person, or thing that is being talked, or written about |
100 | such | /sʌtʃ/ | adj | so like, or similar |
329 | suggest | /səgˈdʒɛst/ | verb | to mention something that could be done; propose |
272 | support | /səˈpɔrt/ | verb | to give assistance or advice to someone |
279 | sure | /ʃʊə/ | adj | having no doubts about something |
179 | system | /ˈsɪs.təm/ | noun | set of organized, planned ideas that work together |
59 | take | /teɪk/ | verb | to pick up something and go away with it |
137 | talk | /tɔk/ | verb | to say things or ideas to someone with words |
103 | tell | /tɛl/ | verb | to say or communicate information to someone |
280 | term | /tɜrm/ | noun | fixed period of weeks for learning at school |
332 | test | /tɛst/ | noun | examination; questions to measure knowledge |
69 | than | /ðæn/ | conj | used when comparing two things |
244 | thank | /θæŋk/ | verb | to tell someone you are grateful to them |
15 | that | /ðæt/ | pron | used to show which person or thing we are talking about |
1 | the | /ði/ | det | used to refer to something already mentioned |
71 | then | /ðɛn/ | adv | at that time not now |
40 | there | /ðɛər/ | adv | in that place or position, at that location |
13 | they | /ðeɪ/ | pron | used to refer to two or more people, animals, or things |
87 | thing | /θɪŋ/ | noun | something you cannot remember the name of |
47 | think | /θɪŋk/ | verb | to have an idea, opinion, or belief about something |
19 | this | /ðɪs/ | pron | person, thing, or idea near you |
227 | though | /ðoʊ/ | adv | although, despite the fact that |
108 | through | /θru/ | adj | from one end or side of something to the other end or side |
49 | time | /taɪm/ | noun | something measured in minutes, hours, days, etc. |
5 | to | /tu/ | prep | move towards; in the direction of |
246 | today | /təˈdeɪ/ | adv | on this day; at the time that is happening now |
294 | together | /təˈgɛð.ər/ | adv | near close in the same place not far in a family or group |
118 | too | /tu/ | adv | say that something is more than you want |
375 | top | /tɒp/ | noun | highest or upper part or point of something |
364 | town | /taʊn/ | noun | small city |
289 | train | /treɪn/ | noun | vehicle that carries people and runs on rails |
125 | try | /traɪ/ | verb | to make an effort, to attempt to do something |
194 | turn | /tɜrn/ | verb | to change the direction of something (e.g., a car) |
389 | type | /taɪp/ | noun | group of things or people sharing common features |
193 | under | /ˈʌn.dər/ | adj | in the same place as another thing, but lower |
243 | understand | /ˌʌn.dərˈstænd/ | verb | to know the meaning of language, what someone says |
255 | until | /ʌnˈtɪl/ | conj | up to, to indicate a point in time when something happens |
52 | up | /ʌp/ | prep | move higher; raise |
68 | use | /jus/ | verb | to do something with, for a task or purpose |
342 | value | /ˈvæl.ju/ | verb | to say how much money something is worth |
63 | very | /ˈvɛr.i/ | adv | much; great in amount |
293 | view | /vju/ | noun | things you are able to see from a specific place |
333 | visit | /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ | verb | to go to a place for a time, usually for a reason |
339 | walk | /wɔk/ | verb | to move with your legs at a slowish pace |
76 | want | /wɑnt/ | verb | to desire or wish for something; hope for a thing |
326 | watch | /wɑtʃ/ | verb | to look at carefully to work out what is happening |
322 | water | /ˈwɔ.tər/ | noun | clear liquid that forms the seas, rivers, and rain |
80 | way | /weɪ/ | noun | how something is done |
16 | we | /wi/ | pron | used to refer to the speaker and other people together |
157 | week | /wik/ | noun | period of seven days, starts on Sunday and end on Saturday |
61 | well | /wɛl/ | adj | in a good way |
51 | what | /wʌt/ | adv | asking for information about someone or something |
46 | when | /wɛn/ | noun | word you use to ask about the time or day |
86 | where | /wɛər/ | noun | word you use to ask the location of something |
273 | whether | /ˈwɛð.ər/ | conj | if something will happen or not |
39 | which | /wɪtʃ/ | adj | question word to ask about a person's choice |
155 | while | /waɪl/ | conj | during the time that; at the same time |
44 | who | /hu/ | pron | what or which person or people, to ask about, talking about |
310 | whole | /hoʊl/ | adj | complete or full; all of |
154 | why | /waɪ/ | adv | for what reason or purpose |
28 | will | /wɪl/ | aux | used with verbs to express the future |
377 | win | /wɪn/ | verb | to succeed in a game or contest |
18 | with | /wɪð/ | prep | used to express that people or things are together |
285 | within | /wɪðˈɪn/ | adv | not beyond the limits of a particular space, time, or range |
212 | without | /wɪðˈaʊt/ | prep | used to say you don't have something or it isn't in a place |
169 | woman | /ˈwʊm.ən/ | noun | adult female human being |
217 | word | /wɜrd/ | noun | unit of language that has a meaning |
67 | work | /wɜrk/ | noun | activity you do in order to make money |
156 | world | /wɜrld/ | noun | all the humans, events, activities on the earth |
36 | would | /wʊd/ | aux | modal verb used to indicate possibility, request, etc. |
121 | write | /raɪt/ | verb | to make letters and words on paper or a screen |
58 | year | /jɪə/ | noun | unit of time equal to 12 months |
228 | yes | /jɛs/ | intj | way to say you agree or will do something |
311 | yet | /jɛt/ | adv | until now; up to the present |
10 | you | /ju/ | pron | person someone is speaking or writing to |
238 | young | /jʌŋ/ | adj | at an early stage of existence; not mature |