Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
2542 | abortion | /əˈbɔr.ʃən/ | noun | a medical operation to end the time when a female is going to have a baby |
2562 | allege | /əˈlɛdʒ/ | verb | to state without proof |
2521 | automatically | /ˌɔ.təˈmæt.ɪk.li/ | adv | in a way not requiring control by a person |
2556 | bin | /bɪn/ | noun | a container for storing things |
2545 | boom | /bum/ | verb | to make a deep hollow resonant sound |
2539 | boost | /bust/ | verb | to help increasing progress or growth |
2583 | carbon | /ˈkɑr.bən/ | noun | a chemical element (C) found in all living things |
2517 | ceremony | /ˈsɛr.əˌmoʊ.ni/ | noun | special social or religious event |
2531 | chamber | /ˈtʃeɪm.bər/ | noun | a room or space inside something used for a special purpose |
2534 | chat | /tʃæt/ | verb | to talk in a friendly and relaxed manner |
2585 | cheese | /tʃiz/ | noun | a yellow or white food made from milk |
2529 | clause | /klɔz/ | noun | a separate part of a contract, a will, or another legal document |
2514 | click | /klɪk/ | noun | to press a button |
2535 | clothing | /ˈkloʊ.ðɪŋ/ | noun | things you wear on your body |
2579 | compose | /kəmˈpoʊz/ | verb | to come together to form or make something |
2569 | concrete | /ˈkɑn.krit/ | noun | hard substance used in building made by mixing cement, sand, small stones, and water |
2549 | consequently | /ˈkɑn.sɪˌkwɛnt.li/ | adv | therefore; as a result of something |
2554 | constraint | /kənˈstreɪnt/ | noun | something that limits or prevents someone or something from moving |
2551 | cow | /kaʊ/ | noun | large farm animal from which we get milk and beef |
2567 | craft | /kræft/ | verb | to make by hand and with much skill |
2526 | creature | /ˈkri.tʃər/ | noun | animal of any type |
2543 | curious | /ˈkjʊər.i.əs/ | adj | wanting to know more about something |
2571 | damn | /dæm/ | verb | to say someone should be punished for their bad behavior |
2547 | democratic | /ˌdɛm.əˈkræt.ɪk/ | adj | of democracy; entitling the people to power |
2588 | destruction | /dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/ | noun | damaging something so badly that it no longer exists |
2503 | disagree | /ˌdɪs.əˈgri/ | verb | to have a different opinion from someone |
2572 | distinct | /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ | adj | clearly different in nature from something else |
2561 | diversity | /daɪˈvɜr.sɪ.ti/ | noun | state or quality of having a range of different things |
2524 | dramatically | /drəˈmæt.ɪk.li/ | adv | in a sudden or extreme manner |
2536 | evolve | /ɪˈvɑlv/ | verb | to slowly change or develop into something better |
2508 | exceed | /ɪkˈsid/ | verb | to be greater in number than something |
2509 | expenditure | /ɪkˈspɛn.dɪ.tʃər/ | noun | amount of money used during a certain time |
2532 | fancy | /ˈfæn.si/ | adj | not plain or ordinary, expensive |
2590 | flag | /flæɡ/ | noun | piece of cloth, frequently marked with a colorful symbol or sign |
2555 | fold | /ˈfəʊld/ | verb | to move one part of something so that it lies on top of another part |
2507 | forever | /fɔrˈɛv.ər/ | adv | for a very long or seemingly endless time |
2516 | fortune | /ˈfɔr.tʃən/ | noun | chance or luck, particularly good luck |
2513 | gear | /gɪər/ | noun | special supplies, tools, or clothes needed for a particular activity; machinery that turns power into forward or backward movement |
2589 | guitar | /gɪˈtɑr/ | noun | stringed musical instrument played with the fingers |
2573 | humor | /ˈhju.mər/ | noun | quality of being funny |
2502 | imagination | /ɪˌmædʒ.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ | noun | the ability to think of new ideas or things that are not real |
2575 | indication | /ˌɪn.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | something that signals that something else exists or will happen |
2565 | inquiry | /ˈɪn.kwə.ri/ | noun | request for information |
2505 | insight | /ˈɪnˌsaɪt/ | noun | a clear idea about how something works |
2564 | intense | /ɪnˈtɛns/ | adj | very strong, great, or extreme in degree |
2580 | jail | /dʒeɪl/ | noun | place to hold criminals being punished for a crime |
2510 | joy | /dʒɔɪ/ | noun | feeling of great happiness and pleasure |
2574 | limitation | /ˌlɪm.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | act of controlling or reducing the size of something |
2592 | magic | /ˈmædʒ.ɪk/ | noun | a special power that allows impossible things to happen |
2548 | maintenance | /ˈmeɪn.tə.nəns/ | noun | keeping (a machine) working by checking and fixing it |
2597 | menu | /ˈmɛn.ju/ | noun | list of dishes available at a restaurant |
2582 | mere | /mɪər/ | adj | small and unimportant |
2520 | mixture | /ˈmɪks.tʃər/ | noun | something made by combining two or more things |
2599 | moon | /mun/ | noun | round object circling the earth at night |
2593 | mystery | /ˈmɪs.tə.ri/ | noun | book, play, or film that deals with a solution of a strange crime |
2578 | neglect | /nɪˈglɛkt/ | verb | to fail to take care of something |
2528 | participation | /pɑrˌtɪs.əˈpeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | act of being involved in something |
2527 | partnership | /ˈpɑrt.nərˌʃɪp/ | noun | working with others for some purpose |
2530 | penalty | /ˈpɛn.l.ti/ | noun | punishment for committing a crime or offense |
2501 | personnel | /ˌpɜr.səˈnɛl/ | noun | group of people who work for a company |
2591 | piano | /piˈæn.oʊ/ | noun | keyboard instrument used for playing music |
2519 | pig | /ˈpɪɡ/ | noun | farm animal that gives bacon and ham |
2518 | pile | /paɪl/ | noun | group of things one on top of another |
2587 | pipe | /paɪp/ | noun | tube a round, hollow piece of metal, plastic, or wood |
2515 | poet | /ˈpoʊ.ɪt/ | noun | person who writes poems |
2533 | poetry | /ˈpoʊ.ɪ.tri/ | noun | poetic writing; imaginative verses |
2541 | possession | /pəˈzɛʃ.ən/ | noun | having or owning something |
2550 | pot | /pɑt/ | noun | deep, round container that is used for cooking |
2558 | potentially | /pəˈtɛn.ʃə.li/ | adv | that could happen or become reality |
2511 | pregnant | /ˈprɛg.nənt/ | adj | when a female carries a baby inside her that is not yet born |
2600 | presumably | /prɪˈzu.mə.bli/ | adv | concerning a true or likely nature |
2560 | pretend | /prɪˈtɛnd/ | verb | to act as if something is true when it is not |
2563 | pride | /praɪd/ | noun | when you respect yourself |
2523 | psychological | /ˌsaɪ.kəˈlɑdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | having to do with the mind |
2596 | rear | /rɪər/ | adj | towards the back part of something |
2584 | regulate | /ˈrɛg.jəˌleɪt/ | verb | to make rules or laws to control something or someone |
2512 | reliable | /rɪˈlaɪ.ə.bəl/ | adj | deserving of your trust, dependable |
2566 | resign | /rɪˈzaɪn/ | verb | to leave a job because you want to |
2537 | sake | /seɪk/ | noun | interest or benefit of someone or something |
2522 | scholar | /ˈskɑl.ər/ | noun | a person who studies and knows a lot about a particular subject |
2559 | scope | /ˈskəʊp/ | noun | range of things that something includes |
2538 | shelf | /ʃɛlf/ | noun | flat board attached to a wall on which to store things |
2570 | shell | /ʃɛl/ | noun | hard outer covering that protects |
2581 | shelter | /ˈʃɛl.tər/ | noun | a place to live or stay that protects someone from weather |
2594 | ski | /ski/ | noun | one of a pair of long flat boards attached to boots for moving smoothly over snow |
2598 | species | /ˈspi.siz/ | noun | a group of related animals or plant |
2576 | stability | /stəˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ | noun | quality of not being easily moved or changed |
2525 | stake | /steɪk/ | verb | a strong stick with a pointed end that you push into the ground |
2552 | strengthen | /ˈstrɛŋ.θən/ | verb | to make something stronger |
2568 | strict | /strɪkt/ | adj | must be obeyed |
2506 | tackle | /ˈtæk.əl/ | verb | to take action to solve a difficult problem |
2540 | tail | /teɪl/ | noun | back end of an animal's body that sticks out |
2546 | tale | /teɪl/ | noun | story about colorful and imaginary events |
2504 | throat | /ˈθrəʊt/ | noun | passage inside the neck used to swallow and breathe |
2586 | trigger | /ˈtrɪg.ər/ | verb | to make something start happening |
2557 | undergo | /ˌʌn.dərˈgoʊ/ | verb | to experience something, often bad |
2553 | whilst | /waɪlst/ | conj | during the time that; at the same time |
2595 | whisper | /ˈwɪs.pər/ | verb | to talk with breath but no voice |
2577 | wise | /waɪz/ | adj | knowledgeable about life; having good judgment |
2544 | wooden | /ˈwʊd.ən/ | adj | made of wood |