TSL 1.20 Learning Dictionary
Set 56: Words 1126 to 1150

1126 donut /doʊnˌʌt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com small, fried, very sweet piece of dough covered in sugar and good to eat
1127 doorman /dɔrmˌæn/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com Someone whose job it is to stand at entrance to a hotel to let people go in and out
1128 electronically /ˌɪlˌɛktrɑnɪkəlˌi/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to do something using electronics
1129 elevate /ɛləvˌeɪt/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to raise or make higher
1130 engagement /ɛngeɪdʒmənt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the act of participating in something
1131 enrollment /ɛnroʊlmənt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the act of registering for something
1132 euro /yuroʊ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a unit of money used in a number of European countries
1133 forbid /fɜbɪd/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to not allow
1134 fork /fɔrk/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com eating utensil
1135 foster /fɑstɜ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to promote or bring about
1136 getaway /gɛtəwˌeɪ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com escape or leave very quickly
1137 gossip /gɑsəp/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to talk about someone behind his/her back
1138 hacker /hækɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com someone who gains access to a computer system without permission
1139 hardworking /hɑrdwˌɜkɪŋ/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com always puts a lot of effort into the task or job
1140 impatient /ˌɪmpeɪʃənt/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com in a hurry, not calm
1141 indirect /ˌɪndɜɛkt/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com not in a straight way
1142 interpreter /ˌɪntɜprətɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com someone who translates from one language to another
1143 intersection /ˌɪntɜsɛkʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com where two paths cross each other
1144 irrelevant /ˌɪrɛləvənt/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com not related to the topic, not important
1145 jeans /dʒinz/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com pants made from denim
1146 journalism /dʒɜnəlˌɪzəm/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the reporting of news
1147 letterhead /lɛtɜhˌɛd/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the printing at the top of a letter that tells you the name and details of the company sending it
1148 lifeguard /laɪfgˌɑrd/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the person whose job it is to keep people safe at the beach or at pool
1149 modem /moʊdəm/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a device that lets you send information from one computer to another
1150 monument /mɑnyumənt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com something built to honor someone