Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
1243 | acclaim | /əkleɪm/ | verb | approval and great praise |
1233 | bookcase | /bʊkkˌeɪs/ | noun | a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books |
1244 | chronic | /krɑnɪk/ | adj | for a long time |
1234 | cleanliness | /klɛnlinɪs/ | noun | state of being not dirty, clean |
1235 | contestant | /kəntɛstənt/ | noun | someone who is part of a contest |
1245 | deteriorate | /dɪtɪriɜˌeɪt/ | verb | to become worse in state |
1236 | ethics | /ɛθɪks/ | noun | morals or belief system |
1237 | healthful | /hɛlθfəl/ | adj | helping to keep well in body and mind |
1238 | inefficient | /ˌɪnɪfɪʃənt/ | adj | not working well or quickly |
1239 | liter | /litɜ/ | noun | a unit of measurement for liquids |
1226 | mower | /moʊɜ/ | noun | machine used to cut grass |
1227 | nutrition | /nutrɪʃən/ | noun | the study of food and health |
1240 | recession | /rɪsɛʃən/ | noun | a less successful time in the economy |
1246 | resemble | /rɪzɛmbəl/ | verb | to look like, similar to |
1228 | restatement | /risteɪtmənt/ | noun | a statement that has been reworded |
1229 | sedan | /sədæn/ | noun | a type of car that has seats for four people |
1230 | sunscreen | /sənskrin/ | noun | a cream spread on the skin that protects your skin from the sun |
1241 | timeline | /taɪmlaɪn/ | noun | a series of related events arranged in the order they happen, and displayed in a row |
1247 | unauthorized | /ˌʌnˈɑːθəˌraɪzd/ | adj | without officially permitted or legally allowed |
1249 | unplug | /ənplʌg/ | verb | to pull out an electrical cord from its socket |
1242 | unreliable | /ˌʌnrɪlaɪəbəl/ | adj | not trustworthy |
1250 | videoconference | /vidioʊkˌɑnfrəns/ | noun | meeting carried out over the internet |
1248 | violate | /vaɪəleɪt/ | verb | to break the rule or law |
1231 | wellness | /wɛlnəs/ | noun | state of being healthy; not ill |
1232 | workbook | /ˈwɜːk.bʊk/ | noun | a file containing information about a particular subject, and relatated problems to be solved by the student |