Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
1023 | adapter | /ədæptɜ/ | noun | something that connects to something to make it usable |
1024 | advisable | /ədvaɪzəbəl/ | adj | something one should do, or is good to do |
1025 | archive | /ɑrkˌaɪv/ | noun | a place where documents are kept for a long time |
1001 | pastry | /peɪstri/ | noun | a food made of flour, fat and water and baked with other food inside it |
1002 | personalize | /pɜsənəlˌaɪz/ | verb | change something so that it is tailored to a particular person's needs |
1003 | poorly | /purli/ | adv | Badly; not enough; not sufficient |
1004 | prestigious | /prɛstɪdʒəs/ | adj | very important and well thought of |
1005 | purser | /pɜsɜ/ | noun | an officer aboard a ship who keeps accounts and attends to the passengers' needs |
1006 | reassure | /rˌiəʃʊr/ | verb | to make someone feel certain of something |
1007 | resume | /rɪzum/ | verb | to continue or start again |
1008 | reunion | /riunyən/ | noun | when people get together to meet up after not meeting for a long time |
1009 | revolutionize | /rˌɛvəluʃənˌaɪz/ | verb | to make a new, big change in society |
1010 | seafood | /sifˌud/ | noun | things you can eat as food that live in the sea |
1011 | signify | /sɪgnəfˌaɪ/ | verb | shows a sign that it has an important meaning |
1012 | slot | /slɑt/ | noun | a narrow opening |
1013 | steer | /stɪr/ | verb | guide the direction of |
1014 | sue | /su/ | verb | To take legal action against someone |
1015 | superb | /sʊpɜb/ | adj | very good |
1016 | traditionally | /trədɪʃənəli/ | adv | to do things the way they used to be done |
1017 | tremendous | /trəmɛndəs/ | adj | extraordinary or excellent |
1018 | underway | /ˌʌndɜweɪ/ | adj | happening now |
1019 | unpleasant | /ənplɛzənt/ | adj | not nice, not comfortable |
1020 | violin | /vaɪəlɪn/ | noun | small wooden instrument with four strings for making music |
1021 | ward | /wɔrd/ | noun | an electoral district, a small area within which the people can all vote for the same thing |
1022 | worthwhile | /wɜθwaɪl/ | adj | useful; there is some value to it |