TSL 1.20 Learning Dictionary
Set 53: Words 1051 to 1075

1051 fluent /fluənt/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com able to speak a language easily and with confidence
1052 honestly /ɑnəstli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com really, truly
1053 housekeep // verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com take care of all business related to a household
1054 hurricane /hɜəkˌeɪn/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a strong often deadly storm that begins over the water
1055 hygiene /haɪdʒˌin/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com how you keep yourself and your surroundings clean and so that you stay healthy
1056 integral /ɪntəgrəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com very important, necessary as part of the whole thing
1057 interactive /ˌɪntɜæktɪv/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to engage with others
1058 interfere /ˌɪntɜfɪr/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to take part in something that is not your business
1059 kilogram /kɪləgrˌæm/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a unit of weight; one kilogram is about the same weight as 2.2 pounds
1060 layoff /leɪˌɔf/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the act of ending a worker's job because there is not enough work, or not enough money to pay for it
1061 lightweight /laɪtweɪt/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com someone or something that is not heavy
1062 merit /mɛrət/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to deserve praise
1063 necklace /nɛkləs/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a piece of jewelery, or decoration, worn around the neck
1064 needy /nidi/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com people who are poor and do not have enough to live on
1065 overpay /oʊvɜpˌeɪ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to hand over too much money
1066 pamphlet /pæmflət/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a small paper leaflet or booklet that tells you about a single subject
1067 partial /pɑrʃəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to be a part of something whole
1068 penalize /pɛnəlˌaɪz/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to punish someone
1069 pollute /pəlut/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to make the environment dirty
1070 prescribe /prəskraɪb/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to formally tell someone what to do
1071 probable /prɑbəbəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com possible, but not certain to be or become true or real
1072 prominent /prɑmənənt/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com important, significant
1073 rainfall /reɪnfˌɔl/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com Water that falls from the clouds in the sky, in little drops
1074 relocation /rˌiloʊkeɪʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the act of moving something to a new location
1075 residence /rɛzɪdəns/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the house or place you live