655 | aboard | /əbɔrd/ | adv | on or in a moving vehicle, e.g., aboard the boat |
562 | absent | /æbsənt/ | adj | missing, not present |
750 | accent | /əksɛnt/ | noun | special manner of oral expression |
698 | acceptance | /æksɛptəns/ | noun | state of being okay with something or someone |
432 | accessible | /æksɛsəbəl/ | adj | available, easy to reach |
539 | accessory | /æksɛsɜi/ | noun | partner in crime |
622 | accordingly | /əkɔrdɪŋli/ | adv | therefore, so |
563 | accumulate | /əkyumyəlˌeɪt/ | verb | to slowly get more and more of something, e.g., wealth |
401 | accustom | /əkʌstəm/ | verb | to get used to |
478 | actress | /æktrəs/ | noun | a female actor |
591 | adhere | /ədhɪr/ | verb | to stay with or follow , e.g., adhere to rules |
479 | adjacent | /ədʒeɪsənt/ | adj | next to, beside |
656 | advancement | /ədvænsmənt/ | noun | gradual move forward |
657 | advertiser | /ædvɜtˌaɪzɜ/ | noun | someone who is selling something through media |
751 | advisory | /ædvaɪzɜi/ | adj | related to giving advice or an opinion on what to do |
433 | afterward | /æftɜwɜd/ | adv | after an event or action |
493 | airfare | /ɛrfˌɛr/ | noun | the amount of money charged for traveling by airplane |
515 | alert | /əlɜt/ | adj | wide awake, aware |
699 | allocate | /æləkˌeɪt/ | verb | to assign (usually people or money) to something |
480 | alternate | /ɔltɜnət/ | verb | another option |
658 | alternatively | /ɔltɜnətɪvli/ | adv | another option |
700 | ambitious | /æmbɪʃəs/ | adj | hard-working, wanting to achieve much |
659 | amuse | /əmyuz/ | verb | to entertain |
456 | anytime | /ɛnitˌaɪm/ | adv | at a time you choose, it's not important when |
434 | apology | /əpɑlədʒˌi/ | noun | saying you are sorry for something |
701 | appendix | /əpɛndɪks/ | noun | an extra bit of information at the end of a book or document |
623 | apple | /æpəl/ | noun | a type of fruit from trees that is green, red, or yellow |
624 | applicable | /æpləkəbəl/ | adj | relating to |
564 | appraisal | /əpreɪzəl/ | noun | an evaluation |
412 | appreciation | /əprˌiʃieɪʃən/ | noun | to show thanks for something or someone |
565 | apprentice | /əprɛntəs/ | noun | someone who is learning a trade by working with an expert |
752 | asleep | /əslip/ | adv | not awake, in sleep |
435 | assemble | /əsɛmbəl/ | verb | to gather people together |
540 | assembly | /əsɛmbli/ | noun | when people are gathered together |
660 | attorney | /ətɜni/ | noun | lawyer |
625 | auction | /ɑkʃən/ | noun | where things are sold to highest payer |
516 | auditorium | /ˌɔdətɔriəm/ | noun | the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits |
753 | authentic | /əθɛntɪk/ | adj | real, not fake |
661 | authorization | /ˌɔθɜəzeɪʃən/ | noun | the permission given to do something |
436 | automatic | /ˌɔtəmætɪk/ | adj | done without thinking |
457 | badge | /bædʒ/ | noun | a small piece of material with your name and details on that you wear to show who you are |
494 | bake | /beɪk/ | verb | to cook things inside the oven |
754 | bakery | /beɪkɜi/ | noun | a place where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are made and sold |
626 | balcony | /bælkəni/ | noun | a small floor area with a wall or fence round it that is joined to the outside of a building |
592 | bankrupt | /bæŋkrəpt/ | noun | to have no more money |
627 | basement | /beɪsmənt/ | noun | the level under the ground floor |
541 | basket | /bæskət/ | noun | a container made of pieces of wood |
628 | beforehand | /bɪfɔrhˌænd/ | adv | earlier in time |
437 | boardroom | /bɔrdrˌum/ | noun | a room where the board of directors of a company hold meetings |
702 | booth | /buθ/ | noun | an enclosed space like a cubicle, stall or stand |
458 | brake | /breɪk/ | noun | to stop a vehicle by pressing a pedal |
566 | businessman | /bɪznəsmˌæn/ | noun | a man who works in commercial or industrial business, especially an owner or executive |
495 | businessperson | /bɪznəspɜsən/ | noun | a person who works in commercial or industrial business, especially an owner or executive |
459 | calculation | /kˌælkyəleɪʃən/ | noun | to add, subtract, multiply, divide etc. |
662 | campus | /kæmpəs/ | noun | place where university buildings are |
663 | candy | /kændi/ | noun | a very sweet food, made from sugar and other things, that is good to eat |
413 | cargo | /kɑrgˌoʊ/ | noun | the things carried in the hold of an airplane or on a truck |
438 | carpenter | /kɑrpəntɜ/ | noun | a person makes and mends things made of wood for a liviing |
755 | carton | /kɑrtən/ | noun | a box made of cardboard or plastic in which things like milk and juice are sold |
439 | caterer | /keɪtɜɜ/ | noun | the person who makes food and delivers it for a living |
593 | caution | /kɑʃən/ | noun | a warning to be careful |
567 | ceiling | /silɪŋ/ | noun | the thing that covers the room up high |
517 | celebrity | /səlɛbrɪti/ | noun | someone famous |
542 | certification | /sˌɜtəfəkeɪʃən/ | noun | written proof that you did something or that something is good enough |
664 | certify | /sɜtəfˌaɪ/ | verb | to state something is real or correct |
665 | checkout | /tʃɛkˌaʊt/ | noun | the latest time that you must vacate a hotel room |
666 | chemistry | /kɛmɪstri/ | noun | the study of chemicals |
667 | circulation | /sɜkyəlˌeɪʃən/ | noun | to distribute in a wide area, e.g., newspaper |
703 | clarify | /klɛrəfˌaɪ/ | verb | to explain or make clear |
440 | classify | /klæsəfˌaɪ/ | verb | to put into a category |
704 | classmate | /klæsmˌeɪt/ | noun | Someone studying in your class with you |
402 | clinic | /klɪnɪk/ | noun | a place you go when sick, like a mini-hospital |
594 | clip | /klɪp/ | verb | to cut short, snip |
543 | closure | /kloʊʒɜ/ | noun | when something is closed for good |
568 | colorful | /kʌlɜfəl/ | adj | having many different colors |
756 | compartment | /kəmpɑrtmənt/ | noun | a part of a closed area that has been separated from a bigger one |
757 | compatible | /kəmpætəbəl/ | adj | to go well with |
569 | compensate | /kɑmpənsˌeɪt/ | verb | to give money for a service |
705 | compile | /kəmpaɪl/ | verb | to collect or gather data |
595 | comply | /kəmplaɪ/ | verb | to obey a rule |
668 | concierge | /kˌɑnsiɛrʒ/ | noun | the person in a hotel whose job it is to arrange things for the guests |
481 | congratulate | /kəngrætʃəlˌeɪt/ | verb | to tell someone 'good job' on a happy occasion |
669 | consent | /kənsɛnt/ | verb | to give permission |
496 | considerably | /kənsɪdɜəbli/ | adv | to a large degree |
670 | consistently | /kənsɪstəntli/ | adv | doing something the same way every time |
441 | consultation | /kˌɑnsəlteɪʃən/ | noun | a meeting between two people |
758 | consumption | /kənsʌmpʃən/ | noun | the act of eating |
759 | conveniently | /kənvinyəntli/ | adv | in a manner that is easy |
671 | cookie | /kʊki/ | noun | a small, flat, round, dry, sweet cake-like snack |
414 | cooperate | /koʊɑpɜˌeɪt/ | verb | to work together nicely |
460 | coordinator | /koʊɔrdənˌeɪtɜ/ | noun | someone whose job is to organize things |
706 | correction | /kɜɛkʃən/ | noun | the act of making something right |
760 | cosmetic | /kɑzmɛtɪk/ | noun | makes something look better without changing it too much |
461 | costly | /kɑstli/ | adj | to be expensive, to be of a high price |
570 | costume | /kɑstum/ | noun | something unusual you dress up in, e.g., for Hallowe'en |
761 | courtesy | /kɜtəsi/ | noun | a kindness to someone |
762 | creativity | /krˌieɪtɪvəti/ | noun | the state of having talent and imagination |
629 | culinary | /kyulɪnˌɛri/ | adj | relating to cooking |
707 | customize | /kʌstəmˌaɪz/ | verb | make or change something to suit the customer's particular needs |
672 | deck | /dɛk/ | noun | like a patio or terrace |
708 | dedication | /dˌɛdəkeɪʃən/ | noun | the act of being faithful to someone or something |
518 | deduct | /dɪdʌkt/ | verb | to minus or take away |
673 | descriptive | /dɪskrɪptɪv/ | adj | something that tells you more about it |
403 | desktop | /dɛsktˌɑp/ | noun | the working area of a computer screen when no programs are open |
674 | detach | /dɪtˌætʃ/ | verb | to remove from something |
709 | diagnose | /dˌaɪəgnoʊs/ | verb | to figure out what is wrong |
596 | diner | /daɪnɜ/ | noun | a small, informal restaurant |
763 | disagreement | /dɪsəgrimənt/ | noun | the act of having a difference of opinion |
764 | disappointment | /dˌɪsəpɔɪntmənt/ | noun | what is felt when someone does not fulfill your expectations |
710 | discontinue | /dɪskəntɪnyu/ | verb | stop doing it |
711 | dishwasher | /dɪʃwˌɑʃɜ/ | noun | a machine that cleans dirty dishes |
544 | dislike | /dɪslaɪk/ | verb | to not like, hate |
519 | disruption | /dɪsrʌpʃən/ | noun | the act of interrupting and causing chaos |
765 | dissatisfy | /dɪsætəsfˌaɪ/ | verb | to make someone not pleased with what you have done |
415 | distract | /dɪstrækt/ | verb | to take your focus away from something |
416 | dividend | /dɪvɪdˌɛnd/ | noun | money received as a bonus |
630 | documentary | /dˌɑkyəmɛntɜi/ | adj | a film about a real life or event |
675 | documentation | /dˌɑkyəmɛnteɪʃən/ | noun | the act of showing proof in writing |
545 | downstairs | /daʊnstɛrz/ | adv | on a lower floor of a building |
631 | downturn | /daʊntˌɜn/ | noun | a drop in the success of a business or the economy |
712 | drought | /draʊt/ | noun | a period of time when there is very little rainfall |
597 | duplicate | /dupləkət/ | adj | make an exact copy |
442 | durable | /dʊrəbəl/ | adj | very long lasting |
598 | eager | /igɜ/ | noun | to be excited to help or do something |
632 | earthquake | /ɜθkwˌeɪk/ | noun | when the ground shakes due to the natural movement of rocks underground |
599 | economist | /ɪkɑnəmɪst/ | noun | an expert in the science of economics |
713 | economize | /ɪkɑnəmˌaɪz/ | verb | to save money, avoid waste |
571 | editorial | /ˌɛdətɔriəl/ | adj | a newspaper article written by the editor |
572 | effectiveness | /ɪfɛktɪvnəs/ | noun | the state of working properly or as expected |
520 | electrician | /ɪlɛktrɪʃən/ | noun | a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines |
633 | elegant | /ɛləgənt/ | adj | fine or beautiful |
600 | embassy | /ɛmbəsi/ | noun | the office of an ambassador |
766 | enjoyable | /ˌɛndʒɔɪəbəl/ | adj | not boring, fun |
521 | enthusiastic | /ɪnθˌuziæstɪk/ | adj | to show excitement for something |
714 | entrée | /ɑnˌtreɪ/ | noun | the main dish of a meal |
676 | entrepreneur | /ˌɑntrəprənɜ/ | noun | a business person who starts companies |
462 | equip | /ɪkwɪp/ | verb | provide with abilities or tools |
482 | escort | /ɛskɔrt/ | noun | to go with someone |
677 | exceptional | /ɪksɛpʃənəl/ | adj | beyond excellent |
634 | excessive | /ɪksɛsɪv/ | adj | way too much of something |
463 | excursion | /ɪkskɜʒən/ | noun | a journey taken for pleasure |
417 | exemption | /ɪgzɛmpʃən/ | noun | an exception to the rule |
546 | expiration | /ˌɛkspɜeɪʃən/ | noun | the end of a period of time |
573 | facilitate | /fəsɪlətˌeɪt/ | verb | to help or make easier |
767 | faculty | /fækəlti/ | noun | an instructor or professor at university |
678 | familiarize | /fəmɪlyɜˌaɪz/ | verb | to get to know better |
601 | fasten | /fæsən/ | verb | fix together firmly |
497 | faulty | /fɔlti/ | adj | broken, not perfect |
768 | favorable | /feɪvɜəbəl/ | adj | to be seen as good or positive |
574 | firefighter | /faɪrfˌaɪtɜ/ | noun | someone whose job it is to put out fires or save people from dangerous situations |
715 | firework | /faɪrwˌɜk/ | noun | a small stick-like object that, when lit with a flame, goes off with a bang and flashes of colored light |
769 | foreman | /fɔrmən/ | noun | Senior worker who controls other workers |
770 | forum | /fɔrəm/ | noun | a place for open discussion |
771 | founder | /faʊndɜ/ | noun | someone who starts a business or organization |
716 | freight | /freɪt/ | noun | goods that are transported from one place to another |
717 | fry | /fraɪ/ | verb | to cook in a pan |
772 | fundraise | /0/ | verb | to get money from people for a partular project |
418 | furnish | /fɜnɪʃ/ | verb | to put furniture in |
718 | gallon | /gælən/ | noun | a type of measurement equal to 3.78 liters |
719 | gardener | /gɑrdənɜ/ | noun | a person who works with plants and flowers for a living |
575 | gasoline | /gæsəlˌin/ | noun | fuel used in most motor vehicles |
635 | generic | /dʒənɛrɪk/ | adj | general |
443 | glove | /glʌv/ | noun | something you wear on your hand to keep warm |
522 | graduation | /grˌædʒueɪʃən/ | noun | the ceremony upon finishing a degree or program |
464 | graphic | /græfɪk/ | adj | to do with a picture or image |
773 | graphics | /græfɪks/ | noun | images or pictures |
774 | handy | /hændi/ | adj | useful |
444 | hardware | /hɑrdwˌɛr/ | noun | tools or equipment |
602 | harmful | /hɑrmfəl/ | adj | damaging, hurtful |
775 | hazardous | /hæzɜdəs/ | adj | to be dangerous |
547 | headache | /hɛdˌeɪk/ | noun | pain in the head |
776 | healthcare | /hɛlθkˌɛr/ | noun | the business of providing medical services to a community or individuals |
498 | hobby | /hɑbi/ | noun | something you do in your spare time for fun |
679 | hotline | /hɑtlˌaɪn/ | noun | telephone line that gives direct, fast access |
419 | hourly | /aʊrli/ | adj | happens every 60 minutes |
777 | humidity | /hyumɪdəti/ | noun | how much dampness their is in the air |
523 | icy | /aɪsi/ | adj | made of ice |
720 | ideally | /aɪdili/ | adv | in a perfect world |
576 | inappropriate | /ˌɪnəproʊpriɪt/ | adj | not suitable for use in a given situation |
721 | inclusive | /ˌɪnklusɪv/ | adj | includes everything |
483 | inexpensive | /ˌɪnɪkspɛnsɪv/ | adj | having a low price; cheap |
465 | inexperience | /ˌɪnɪkspɪriəns/ | noun | to not have much practice with something |
778 | influential | /ˌɪnfluɛnʃəl/ | adj | powerful |
499 | informal | /ˌɪnfɔrməl/ | adj | relaxed, casual - often used to describe clothes or an event |
603 | informative | /ˌɪnfɔrmətɪv/ | adj | tells you a lot of useful facts about somethiing |
604 | institute | /ɪnstɪtˌut/ | verb | like a school or college |
722 | insufficient | /ˌɪnsəfɪʃənt/ | adj | not enough |
577 | internet | /ɪntɜnˌɛt/ | noun | the information highway, the worldwide web |
680 | intonation | /ˌɪntəneɪʃən/ | noun | the rise and fall of the voice when speaking |
723 | introductory | /ˌɪntrədʌktɜi/ | adj | something that comes before the main event, e.g., introductory speech |
681 | invention | /ˌɪnvɛnʃən/ | noun | the idea or creation of something new |
524 | irregular | /ˌɪrɛgyəlɜ/ | adj | occuring at unexpected times |
682 | irritate | /ɪrɪtˌeɪt/ | verb | to bother |
548 | jam | /dʒæm/ | verb | push down hard |
636 | jazz | /dʒæz/ | noun | a kind of music |
404 | jog | /dʒɑg/ | verb | a gentle run |
724 | junk | /dʒʌŋk/ | noun | useless item; trash |
500 | kilometer | /kəlɑmətɜ/ | noun | a metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters |
605 | kit | /kɪt/ | noun | a box of tools or equipment |
578 | landlord | /lændlˌɔrd/ | noun | the person who owns the place you rent |
420 | laundry | /lɔndri/ | noun | dirty clothes that need washing |
501 | lawn | /lɔn/ | noun | the grassy area in your garden |
579 | layout | /leɪˌaʊt/ | noun | the plan of how it is set out |
405 | leisure | /lɛʒɜ/ | noun | something for fun or relaxing |
466 | lengthy | /lɛŋθi/ | adj | long in time or size |
467 | librarian | /laɪbrɛrˌiən/ | noun | a person who works with books in a library |
637 | lifetime | /laɪftˌaɪm/ | noun | The time between when a person is born and when they die |
606 | locally | /loʊkəli/ | adv | in a specific area |
683 | locker | /lɑkɜ/ | noun | a small cupboard you can store personal items in securely for a period of time |
525 | login | /ˈlɒɡ.ɪn/ | verb | to enter a computer website account |
580 | lunchtime | /lʌntʃtˌaɪm/ | noun | The usual time for eating the midday meal |
725 | ma'am | /mæm/ | noun | short for 'madam', a polite way to address a woman |
445 | malfunction | /mælfʌŋkʃən/ | verb | a breakdown or failure in the system |
526 | managerial | /mˌænɪdʒɪriəl/ | adj | to do with management or supervision |
421 | mandatory | /mændətˌɔri/ | adj | something that has to be done |
484 | mask | /mæsk/ | noun | something that covers your face |
638 | massage | /məsɑʒ/ | noun | rub the body in a special way that makes it feel better |
639 | maximize | /mæksəmˌaɪz/ | verb | to make use of as much as possible |
468 | meantime | /mintˌaɪm/ | noun | the time between two events |
422 | mechanical | /məkænɪkəl/ | adj | to do with machines |
607 | mentor | /mɛntˌɔr/ | noun | personal advisor or teacher |
469 | merge | /mɜdʒ/ | verb | to bring two things together to make one |
502 | microscope | /maɪkrəskˌoʊp/ | noun | a device that makes very small things look bigger so you can study them closer |
640 | mild | /maɪld/ | adj | soft, gentle, not strong in nature |
726 | mileage | /maɪlədʒ/ | noun | distance travelled in miles |
527 | mineral | /mɪnɜəl/ | noun | a type of substance found in nature |
503 | mislead | /mɪslid/ | verb | to lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions |
504 | misplace | /mɪspleɪs/ | verb | forget where you have put it |
528 | motorcycle | /moʊtɜsˌaɪkəl/ | noun | a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame |
549 | nail | /neɪl/ | noun | a long, thin piece of metal used to hold pieces of wood together banged in with a hammer |
406 | nap | /næp/ | verb | a short sleep, often taken during the daytime |
779 | nationwide | /neɪʃənwaɪd/ | adj | all across the country |
529 | necessity | /nəsɛsəti/ | noun | something which you need |
505 | newsstand | /nuzstˌænd/ | noun | a small structure where newspapers and magazines are sold |
727 | noisy | /nɔɪzi/ | adj | too loud |
608 | nominate | /nɑmənət/ | verb | to suggest someone for to do or be something |
641 | ongoing | /ɑngˌoʊɪŋ/ | adj | still happening |
609 | opt | /ɑpt/ | verb | to make a choice |
550 | optimistic | /ˌɑptɪmɪstɪk/ | adj | being positive about the future |
446 | outdated | /aʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ | adj | old; no longer useful because there is a more modern one |
506 | overhead | /oʊvɜhɛd/ | adj | the fixed cost of a business, e.g., rent |
684 | overlook | /oʊvɜlˌʊk/ | verb | to ignore, to not notice |
780 | pad | /pæd/ | noun | many sheets of paper glued together for writing |
728 | pan | /pæn/ | adj | a flat, round cooking container used for frying |
610 | parade | /pɜeɪd/ | noun | walk or march |
781 | paraphrase | /pɛrəfrˌeɪz/ | noun | saying it again but putting the same meaning into different words |
729 | parcel | /pɑrsəl/ | noun | something wrapped in paper so that it can be sent, or delivered somewhere |
730 | pasta | /pɑstə/ | noun | shaped and dried dough, made from flour and water, often used in Italian cooking |
685 | patent | /pætənt/ | noun | the right to be the only one who is allowed to make a thing |
447 | patience | /peɪʃəns/ | noun | to accept suffering without getting angry |
686 | payable | /peɪəbəl/ | adj | an amount of money due |
581 | payroll | /peɪrˌoʊl/ | noun | the total amount of money paid in wages |
551 | pedestrian | /pədɛstriən/ | noun | a person who is walking on the street |
470 | performer | /pɜfɔrmɜ/ | noun | an entertainer like an actor or a singer |
731 | periodical | /pˌɪriɑdɪkəl/ | noun | a magazine made and available on a regular basis |
642 | periodically | /pˌiriɑdɪkəli/ | adv | every so often, at regular times |
582 | pharmaceutical | /fˌɑrməsutɪkəl/ | adj | relating to the preparation and making of medicine |
471 | pharmacist | /fɑrməsɪst/ | noun | a person whose job it is to prepare medicines |
423 | pharmacy | /fɑrməsi/ | noun | a store where medicines are prepared and sold |
611 | physician | /fəzɪʃən/ | noun | A doctor of medicine |
643 | pie | /paɪ/ | noun | round, covered pastrywith a filling like cherry or apple |
732 | pill | /pɪl/ | noun | medicine in the form of a capsule that you swallow |
472 | pizza | /pitsə/ | noun | a round piece of baked dough, covered with tomato, cheese and other ingredients |
782 | placement | /pleɪsmənt/ | noun | the act of placing someone in a job or the location of something |
530 | planner | /plænɜ/ | noun | a person who makes plans |
583 | plausible | /plɔzəbəl/ | adj | it sounds like it could be true |
644 | plug | /plʌg/ | noun | to fill in a hole |
612 | polish | /pɑlɪʃ/ | verb | to make something shine with a cloth |
733 | portable | /pɔrtəbəl/ | adj | something that is small and easy to carry |
507 | portfolio | /pɔrtfoʊliˌoʊ/ | noun | a collection of investments that someone owns |
613 | postage | /poʊstədʒ/ | noun | the charge for mailing something |
783 | postal | /poʊstəl/ | adj | of or relating to the system for delivering mail |
448 | postcard | /poʊstkˌɑrd/ | noun | a card for sending messages by post without an envelope |
687 | preliminary | /prɪlɪmənˌɛri/ | adj | The first action that comes before a more important one |
584 | premium | /primiəm/ | noun | an extra payment added to the cost |
531 | programmer | /proʊgrˌæmɜ/ | noun | a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs |
552 | projection | /prɑdʒɛkʃən/ | noun | a guess about future events, e.g., sales or income |
424 | promotional | /prəmoʊʃənəl/ | adj | to do with encouraging sales |
532 | proofread | /prufrˌid/ | verb | read for errors |
449 | prospective | /prəspɛktɪv/ | adj | possible in the future, e.g., prospective client |
784 | publicity | /pəblɪsəti/ | noun | the advertising message to let people know about a product or event |
734 | punctual | /pʌŋktʃuəl/ | adj | arriving on time |
485 | purchaser | /pɜtʃəsɜ/ | noun | someone who buys things; buyer |
486 | purse | /pɜs/ | noun | a small bag women use to carry personal items |
425 | quarterly | /kwɔrtɜli/ | adj | every 4 months |
508 | rack | /ræk/ | noun | a stand or shelf to put things on |
487 | realtor | /riəltɜ/ | noun | a person who sells, rents out or manages property for a living |
488 | rearrange | /rˌiɜeɪndʒ/ | verb | to put into a new order |
735 | recreation | /rˌɛkrieɪʃən/ | noun | leisure |
614 | recreational | /rˌɛkrieɪʃənəl/ | adj | what you do for relaxation in your free time |
533 | recruiter | /rɪkrutɜ/ | noun | a person who hires people for businesses |
645 | recruitment | /rəkrutmənt/ | noun | the act of hiring people for businesses |
646 | referee | /rˌɛfɜi/ | noun | the person who oversees something to make sure that the rules are followed |
647 | referral | /rɪfɜəl/ | noun | the recommendation of someone or something |
615 | rehearse | /rihɜs/ | verb | practise so that you get better at doing it |
407 | reinforce | /rˌiɪnfɔrs/ | verb | to make stronger |
736 | relieve | /rɪliv/ | verb | to take something away from someone |
534 | remainder | /rɪmeɪndɜ/ | noun | what is left over |
737 | reminder | /rimaɪndɜ/ | noun | something that makes you remember something |
509 | remodel | /rimɑdəl/ | verb | change or alter nearly everything to make it look different |
616 | removal | /rɪmuvəl/ | noun | to take away and put in another place |
648 | renown | /rɪnaʊn/ | noun | the state of being well known |
785 | renter | /rɛntɜ/ | noun | someone who pays money to have the use of something for a period of time |
489 | reopen | /rioʊpən/ | verb | to open again |
786 | repairperson | /0/ | noun | person whose job it is to fix things when they are broken |
787 | repeatedly | /rɪpitɪdli/ | adv | many times |
426 | residential | /rˌɛzɪdɛnʃəl/ | adj | an area where people live |
473 | resignation | /rˌɛzəgneɪʃən/ | noun | to quit one's job |
788 | restroom | /rɛstrˌum/ | noun | room in a building which contains one or more toilets for public use |
474 | reviewer | /rivyuɜ/ | noun | someone who checks written work |
450 | revision | /rivɪʒən/ | noun | to change or rewrite something |
738 | rumor | /rumɜ/ | verb | something said by people but not necessarily true |
649 | runner | /rʌnɜ/ | noun | someone who travels on foot by running |
585 | safely | /seɪfli/ | adv | in a way that is not dangerous |
688 | salesman | /seɪlzmən/ | noun | a man whose job it is to get people to buy things from his company |
617 | satisfactory | /sˌætəsfæktri/ | adj | acceptable |
689 | sauna | /sɔnə/ | noun | a Finnish steam bath; steam is produced by pouring water over heated rocks |
739 | scarf | /skɑrf/ | noun | a long, narrow piece of material you wear round your neck to keep you warm |
427 | scholarship | /skɑlɜʃˌɪp/ | noun | an amount of money given to an able student to help pay for their studies |
740 | seaside | /sisˌaɪd/ | noun | a place right by the ocean where people can go to relax and have fun |
618 | seasonal | /sizənəl/ | adj | happening at a certain time of the year only |
428 | seeker | /sikɜ/ | noun | someone looking for something |
408 | sender | /sɛndɜ/ | noun | someone who transmits a message |
619 | separately | /sɛpɜətli/ | adv | to do things one at a time, not together |
741 | shorten | /ʃɔrtən/ | verb | to make smaller in length |
789 | silently | /saɪləntli/ | adv | in a quiet manner |
586 | simplify | /sɪmpləfˌaɪ/ | verb | make easier to understand |
553 | sleeve | /sliv/ | noun | the part of a garment that covers some, or all, of the arm |
690 | smoothly | /smuðli/ | adv | to do something easily with no trouble |
490 | soap | /soʊp/ | noun | a block of material used for washing or cleaning |
650 | sock | /sɑk/ | noun | something you wear on your foot to keep you warm |
790 | spa | /spɑ/ | noun | a place you can go to relax and improve your health, or how you look |
651 | spam | /spæm/ | noun | unwanted e-mail, usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk |
742 | specially | /spɛʃəli/ | adv | in particular |
587 | specialty | /spɛʃəlti/ | noun | something you are very good at |
743 | spill | /spɪl/ | verb | to accidentally empty a container, e.g., spill a glass of milk |
491 | spokesperson | /spoʊkspɜsən/ | noun | one man or woman who speaks officially for the rest of the group |
744 | spouse | /spaʊs/ | noun | the person you are married to |
791 | spreadsheet | /sprɛdʃˌit/ | noun | a computer program worksheet or table that you enter information onto |
792 | stapler | /steɪpəlɜ/ | noun | a small device used to fix papers together with a small thin piece of wire called a staple |
510 | statistics | /stətɪstɪks/ | noun | math related to data collection |
535 | statue | /stætʃˌu/ | noun | a work of art, usually a model of a person or animal, made from hard material |
536 | steadily | /stɛdəli/ | adv | in a slow and even manner |
537 | stockholder | /stɑkhˌoʊldɜ/ | noun | someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation |
793 | streamline | /strimlˌaɪn/ | noun | make smoother and more efficient |
451 | strictly | /strɪktli/ | adv | in a strong manner, in a manner that follows the rules |
794 | substantially | /səbstænʃəli/ | adv | a great deal, amount |
745 | subtract | /səbtrækt/ | verb | take away from |
554 | suburb | /sʌbɜb/ | noun | living area outside the city |
691 | sunshine | /sʌnʃˌaɪn/ | noun | the warmth and light of the sun |
492 | superior | /supɪriɜ/ | adj | the leader, someone higher than you in rank |
652 | surf | /sɜf/ | noun | move from one website to another on the internet |
746 | tablet | /tæblət/ | noun | a small flat solid cake of some substance |
555 | takeover | /teɪkˌoʊvɜ/ | noun | the buying out of one company by another |
588 | tech | /tɛk/ | noun | short form of the word 'technology' |
795 | teller | /tɛlɜ/ | noun | person who works in a bank, who pays out and takes in money |
429 | temporarily | /tˌɛmpɜɛrəli/ | adv | not for ever, for a short while |
475 | terminate | /tɜmənˌeɪt/ | verb | bring to an end |
796 | tidy | /taɪdi/ | adj | put things in their correct place |
653 | timetable | /taɪmtˌeɪbəl/ | noun | a list of events and when they are going to happen |
797 | toll | /toʊl/ | verb | a small cost or fee you pay to use a service |
452 | tomato | /təmeɪtˌoʊ/ | noun | a round red fruit, usually thought of as a vegetable |
747 | ton | /tʌn/ | noun | a measurement equalling 2000 pounds |
798 | toner | /toʊnɜ/ | noun | the ink in the computer or printer |
692 | tow | /toʊ/ | verb | pull something along |
430 | towel | /taʊəl/ | noun | a big cloth used for drying after a shower or swim |
476 | translation | /trænzleɪʃən/ | noun | something that is changed into another language |
693 | translator | /trænsleɪtɜ/ | noun | the person who changes something into another language |
453 | tray | /treɪ/ | noun | a flat plate used to carry things, usually coffee or tea |
694 | tuition | /tyuɪʃən/ | noun | the sum of money charged for teaching by a college or university |
511 | tunnel | /tʌnəl/ | noun | a hole one can travel through |
620 | turnover | /tɜnˌoʊvɜ/ | noun | the amount of money that a business makes in an amount of time |
431 | unattended | /ənətɛndɪd/ | adj | when someone or something is not being watched |
695 | unavailable | /ˌʌnəveɪləbəl/ | adj | not ready for use |
589 | unexpected | /ˌʌnɪkspɛktɪd/ | adj | to be a surprise |
477 | unfamiliar | /ˌʌnfəmɪlyɜ/ | adj | not well known |
512 | unlimited | /ənlɪmətəd/ | adj | without end |
621 | unnecessary | /ənnɛsəsˌɛri/ | adj | not needed |
590 | unspecified | /ənspɛsəfˌaɪd/ | adj | not clearly marked or known |
556 | unsure | /ənʃʊr/ | adj | not certain or sure |
557 | upstairs | /əpstɛrz/ | adv | on a higher level of the building |
799 | urgently | /ɜdʒəntli/ | adv | to do something right away |
538 | vacant | /veɪkənt/ | adj | empty |
409 | vacuum | /vækyum/ | noun | a completely empty space |
654 | vase | /veɪs/ | noun | a jug or urn to put cut flowers in, to make a room look pretty |
748 | vend | // | verb | To offer something for sale or to sell something |
454 | vendor | /vɛndɜ/ | noun | the person who is selling something |
558 | verbal | /vɜbəl/ | adj | spoken |
696 | violation | /vaɪəleɪʃən/ | noun | the act of breaking a rule or law |
559 | visa | /vizə/ | noun | travel permit that allows you to enter a particular country for a period of time |
513 | vitamin | /vaɪtəmən/ | noun | a natural substance found in food and drink that your body needs to be healthy |
800 | walkway | /wɔkwˌeɪ/ | noun | a connecting passage or path for pedestrians to move along |
697 | webpage | /ˈwɛbˌpeɪdʒ/ | noun | a single document that makes up part of a website |
560 | wildlife | /waɪldlˌaɪf/ | noun | animals and plants that live in the natural world |
410 | wireless | /waɪrlɪs/ | noun | a means of communication that uses radio waves instead of wires |
455 | withdrawal | /wɪðdrɔəl/ | noun | the act of taking something away or out of something, e.g., bank withdrawal |
561 | workforce | /wɜkfˌɔrs/ | noun | all the people that a company employs |
411 | yearly | /yɪrli/ | adj | happening every 12 months |
749 | yoga | /yoʊgə/ | noun | a system of exercise to give control over your mind and body |
514 | zoo | /zu/ | noun | a park where many different types of live animals are kept |