TSL 1.20 Learning Dictionary
Set 30: Words 581 to 600

591 adhere /ədhɪr/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to stay with or follow , e.g., adhere to rules
592 bankrupt /bæŋkrəpt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to have no more money
593 caution /kɑʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a warning to be careful
594 clip /klɪp/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to cut short, snip
595 comply /kəmplaɪ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to obey a rule
596 diner /daɪnɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a small, informal restaurant
597 duplicate /dupləkət/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com make an exact copy
598 eager /igɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to be excited to help or do something
599 economist /ɪkɑnəmɪst/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com an expert in the science of economics
600 embassy /ɛmbəsi/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the office of an ambassador
581 payroll /peɪrˌoʊl/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the total amount of money paid in wages
582 pharmaceutical /fˌɑrməsutɪkəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com relating to the preparation and making of medicine
583 plausible /plɔzəbəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com it sounds like it could be true
584 premium /primiəm/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com an extra payment added to the cost
585 safely /seɪfli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com in a way that is not dangerous
586 simplify /sɪmpləfˌaɪ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com make easier to understand
587 specialty /spɛʃəlti/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com something you are very good at
588 tech /tɛk/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com short form of the word 'technology'
589 unexpected /ˌʌnɪkspɛktɪd/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to be a surprise
590 unspecified /ənspɛsəfˌaɪd/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com not clearly marked or known