Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
barely | /bɛɚlɪ/ | adv | almost not possible or does not happen |
belt | /bɛlt/ | noun | band of material worn around a person's waist |
bunch | /bʌntʃ/ | noun | group of things of the same kind |
chocolate | /tʃɑ•kə•lɪt/ | noun | a sweet brown food made from cocoa beans |
civilian | /sɪ•vɪ•ljən/ | noun | ordinary person who is not in the army |
coin | /koɪn/ | noun | a small, flat piece of metal used as money |
composition | /kɑm•pə•zɪ•ʃən/ | noun | something that is created from different parts to make something new |
cooperation | /koʊ•ɑː•pə•reɪ•ʃən/ | noun | a situation where everyone works together to get something done |
grandmother | /græn•mʌ•ðə/ | noun | mother of your mother or father |
greet | /griːt/ | verb | to meet someone with friendly words and actions; to welcome |
hopefully | /hoʊpfəlɪ/ | adv | in a manner wishing something to happen |
invent | /ɪn•vɛnt/ | verb | to create something useful for the first time |
jury | /dʒʊə•rɪ/ | noun | group of people who listen to information about something and make a decision |
maker | /mɛɪ•kə/ | noun | person, company, or object that creates things |
narrative | /næ•rə•tɪv/ | noun | the telling of a story |
paragraph | /pæ•rə•grɑɚf/ | noun | section of writing that usually deals with one subject |
potato | /pə•tɛɪ•toʊ/ | noun | edible vegetable |
racial | /rɛɪ•ʃəl/ | adj | relating to a person's group based on inherited physical appearance |
regardless | /rɪ'gɑɚdləs/ | adj | without being affected or concerned by something difficult or troubling |
sanction | /sæŋ•kʃən/ | noun | action taken to force a country to obey laws |
scan | /skæn/ | verb | to look within something for a particular person or thing |
stimulate | /stɪ•mjʊ•lɛɪt/ | verb | excite to action |
tissue | /tɪ•sju/ | noun | piece of thin, soft paper |
tourism | /tʊərɪzəm/ | noun | traveling to new places, e.g. abroad, for vacations |
trick | /trɪk/ | verb | to make someone believe something that is not true |