Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
architecture | /ɑɚ•kɪ•tɛk•tʃə/ | noun | design and construction of buildings |
awareness | /ə'wɛɚnəs/ | noun | having knowledge of something |
bury | /bɛ•rɪ/ | verb | to put something into the ground and cover it |
counsel | /kaʊn•səl/ | verb | to listen and give expert advice to someone |
counter | /kaʊn•tə/ | noun | a long, flat surface in a shop or kitchen where work is done |
divorce | /dɪ•voɚs/ | noun | legal ending of a marriage |
electric | /ɪ•lɛk•trɪk/ | adj | using a particular type of energy carried through metal wire |
evolution | /iː•və•lu•ʃən/ | noun | slow, steady change or development |
float | /floʊt/ | verb | to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink |
frequent | /friː•kwənt/ | adj | happening often |
greatly | /grɛɪtlɪ/ | adv | very much |
impressive | /ɪm•prɛ•sɪv/ | adj | something makes someone admire or respect |
mad | /mæd/ | adj | very angry, very strong feelings, crazy |
motor | /moʊ•tə/ | noun | a machine that uses energy to make something work or move |
permission | /pɚ•mɪ•ʃən/ | noun | right to do something as allowed by another |
possess | /pə•zɛs/ | verb | to have or own something |
rid | /rɪd/ | verb | to no longer be wanted so you throw it away |
ruin | /rʊ•ɪn/ | verb | to spoil something, to make it useless |
slave | /slɛɪv/ | noun | someone who is legally owned by another person |
survival | /sə•vaɪ•vəl/ | noun | act of continuing to exist when facing difficulty |
tendency | /tɛn•dən•sɪ/ | noun | quality that something happens or someone behaves in a particular way |
valley | /væ•lɪ/ | noun | long, low area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it |
violent | /vaɪ•ə•lənt/ | adj | done with force; likely to cause physical damage |
visible | /vɪ•zə•bl/ | adj | easily seen or understood |
wealthy | /wɛl•θɪ/ | adj | having a great amount of money or property |