Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
2398 | absolute | /ˈæb.səˌlut/ | adj | complete and total |
2372 | adapt | /əˈdæpt/ | verb | to change something to fit or suit a new purpose |
2358 | adequate | /ˈæd.ə.kwɪt/ | adj | enough; good enough for what is needed |
2347 | admire | /ædˈmaɪər/ | verb | to feel respect or wonder toward someone |
2316 | advocate | /ˈæd.vəˌkeɪt/ | verb | to publicly support a belief, or to request a change |
2338 | angle | /ˈæŋ.gəl/ | noun | a place where two lines or surfaces meet |
2335 | anticipate | /ænˈtɪs.əˌpeɪt/ | verb | to expect or look ahead to something positively |
2340 | anxiety | /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.tɪ/ | noun | fear about what might happen; worry |
2301 | apologize | /əˈpɑl.əˌdʒaɪz/ | verb | to say sorry because of a mistake or injury you made |
2302 | approval | /əˈpru.vəl/ | noun | positive opinion of something or someone |
2394 | beneath | /bɪˈniθ/ | prep | under; in or to a lower position; below |
2390 | cancel | /ˈkæn.səl/ | verb | to stop a planned event from happening |
2374 | cap | /kæp/ | noun | small, soft hat often with a front visor or shade |
2397 | capability | /ˌkeɪ.pəˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ | noun | means, ability, or potential to do something |
2325 | characterize | /ˈkær.ɪk.təˌraɪz/ | verb | to describe the qualities of a person, place, thing |
2354 | charity | /ˈtʃær.ɪ.ti/ | noun | organization providing help to the needy, the sick |
2376 | charm | /tʃɑrm/ | noun | quality of making people like you; attractiveness |
2339 | chicken | /ˈtʃɪk.ən/ | noun | a large bird that is raised on farms for its eggs and meat |
2356 | cigarette | /ˈsɪg.əˌrɛt/ | noun | a small paper tube filled with tobacco |
2367 | clinical | /ˈklɪn.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | related to the examination and treatment of patients |
2380 | compound | /ˈkɑm.paʊnd/ | noun | something that is made from two or more other things |
2384 | comprehensive | /ˌkɑm.prɪˈhɛn.sɪv/ | adj | including most or all things |
2357 | constitute | /ˈkɑn.stɪˌtut/ | verb | to make up or be part of something |
2359 | consultant | /kənˈsʌl.tənt/ | noun | expert who gives (paid) advice |
2308 | conventional | /kənˈvɛn.ʃə.nəl/ | adj | following the common attitudes and practices |
2399 | correspond | /ˌkɔr.əˈspɑnd/ | verb | to have similarity or equality with something |
2361 | cousin | /ˈkʌ.zən/ | noun | a child of your uncle or aunt |
2388 | cream | /krim/ | noun | the thick white liquid that comes from milk and is used in cooking |
2371 | custom | /ˈkʌs.təm/ | noun | what is usual or normal |
2336 | dependent | /dɪˈpɛn.dənt/ | adj | someone who depends on another for (financial) support |
2313 | deposit | /dɪˈpɑz.ɪt/ | noun | money that is given for a special purpose such as proof that you will buy something, or as savings in a bank |
2345 | detect | /dɪˈtɛkt/ | verb | to discover or identify the presence of something |
2387 | dialog | /ˈdaɪ.əˌlɔg/ | noun | conversation between two or more individuals |
2331 | dig | /dɪɡ/ | verb | to move material to create a hole |
2309 | digital | /ˈdɪ.dʒɪ.təl/ | adj | using electronic signals or computers |
2392 | dismiss | /dɪsˈmɪs/ | verb | to send someone away |
2332 | drag | /dræɡ/ | verb | to pull something that is difficult to move |
2368 | eastern | /ˈi.stərn/ | adj | being in the area to the east |
2311 | edit | /ˈɛd.ɪt/ | verb | to check and makes changes before publication |
2304 | entitle | /ɛnˈtaɪt.l/ | verb | to give the right to do or have something to someone |
2317 | establishment | /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ.mənt/ | noun | organization, institution, or place to do business |
2365 | ethnic | /ˈɛθ.nɪk/ | adj | connected with people who share a cultural tradition |
2327 | exact | /ɪgˈzækt/ | adj | completely correct; accurate; specific |
2307 | exposure | /ɪkˈspoʊ.ʒər/ | noun | state of experiencing something directly |
2369 | forecast | /ˈfɔrˌkæst/ | noun | a prediction of some future thing (e.g., the weather) |
2312 | formation | /fɔrˈmeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | process of creating, or making into a particular shape |
2303 | grab | /ɡræb/ | verb | to quickly reach out and take something in your hand. |
2360 | historian | /hɪˈstɔr.i.ən/ | noun | someone who studies or writes about the course of history |
2353 | illegal | /ɪˈli.gəl/ | adj | not allowed by the laws or rules |
2385 | incentive | /ɪnˈsɛn.tɪv/ | noun | something that encourages a person to work hard |
2330 | infant | /ˈɪn.fənt/ | noun | child in the beginning stage of life; a baby |
2306 | involvement | /ɪnˈvɑlv.mənt/ | noun | act or process of joining in a particular activity |
2364 | keen | /kin/ | adj | being eager or excited for something to happen |
2386 | league | /lig/ | noun | association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members |
2378 | lecture | /ˈlɛk.tʃər/ | noun | talk or speech about a particular subject |
2305 | lend | /lɛnd/ | verb | to give to someone for a while before it is returned |
2393 | margin | /ˈmɑr.dʒɪn/ | noun | the empty space at the top, bottom, and sides of a written or printed page |
2382 | mess | /mɛs/ | noun | dirty or untidy area |
2348 | moderate | /ˈmɑd.ər.ɪt/ | adj | average in size or amount |
2333 | mount | /maʊnt/ | verb | to organize and begin an action; to attach to a support |
2350 | musician | /mjuˈzɪʃ.ən/ | noun | a person who writes, sings, or plays music, as a job |
2344 | offense | /əˈfɛns/ | noun | criminal act; something that causes hurt |
2329 | operator | /ˈɑp.əˌreɪ.tər/ | noun | someone who uses and controls something, usually equipment |
2395 | opponent | /əˈpoʊ.nənt/ | noun | a person that you are competing against in a game or contest |
2315 | overseas | /ˌoʊ.vərˈsiz/ | adv | in or to a foreign country that is across a sea |
2320 | pen | /pɛn/ | noun | something you write with that uses ink |
2314 | pleasant | /ˈplɛz.ənt/ | adj | causing a good feeling |
2342 | precisely | /prɪˈsaɪs.lɪ/ | adv | in an exact and accurate manner |
2383 | preference | /ˈprɛf.ər.əns/ | noun | something that is liked or wanted more than another |
2375 | prompt | /prɑmpt/ | adj | being done quickly and with no delay |
2389 | rapid | /ˈræp.ɪd/ | adj | happening very quickly |
2377 | react | /riˈækt/ | verb | to behave or make a change in a particular way |
2321 | recovery | /rɪˈkʌ.və.ri/ | noun | process of returning to a former state after problems |
2391 | regret | /rɪˈgrɛt/ | verb | to be sorry about something |
2381 | rescue | /ˈrɛs.kju/ | verb | to save something from danger or harm |
2396 | resist | /rɪˈzɪst/ | verb | to try to stop or prevent something |
2343 | rival | /ˈraɪ.vəl/ | adj | a person, team, or organization that competes with another; a competitor |
2319 | rough | /rʌf/ | adj | not smooth, gentle, or careful |
2373 | sand | /sænd/ | noun | grains of rock that make beaches and deserts |
2322 | seal | /sil/ | verb | to make something so that it does not leak air or water |
2370 | segment | /ˈsɛg.mənt/ | noun | part divided from the other parts of something |
2352 | shower | /ˈʃaʊ.ər/ | noun | the cleaning of a body by standing under falling water |
2351 | significance | /sɪgˈnɪf.ɪ.kəns/ | noun | importance of something; the potential for something to have a big effect |
2337 | specialize | /ˈspɛ.ʃəˌlaɪz/ | verb | to focus on one area of a field or profession |
2326 | specify | /ˈspɛs.əˌfaɪ/ | verb | to state, name, or mention exactly and clearly |
2328 | spin | /spɪn/ | verb | to turn around repeatedly |
2400 | stroke | /strəʊk/ | verb | to touch someone or something repeatedly in a caring way |
2363 | stupid | /ˈstu.pɪd/ | adj | lacking the ability to learn easily; not intelligent |
2318 | summary | /ˈsʌm.ə.ri/ | noun | a brief statement that gives the most important information |
2349 | surgery | /ˈsɜr.dʒə.ri/ | noun | medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into a body |
2346 | teenager | /ˈtinˌeɪ.dʒər/ | noun | a person between the ages of 13 and 19 |
2324 | tower | /ˈtaʊ.ər/ | noun | a tall, narrow building |
2310 | translate | /trænzˈleɪt/ | verb | to change words from one language into another |
2323 | tube | /tjub/ | noun | long, hollow object |
2366 | twin | /twɪn/ | noun | two children born from the same mother at the same time |
2355 | universal | /ˌju.nəˈvɜr.səl/ | adj | done or experienced by everyone |
2379 | venture | /ˈvɛn.tʃər/ | noun | activity that involves taking chances or risks |
2341 | virus | /ˈvaɪ.rəs/ | noun | a very small, basic living thing that causes disease or sickness |
2362 | visual | /ˈvɪʒ.u.əl/ | adj | something to look at with the eyes |
2334 | wrap | /ræp/ | verb | to cover something on all sides with a piece of material or paper |