Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
2562 | allege | /əˈlɛdʒ/ | verb | to state without proof |
2579 | compose | /kəmˈpoʊz/ | verb | to come together to form or make something |
2569 | concrete | /ˈkɑn.krit/ | noun | hard substance used in building made by mixing cement, sand, small stones, and water |
2567 | craft | /kræft/ | verb | to make by hand and with much skill |
2571 | damn | /dæm/ | verb | to say someone should be punished for their bad behavior |
2572 | distinct | /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ | adj | clearly different in nature from something else |
2561 | diversity | /daɪˈvɜr.sɪ.ti/ | noun | state or quality of having a range of different things |
2573 | humor | /ˈhju.mər/ | noun | quality of being funny |
2575 | indication | /ˌɪn.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | something that signals that something else exists or will happen |
2565 | inquiry | /ˈɪn.kwə.ri/ | noun | request for information |
2564 | intense | /ɪnˈtɛns/ | adj | very strong, great, or extreme in degree |
2580 | jail | /dʒeɪl/ | noun | place to hold criminals being punished for a crime |
2574 | limitation | /ˌlɪm.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | act of controlling or reducing the size of something |
2578 | neglect | /nɪˈglɛkt/ | verb | to fail to take care of something |
2563 | pride | /praɪd/ | noun | when you respect yourself |
2566 | resign | /rɪˈzaɪn/ | verb | to leave a job because you want to |
2570 | shell | /ʃɛl/ | noun | hard outer covering that protects |
2576 | stability | /stəˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ | noun | quality of not being easily moved or changed |
2568 | strict | /strɪkt/ | adj | must be obeyed |
2577 | wise | /waɪz/ | adj | knowledgeable about life; having good judgment |