Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
2140 | anger | /ˈæŋ.gər/ | verb | to make someone mad, upset, or annoyed |
2128 | depression | /dɪˈprɛ.ʃən/ | noun | a feeling of great sadness |
2132 | distinction | /dɪˈstɪŋk.ʃən/ | noun | the special quality that makes something different |
2139 | evaluate | /ɪˈvæl.juˌeɪt/ | verb | to form an idea to judge something carefully |
2125 | external | /ɪkˈstɜr.nl/ | adj | outside of something |
2124 | fascinate | /ˈfæs.ɪˌneɪt/ | verb | attract or interest greatly |
2129 | guilty | /ˈgɪl.ti/ | adj | having done something bad or illegal |
2134 | incorporate | /ɪnˈkɔr.pəˌreɪt/ | verb | to include or involve as part of something else |
2122 | justify | /ˈdʒʌs.təˌfaɪ/ | verb | to give reasons why you did something or why it is right |
2131 | mom | /mɑm/ | noun | mother |
2137 | obligation | /ˌɑb.ləˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | something that you do because it is your duty or because you feel you have to |
2135 | pour | /pɔr/ | verb | to make a liquid flow from one container into another |
2133 | satisfaction | /ˌsæt.ɪsˈfæk.ʃən/ | noun | happy feeling because of something that you did |
2138 | sir | /sɜr/ | noun | form of address to a man you respect |
2126 | spare | /spɛər/ | adj | kept as something extra that can be used if it is needed |
2136 | sweep | /swip/ | verb | to remove dust or dirt from a surface with a broom or brush |
2121 | terrorist | /ˈtɛr.ər.ɪst/ | noun | a person who uses fear or violence for a political purpose |
2130 | underlie | /ˌʌn.dərˈlaɪ/ | verb | to lie or exist beneath |
2123 | vital | /ˈvaɪt.əl/ | adj | necessary |
2127 | whenever | /wɛnˈɛv.ər/ | adv | at any or every time that |