Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
562 | absent | /æbsənt/ | adj | missing, not present |
539 | accessory | /æksɛsɜi/ | noun | partner in crime |
563 | accumulate | /əkyumyəlˌeɪt/ | verb | to slowly get more and more of something, e.g., wealth |
591 | adhere | /ədhɪr/ | verb | to stay with or follow , e.g., adhere to rules |
515 | alert | /əlɜt/ | adj | wide awake, aware |
564 | appraisal | /əpreɪzəl/ | noun | an evaluation |
565 | apprentice | /əprɛntəs/ | noun | someone who is learning a trade by working with an expert |
540 | assembly | /əsɛmbli/ | noun | when people are gathered together |
516 | auditorium | /ˌɔdətɔriəm/ | noun | the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits |
592 | bankrupt | /bæŋkrəpt/ | noun | to have no more money |
541 | basket | /bæskət/ | noun | a container made of pieces of wood |
566 | businessman | /bɪznəsmˌæn/ | noun | a man who works in commercial or industrial business, especially an owner or executive |
593 | caution | /kɑʃən/ | noun | a warning to be careful |
567 | ceiling | /silɪŋ/ | noun | the thing that covers the room up high |
517 | celebrity | /səlɛbrɪti/ | noun | someone famous |
542 | certification | /sˌɜtəfəkeɪʃən/ | noun | written proof that you did something or that something is good enough |
594 | clip | /klɪp/ | verb | to cut short, snip |
543 | closure | /kloʊʒɜ/ | noun | when something is closed for good |
568 | colorful | /kʌlɜfəl/ | adj | having many different colors |
569 | compensate | /kɑmpənsˌeɪt/ | verb | to give money for a service |
595 | comply | /kəmplaɪ/ | verb | to obey a rule |
570 | costume | /kɑstum/ | noun | something unusual you dress up in, e.g., for Hallowe'en |
518 | deduct | /dɪdʌkt/ | verb | to minus or take away |
596 | diner | /daɪnɜ/ | noun | a small, informal restaurant |
544 | dislike | /dɪslaɪk/ | verb | to not like, hate |
519 | disruption | /dɪsrʌpʃən/ | noun | the act of interrupting and causing chaos |
545 | downstairs | /daʊnstɛrz/ | adv | on a lower floor of a building |
597 | duplicate | /dupləkət/ | adj | make an exact copy |
598 | eager | /igɜ/ | noun | to be excited to help or do something |
599 | economist | /ɪkɑnəmɪst/ | noun | an expert in the science of economics |
571 | editorial | /ˌɛdətɔriəl/ | adj | a newspaper article written by the editor |
572 | effectiveness | /ɪfɛktɪvnəs/ | noun | the state of working properly or as expected |
520 | electrician | /ɪlɛktrɪʃən/ | noun | a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines |
600 | embassy | /ɛmbəsi/ | noun | the office of an ambassador |
521 | enthusiastic | /ɪnθˌuziæstɪk/ | adj | to show excitement for something |
546 | expiration | /ˌɛkspɜeɪʃən/ | noun | the end of a period of time |
573 | facilitate | /fəsɪlətˌeɪt/ | verb | to help or make easier |
574 | firefighter | /faɪrfˌaɪtɜ/ | noun | someone whose job it is to put out fires or save people from dangerous situations |
575 | gasoline | /gæsəlˌin/ | noun | fuel used in most motor vehicles |
522 | graduation | /grˌædʒueɪʃən/ | noun | the ceremony upon finishing a degree or program |
547 | headache | /hɛdˌeɪk/ | noun | pain in the head |
523 | icy | /aɪsi/ | adj | made of ice |
576 | inappropriate | /ˌɪnəproʊpriɪt/ | adj | not suitable for use in a given situation |
577 | internet | /ɪntɜnˌɛt/ | noun | the information highway, the worldwide web |
524 | irregular | /ˌɪrɛgyəlɜ/ | adj | occuring at unexpected times |
548 | jam | /dʒæm/ | verb | push down hard |
578 | landlord | /lændlˌɔrd/ | noun | the person who owns the place you rent |
501 | lawn | /lɔn/ | noun | the grassy area in your garden |
579 | layout | /leɪˌaʊt/ | noun | the plan of how it is set out |
525 | login | /ˈlɒɡ.ɪn/ | verb | to enter a computer website account |
580 | lunchtime | /lʌntʃtˌaɪm/ | noun | The usual time for eating the midday meal |
526 | managerial | /mˌænɪdʒɪriəl/ | adj | to do with management or supervision |
502 | microscope | /maɪkrəskˌoʊp/ | noun | a device that makes very small things look bigger so you can study them closer |
527 | mineral | /mɪnɜəl/ | noun | a type of substance found in nature |
503 | mislead | /mɪslid/ | verb | to lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions |
504 | misplace | /mɪspleɪs/ | verb | forget where you have put it |
528 | motorcycle | /moʊtɜsˌaɪkəl/ | noun | a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame |
549 | nail | /neɪl/ | noun | a long, thin piece of metal used to hold pieces of wood together banged in with a hammer |
529 | necessity | /nəsɛsəti/ | noun | something which you need |
505 | newsstand | /nuzstˌænd/ | noun | a small structure where newspapers and magazines are sold |
550 | optimistic | /ˌɑptɪmɪstɪk/ | adj | being positive about the future |
506 | overhead | /oʊvɜhɛd/ | adj | the fixed cost of a business, e.g., rent |
581 | payroll | /peɪrˌoʊl/ | noun | the total amount of money paid in wages |
551 | pedestrian | /pədɛstriən/ | noun | a person who is walking on the street |
582 | pharmaceutical | /fˌɑrməsutɪkəl/ | adj | relating to the preparation and making of medicine |
530 | planner | /plænɜ/ | noun | a person who makes plans |
583 | plausible | /plɔzəbəl/ | adj | it sounds like it could be true |
507 | portfolio | /pɔrtfoʊliˌoʊ/ | noun | a collection of investments that someone owns |
584 | premium | /primiəm/ | noun | an extra payment added to the cost |
531 | programmer | /proʊgrˌæmɜ/ | noun | a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs |
552 | projection | /prɑdʒɛkʃən/ | noun | a guess about future events, e.g., sales or income |
532 | proofread | /prufrˌid/ | verb | read for errors |
508 | rack | /ræk/ | noun | a stand or shelf to put things on |
533 | recruiter | /rɪkrutɜ/ | noun | a person who hires people for businesses |
534 | remainder | /rɪmeɪndɜ/ | noun | what is left over |
509 | remodel | /rimɑdəl/ | verb | change or alter nearly everything to make it look different |
585 | safely | /seɪfli/ | adv | in a way that is not dangerous |
586 | simplify | /sɪmpləfˌaɪ/ | verb | make easier to understand |
553 | sleeve | /sliv/ | noun | the part of a garment that covers some, or all, of the arm |
587 | specialty | /spɛʃəlti/ | noun | something you are very good at |
510 | statistics | /stətɪstɪks/ | noun | math related to data collection |
535 | statue | /stætʃˌu/ | noun | a work of art, usually a model of a person or animal, made from hard material |
536 | steadily | /stɛdəli/ | adv | in a slow and even manner |
537 | stockholder | /stɑkhˌoʊldɜ/ | noun | someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation |
554 | suburb | /sʌbɜb/ | noun | living area outside the city |
555 | takeover | /teɪkˌoʊvɜ/ | noun | the buying out of one company by another |
588 | tech | /tɛk/ | noun | short form of the word 'technology' |
511 | tunnel | /tʌnəl/ | noun | a hole one can travel through |
589 | unexpected | /ˌʌnɪkspɛktɪd/ | adj | to be a surprise |
512 | unlimited | /ənlɪmətəd/ | adj | without end |
590 | unspecified | /ənspɛsəfˌaɪd/ | adj | not clearly marked or known |
556 | unsure | /ənʃʊr/ | adj | not certain or sure |
557 | upstairs | /əpstɛrz/ | adv | on a higher level of the building |
538 | vacant | /veɪkənt/ | adj | empty |
558 | verbal | /vɜbəl/ | adj | spoken |
559 | visa | /vizə/ | noun | travel permit that allows you to enter a particular country for a period of time |
513 | vitamin | /vaɪtəmən/ | noun | a natural substance found in food and drink that your body needs to be healthy |
560 | wildlife | /waɪldlˌaɪf/ | noun | animals and plants that live in the natural world |
561 | workforce | /wɜkfˌɔrs/ | noun | all the people that a company employs |
514 | zoo | /zu/ | noun | a park where many different types of live animals are kept |