Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
adventure | /əd•vɛn•tʃə/ | noun | an exciting and often dangerous experience |
altogether | /oɚl•tə•gɛ•ðə/ | adv | completely and fully |
anxious | /æŋ•kʃəs/ | adj | afraid of what may happen; worried and nervous |
attraction | /ə•træk•ʃən/ | noun | interesting place people want to visit |
biological | /baɪ•ə•lɑ•dʒɪ•kəl/ | adj | something related to life and living things |
bite | /baɪt/ | verb | to press down on or cut into something with the teeth |
castle | /kɑɚ•sl/ | noun | a strong building used in the past to protect people in times of war |
consume | /kən•sjum/ | verb | to eat, drink, buy or use up something |
determination | /dɪ•tɚ•mɪ•nɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | will to achieve a goal despite difficulties |
envelope | /ɛn•vɪ•loʊp/ | noun | cover for a letter or card |
exhaust | /ɪg•zoɚst/ | verb | very very tired |
fence | /fɛns/ | noun | a wooden or metal structure that separates an area |
firstly | /fɚstlɪ/ | adv | before anything else |
guideline | /gaɪd•laɪn/ | noun | rule, instruction or principle |
knife | /naɪf/ | noun | long piece of metal you use for cutting things |
luxury | /lʌk•ʃə•rɪ/ | noun | something expensive or costly that is not needed which is bought for pleasure |
nerve | /nɚv/ | noun | long thin cells in the body that makes feeling and movement possible |
ocean | /oʊ•ʃən/ | noun | large body of salt water that covers most of the surface of the earth |
printer | /prɪn•tə/ | noun | machine that makes copies of papers and documents |
quietly | /kwaɪətlɪ/ | adv | making little sound |
reflection | /rɪ•flɛk•ʃən/ | noun | image that you see in a mirror, glass, or water |
stamp | /stæmp/ | noun | small piece of paper you buy to put on a letter that you mail |
veteran | /vɛ•tə•rən/ | noun | experienced through long service or practice |
weekly | /wiːk•lɪ/ | adv | happening once a week |
wherever | /wɛɚr•ɛ•və/ | adv | in any situation or at any time that |