TSL 1.20 Learning Dictionary
Band 7: Words 601 to 700

655 aboard /əbɔrd/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com on or in a moving vehicle, e.g., aboard the boat
698 acceptance /æksɛptəns/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com state of being okay with something or someone
622 accordingly /əkɔrdɪŋli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com therefore, so
656 advancement /ədvænsmənt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com gradual move forward
657 advertiser /ædvɜtˌaɪzɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com someone who is selling something through media
699 allocate /æləkˌeɪt/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to assign (usually people or money) to something
658 alternatively /ɔltɜnətɪvli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com another option
700 ambitious /æmbɪʃəs/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com hard-working, wanting to achieve much
659 amuse /əmyuz/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to entertain
623 apple /æpəl/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a type of fruit from trees that is green, red, or yellow
624 applicable /æpləkəbəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com relating to
660 attorney /ətɜni/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com lawyer
625 auction /ɑkʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com where things are sold to highest payer
661 authorization /ˌɔθɜəzeɪʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the permission given to do something
626 balcony /bælkəni/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a small floor area with a wall or fence round it that is joined to the outside of a building
627 basement /beɪsmənt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the level under the ground floor
628 beforehand /bɪfɔrhˌænd/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com earlier in time
662 campus /kæmpəs/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com place where university buildings are
663 candy /kændi/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a very sweet food, made from sugar and other things, that is good to eat
664 certify /sɜtəfˌaɪ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to state something is real or correct
665 checkout /tʃɛkˌaʊt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the latest time that you must vacate a hotel room
666 chemistry /kɛmɪstri/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the study of chemicals
667 circulation /sɜkyəlˌeɪʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to distribute in a wide area, e.g., newspaper
668 concierge /kˌɑnsiɛrʒ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the person in a hotel whose job it is to arrange things for the guests
669 consent /kənsɛnt/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to give permission
670 consistently /kənsɪstəntli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com doing something the same way every time
671 cookie /kʊki/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a small, flat, round, dry, sweet cake-like snack
629 culinary /kyulɪnˌɛri/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com relating to cooking
672 deck /dɛk/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com like a patio or terrace
673 descriptive /dɪskrɪptɪv/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com something that tells you more about it
674 detach /dɪtˌætʃ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to remove from something
630 documentary /dˌɑkyəmɛntɜi/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a film about a real life or event
675 documentation /dˌɑkyəmɛnteɪʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the act of showing proof in writing
631 downturn /daʊntˌɜn/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a drop in the success of a business or the economy
632 earthquake /ɜθkwˌeɪk/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com when the ground shakes due to the natural movement of rocks underground
633 elegant /ɛləgənt/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com fine or beautiful
676 entrepreneur /ˌɑntrəprənɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a business person who starts companies
677 exceptional /ɪksɛpʃənəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com beyond excellent
634 excessive /ɪksɛsɪv/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com way too much of something
678 familiarize /fəmɪlyɜˌaɪz/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to get to know better
601 fasten /fæsən/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com fix together firmly
635 generic /dʒənɛrɪk/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com general
602 harmful /hɑrmfəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com damaging, hurtful
679 hotline /hɑtlˌaɪn/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com telephone line that gives direct, fast access
603 informative /ˌɪnfɔrmətɪv/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com tells you a lot of useful facts about somethiing
604 institute /ɪnstɪtˌut/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com like a school or college
680 intonation /ˌɪntəneɪʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the rise and fall of the voice when speaking
681 invention /ˌɪnvɛnʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the idea or creation of something new
682 irritate /ɪrɪtˌeɪt/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to bother
636 jazz /dʒæz/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a kind of music
605 kit /kɪt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a box of tools or equipment
637 lifetime /laɪftˌaɪm/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com The time between when a person is born and when they die
606 locally /loʊkəli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com in a specific area
683 locker /lɑkɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a small cupboard you can store personal items in securely for a period of time
638 massage /məsɑʒ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com rub the body in a special way that makes it feel better
639 maximize /mæksəmˌaɪz/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to make use of as much as possible
607 mentor /mɛntˌɔr/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com personal advisor or teacher
640 mild /maɪld/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com soft, gentle, not strong in nature
608 nominate /nɑmənət/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to suggest someone for to do or be something
641 ongoing /ɑngˌoʊɪŋ/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com still happening
609 opt /ɑpt/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to make a choice
684 overlook /oʊvɜlˌʊk/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to ignore, to not notice
610 parade /pɜeɪd/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com walk or march
685 patent /pætənt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the right to be the only one who is allowed to make a thing
686 payable /peɪəbəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com an amount of money due
642 periodically /pˌiriɑdɪkəli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com every so often, at regular times
611 physician /fəzɪʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com A doctor of medicine
643 pie /paɪ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com round, covered pastrywith a filling like cherry or apple
644 plug /plʌg/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to fill in a hole
612 polish /pɑlɪʃ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to make something shine with a cloth
613 postage /poʊstədʒ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the charge for mailing something
687 preliminary /prɪlɪmənˌɛri/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com The first action that comes before a more important one
614 recreational /rˌɛkrieɪʃənəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com what you do for relaxation in your free time
645 recruitment /rəkrutmənt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the act of hiring people for businesses
646 referee /rˌɛfɜi/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the person who oversees something to make sure that the rules are followed
647 referral /rɪfɜəl/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the recommendation of someone or something
615 rehearse /rihɜs/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com practise so that you get better at doing it
616 removal /rɪmuvəl/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to take away and put in another place
648 renown /rɪnaʊn/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the state of being well known
649 runner /rʌnɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com someone who travels on foot by running
688 salesman /seɪlzmən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a man whose job it is to get people to buy things from his company
617 satisfactory /sˌætəsfæktri/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com acceptable
689 sauna /sɔnə/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a Finnish steam bath; steam is produced by pouring water over heated rocks
618 seasonal /sizənəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com happening at a certain time of the year only
619 separately /sɛpɜətli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to do things one at a time, not together
690 smoothly /smuðli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com to do something easily with no trouble
650 sock /sɑk/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com something you wear on your foot to keep you warm
651 spam /spæm/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com unwanted e-mail, usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk
691 sunshine /sʌnʃˌaɪn/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the warmth and light of the sun
652 surf /sɜf/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com move from one website to another on the internet
653 timetable /taɪmtˌeɪbəl/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a list of events and when they are going to happen
692 tow /toʊ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com pull something along
693 translator /trænsleɪtɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the person who changes something into another language
694 tuition /tyuɪʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the sum of money charged for teaching by a college or university
620 turnover /tɜnˌoʊvɜ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the amount of money that a business makes in an amount of time
695 unavailable /ˌʌnəveɪləbəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com not ready for use
621 unnecessary /ənnɛsəsˌɛri/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com not needed
654 vase /veɪs/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a jug or urn to put cut flowers in, to make a room look pretty
696 violation /vaɪəleɪʃən/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com the act of breaking a rule or law
697 webpage /ˈwɛbˌpeɪdʒ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary Sentencedict.com a single document that makes up part of a website