Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
639 | affect | /əˈfɛkt/ | verb | to do something that changes something else |
639 | affect | /əˈfɛkt/ | verb | to do something that changes something else |
611 | apply | /əˈplaɪ/ | verb | to ask formally for (a job, building permission, etc.) |
621 | arm | /ɑrm/ | noun | part of your body from your shoulder to your hand |
646 | art | /ɑrt/ | noun | a creative skill using the imagination (e.g., painting) |
630 | article | /ˈɑr.tɪ.kəl/ | noun | piece of writing about a particular subject |
632 | attack | /əˈtæk/ | verb | to try to destroy, beat, or injure |
686 | attempt | /əˈtɛmpt/ | verb | to try to do something challenging or difficult |
690 | average | /ˈæv.ər.ɪdʒ/ | adj | typical or normal; usual; ordinary |
627 | bank | /bæŋk/ | noun | a financial institution that keeps or lends money |
694 | bed | /bɛd/ | noun | a piece of furniture that people sleep on |
647 | campaign | /kæmˈpeɪn/ | verb | to work in an organized and active way toward a goal |
683 | catch | /kætʃ/ | verb | use your hands to stop and hold something flying |
629 | cell | /sɛl/ | noun | short for 'cellphone' |
693 | character | /ˈkær.ɪk.tər/ | noun | your personality or nature |
614 | compare | /kəmˈpɛər/ | verb | to consider how similar and different things are |
663 | contain | /kənˈteɪn/ | verb | to hold something inside something else |
615 | court | /kɔrt/ | noun | large, flat area, to play tennis or basketball |
605 | discuss | /dɪsˈkʌs/ | verb | to talk about something seriously or in great detail |
655 | drink | /drɪŋk/ | verb | to put water in your body through your mouth |
640 | drop | /drɒp/ | verb | to let something fall from your hand |
699 | economy | /ɪˈkɑn.ə.mi/ | noun | total of all the goods, services, and wages in an area |
624 | employee | /ɛmˈplɔɪ.i/ | noun | person who works for someone else for payment |
696 | establish | /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ/ | verb | to set or create something to last for a long time |
679 | evening | /ˈiv.nɪŋ/ | noun | last part of the day and early part of the night |
650 | everyone | /ˈɛv.riˌwʌn/ | pron | every person; everybody |
670 | exactly | /ɪgˈzækt.li/ | adv | no more and no less than; precisely |
636 | factor | /ˈfæk.tər/ | noun | something that influences a result |
631 | fast | /fæst/ | adj | moving or able to move quickly |
635 | feature | /ˈfi.tʃər/ | noun | distinctive or important point of something |
698 | final | /ˈfaɪn.l/ | adj | being the last thing in a series |
644 | financial | /faɪˈnæn.ʃəl/ | adj | involving money |
609 | finish | /ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/ | noun | end of something; completion |
613 | fire | /ˈfaɪ.ər/ | noun | heat and the flame produced when burning |
628 | firm | /fɜrm/ | adj | fairly hard or solid, not soft |
700 | fit | /fɪt/ | adj | proper or acceptable; morally or socially correct |
633 | foreign | /ˈfɔr.ɪn/ | adj | being of a different place or country |
651 | forget | /fərˈgɛt/ | verb | to not remember something |
678 | growth | /groʊθ/ | noun | act of growing |
622 | heart | /hɑrt/ | noun | part of the body that pumps blood |
695 | hit | /hɪt/ | verb | to fight, attack or damage something or someone |
697 | indeed | /ɪnˈdid/ | adv | actually; in fact; in reality |
680 | influence | /ˈɪn.flu.əns/ | verb | to affect what happens; change something (indirectly) |
660 | inside | /ˌɪnˈsaɪd/ | adj | being in something |
662 | international | /ˌɪn.tərˈnæʃ.ə.nl/ | adj | done or relating to several countries, not just your own |
659 | key | /ki/ | noun | something you use to open a lock or start a car |
619 | knowledge | /ˈnɑl.ɪdʒ/ | noun | information, understanding, or skill |
620 | laugh | /lɑf/ | verb | to make a happy sound when something is funny |
625 | manage | /ˈmæn.ɪdʒ/ | verb | to run or operate a business by directing others |
692 | management | /ˈmæn.ɪdʒ.mənt/ | noun | people who are in control of a business or group |
661 | manager | /ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒər/ | noun | person who controls and runs a business or group |
689 | medium | /ˈmi.di.əm/ | noun | middle size, something between other things |
645 | miss | /mɪs/ | verb | to be too late to ride on something (e.g., train or bus) |
669 | myself | /maɪˈsɛlf/ | pron | same person as did the action mentioned |
666 | nature | /ˈneɪ.tʃər/ | noun | physical world, including plants, animals, rocks |
676 | necessary | /ˈnɛs.əˌsɛr.i/ | adj | needed or required; unavoidable |
664 | notice | /ˈnoʊ.tɪs/ | verb | to become aware by sight, touch, or hearing |
643 | official | /əˈfɪʃ.əl/ | adj | of or done by someone in authority; formal |
656 | opinion | /əˈpɪn.jən/ | noun | a person's thoughts on a topic |
652 | page | /peɪdʒ/ | noun | one side of a sheet of paper |
672 | paint | /peɪnt/ | verb | to apply something; coat |
657 | park | /pɑrk/ | verb | to put your car or bike in a certain place for a time |
601 | particularly | /pərˈtɪk.jə.lər.li/ | adv | specially; more than others |
649 | pause | /pɑz/ | verb | to stop doing for a while before continuing |
608 | piece | /pis/ | noun | small part that of something larger |
671 | plant | /plænt/ | noun | living thing with leaves and roots growing in soil |
616 | police | /pəˈlis/ | noun | people, often in uniforms, who solve crimes |
618 | poor | /pʊər/ | adj | without money; not rich |
604 | prepare | /prɪˈpɛər/ | verb | to make something ready for use |
612 | president | /ˈprɛz.ɪ.dənt/ | noun | person in charge of a country, company, or organization |
674 | press | /prɛs/ | verb | to push something against something else |
637 | pretty | /ˈprɪt.i/ | adj | being attractive to the eye in a simple way |
648 | private | /ˈpraɪ.vɪt/ | adj | personal; not to be seen by everyone |
641 | recent | /ˈri.sənt/ | adj | happening or beginning not long ago |
638 | recently | /ˈri.sənt.li/ | adv | just a while ago; not long ago |
677 | region | /ˈri.dʒən/ | noun | part of a country, of the world, area, etc. |
642 | relate | /rɪˈleɪt/ | verb | to make, find, or show a connection between two or more things |
658 | represent | /ˌrɛp.rɪˈzɛnt/ | verb | to stand in the place or to act the part of |
681 | respect | /rɪˈspɛkt/ | verb | to think very highly of another person because of what they do |
606 | response | /rɪˈspɒns/ | noun | something said or written as an answer to something |
668 | section | /ˈsɛk.ʃən/ | noun | one of the parts that form something |
688 | simple | /ˈsɪm.pəl/ | adj | not hard to understand or do; not complex |
626 | simply | /ˈsɪm.pli/ | adv | in an easy or clear manner |
685 | skill | /skɪl/ | noun | ability to do something well |
687 | son | /sʌn/ | noun | male child; friendly way of addressing a boy |
623 | source | /sɔrs/ | noun | produces or provides what is wanted or needed |
603 | sport | /spɔrt/ | noun | game or physical exercise with rules |
691 | stock | /stɑk/ | noun | all the things that can be used or sold, usually in a store or business |
617 | store | /stɔr/ | noun | place where you can go to buy things |
667 | structure | /ˈstrʌk.tʃər/ | noun | way something is built, arranged, or organized |
654 | summer | /ˈsʌm.ər/ | noun | part of the year when the weather is hot |
610 | suppose | /səˈpoʊz/ | verb | to imagine or guess what might happen |
634 | surprise | /sərˈpraɪz/ | verb | to do something that another person didn't expect |
684 | thus | /ðʌs/ | adv | therefore; so; as a result |
682 | various | /ˈvɛər.i.əs/ | adj | several; consisting of different things or types |
607 | voice | /vɔɪs/ | noun | sound made when you speak or sing |
675 | whatever | /wʌtˈɛ.vər/ | det | anything or everything needed; no matter what |
602 | wife | /waɪf/ | noun | married woman |
665 | wonder | /ˈwʌn.dər/ | noun | surprise caused by experiencing something amazing |
673 | worker | /ˈwɜr.kər/ | noun | person who works |
653 | worry | /ˈwʌr.i/ | verb | to feel concerned or troubled about something |