Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
1098 | accuracy | /ækyɜəsi/ | noun | the state of being exact and correct |
1023 | adapter | /ədæptɜ/ | noun | something that connects to something to make it usable |
1024 | advisable | /ədvaɪzəbəl/ | adj | something one should do, or is good to do |
1099 | anyhow | /ɛnihˌaʊ/ | adv | anyway, besides |
1100 | appetizer | /æpətˌaɪzɜ/ | noun | small amount of food eaten before the main meal |
1025 | archive | /ɑrkˌaɪv/ | noun | a place where documents are kept for a long time |
1026 | artistic | /ɑrtɪstɪk/ | adj | to be creative, good at art |
1027 | assurance | /əʃʊrəns/ | noun | certainty or full confidence |
1028 | athletic | /æθlɛtɪk/ | adj | to do with sports |
1029 | attire | /ətaɪɜ/ | verb | clothing |
1030 | auditor | /ɔdɪtɜ/ | noun | a person who checks to make sure things are correct |
1031 | bankruptcy | /bæŋkrəpsi/ | noun | the act of having no more money to pay bills |
1032 | bulk | /bʌlk/ | noun | in big amount |
1033 | butter | /bʌtɜ/ | noun | a kind of soft spread for bread, made from cow's milk |
1034 | centimeter | /sɛntəmˌitɜ/ | noun | a form of measurement, e.g., there are 100 cm in a meter |
1035 | circulate | /sɜkyəlˌeɪt/ | verb | to move around in a circle |
1036 | comb | /koʊm/ | noun | make smooth by getting the knots out of |
1037 | comfortably | /kʌmfɜtəbli/ | adv | to do something easily |
1038 | compliance | /kəmplaɪəns/ | noun | the act of obeying rules |
1039 | contraction | /kəntrækʃən/ | noun | a tightening or squeezing movement |
1040 | cookbook | /kʊkbˌʊk/ | noun | a book that gives directions on how to prepare and cook food |
1041 | cushion | /kʊʃən/ | noun | a pad to make something more comfortable |
1042 | dose | /doʊs/ | noun | the amount of medicine taken at one time |
1043 | drum | /drʌm/ | noun | a musical instrument you hit with wooden sticks |
1044 | embed | /ɪmbɛd/ | verb | to push something deep inside something else |
1045 | evacuate | /ɪvækyəˌeɪt/ | verb | to make people leave an area |
1046 | expedite | /ɛkspɪdˌaɪt/ | verb | speed up the progress of |
1047 | extinguisher | /ɪkstɪŋgwɪʃɜ/ | noun | Device used to put out fires |
1048 | familiarity | /fəmˌɪlyɛrəti/ | noun | the state of being used to, or comfortable with something |
1049 | flaw | /flɔ/ | noun | something that is faulty in otherwise perfect person/thing |
1050 | fluctuate | /flʌktʃəwˌeɪt/ | verb | comes and goes stronger and weaker |
1051 | fluent | /fluənt/ | adj | able to speak a language easily and with confidence |
1052 | honestly | /ɑnəstli/ | adv | really, truly |
1053 | housekeep | // | verb | take care of all business related to a household |
1054 | hurricane | /hɜəkˌeɪn/ | noun | a strong often deadly storm that begins over the water |
1055 | hygiene | /haɪdʒˌin/ | noun | how you keep yourself and your surroundings clean and so that you stay healthy |
1056 | integral | /ɪntəgrəl/ | adj | very important, necessary as part of the whole thing |
1057 | interactive | /ˌɪntɜæktɪv/ | adj | to engage with others |
1058 | interfere | /ˌɪntɜfɪr/ | verb | to take part in something that is not your business |
1059 | kilogram | /kɪləgrˌæm/ | noun | a unit of weight; one kilogram is about the same weight as 2.2 pounds |
1060 | layoff | /leɪˌɔf/ | noun | the act of ending a worker's job because there is not enough work, or not enough money to pay for it |
1061 | lightweight | /laɪtweɪt/ | adj | someone or something that is not heavy |
1062 | merit | /mɛrət/ | noun | to deserve praise |
1063 | necklace | /nɛkləs/ | noun | a piece of jewelery, or decoration, worn around the neck |
1064 | needy | /nidi/ | adj | people who are poor and do not have enough to live on |
1065 | overpay | /oʊvɜpˌeɪ/ | verb | to hand over too much money |
1066 | pamphlet | /pæmflət/ | noun | a small paper leaflet or booklet that tells you about a single subject |
1067 | partial | /pɑrʃəl/ | adj | to be a part of something whole |
1001 | pastry | /peɪstri/ | noun | a food made of flour, fat and water and baked with other food inside it |
1068 | penalize | /pɛnəlˌaɪz/ | verb | to punish someone |
1002 | personalize | /pɜsənəlˌaɪz/ | verb | change something so that it is tailored to a particular person's needs |
1069 | pollute | /pəlut/ | verb | to make the environment dirty |
1003 | poorly | /purli/ | adv | Badly; not enough; not sufficient |
1070 | prescribe | /prəskraɪb/ | verb | to formally tell someone what to do |
1004 | prestigious | /prɛstɪdʒəs/ | adj | very important and well thought of |
1071 | probable | /prɑbəbəl/ | adj | possible, but not certain to be or become true or real |
1072 | prominent | /prɑmənənt/ | adj | important, significant |
1005 | purser | /pɜsɜ/ | noun | an officer aboard a ship who keeps accounts and attends to the passengers' needs |
1073 | rainfall | /reɪnfˌɔl/ | noun | Water that falls from the clouds in the sky, in little drops |
1006 | reassure | /rˌiəʃʊr/ | verb | to make someone feel certain of something |
1074 | relocation | /rˌiloʊkeɪʃən/ | noun | the act of moving something to a new location |
1075 | residence | /rɛzɪdəns/ | noun | the house or place you live |
1007 | resume | /rɪzum/ | verb | to continue or start again |
1076 | retrieve | /rɪtriv/ | verb | to go and get something back |
1008 | reunion | /riunyən/ | noun | when people get together to meet up after not meeting for a long time |
1009 | revolutionize | /rˌɛvəluʃənˌaɪz/ | verb | to make a new, big change in society |
1077 | rider | /raɪdɜ/ | noun | someone who uses an animal or a bicycle or motorcycle for transport |
1078 | rubber | /rʌbɜ/ | noun | the stretchy material that elastic bands are made of |
1079 | rug | /rʌg/ | noun | a small loose floor covering |
1080 | salespeople | /seɪlzpˌipəl/ | noun | men and women whose job it is get people to buy things from their company |
1010 | seafood | /sifˌud/ | noun | things you can eat as food that live in the sea |
1081 | sharply | /ʃɑrpli/ | adv | harshly |
1011 | signify | /sɪgnəfˌaɪ/ | verb | shows a sign that it has an important meaning |
1082 | similarity | /sˌɪməlɛrəti/ | noun | the state of being almost the same |
1012 | slot | /slɑt/ | noun | a narrow opening |
1083 | someday | /sʌmdˌeɪ/ | adv | At some unspecified time in the future |
1084 | spectator | /spɛkteɪtɜ/ | noun | a person who watches something happening |
1013 | steer | /stɪr/ | verb | guide the direction of |
1085 | stereo | /stɛriˌoʊ/ | adj | a device that plays sound through two or more speakers |
1086 | storeroom | /stɔrrˌum/ | noun | a room where things can be kept when they are not being used |
1087 | subsidize | /sʌbsɪdˌaɪz/ | verb | to give financial help |
1014 | sue | /su/ | verb | To take legal action against someone |
1015 | superb | /sʊpɜb/ | adj | very good |
1088 | suspicious | /səspɪʃəs/ | adj | the feeling that something is not right |
1089 | tasty | /teɪsti/ | adj | delicious |
1090 | terrific | /tɜɪfɪk/ | adj | very great or wonderful |
1016 | traditionally | /trədɪʃənəli/ | adv | to do things the way they used to be done |
1017 | tremendous | /trəmɛndəs/ | adj | extraordinary or excellent |
1091 | underground | /ʌndɜgrˌaʊnd/ | adj | below the surface |
1018 | underway | /ˌʌndɜweɪ/ | adj | happening now |
1092 | unpaid | /ənpeɪd/ | adj | working for no money |
1019 | unpleasant | /ənplɛzənt/ | adj | not nice, not comfortable |
1020 | violin | /vaɪəlɪn/ | noun | small wooden instrument with four strings for making music |
1093 | volleyball | /vɑlibˌɔl/ | noun | a ballgame for two teams who try to hit a large ball backwards and forwards across a central net |
1021 | ward | /wɔrd/ | noun | an electoral district, a small area within which the people can all vote for the same thing |
1094 | wheelchair | /wiltʃˌɛr/ | noun | a seat, that has wheels, that allows a person who cannot walk to move about |
1095 | whoever | /huɛvɜ/ | noun | anyone who |
1096 | wool | /wʊl/ | noun | the fur of sheep |
1022 | worthwhile | /wɜθwaɪl/ | adj | useful; there is some value to it |
1097 | wrinkle | /rɪŋkəl/ | noun | a crease or fold |