Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
1488 | afford | /əˈfɔrd/ | verb | to have enough money to pay for something |
1498 | arrest | /əˈrɛst/ | verb | to use the law to catch and keep people who committed crimes |
1499 | assess | /əˈsɛs/ | verb | to judge something's value or suitability |
1495 | complain | /kəmˈpleɪn/ | verb | to say that you are not happy or satisfied with something or someone |
1487 | component | /kəmˈpoʊ.nənt/ | noun | one of the parts that make up something |
1493 | confidence | /ˈkɑn.fɪ.dəns/ | noun | feeling that you can do well at something |
1491 | cup | /kʌp/ | noun | small round container used to hold liquids for drinking |
1492 | description | /dɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/ | noun | something that tells you what something is like or looks like |
1497 | error | /ˈɛr.ər/ | noun | something that is not correct; a mistake |
1482 | escape | /ɪˈskeɪp/ | verb | to get away from a place where you are being held |
1494 | industrial | /ɪnˈdʌs.tri.əl/ | adj | concerning the people and businesses that make certain products |
1489 | lawyer | /ˈlɔ.jər/ | noun | a professional who is paid to help people with the law |
1496 | perspective | /pərˈspɛk.tɪv/ | noun | way of thinking, an attitude toward something |
1484 | proper | /ˈprɑp.ər/ | adj | correct according to social or moral rules |
1500 | register | /ˈrɛdʒ.ə.stər/ | verb | to record your name on an official list; sign up |
1481 | regulation | /ˌrɛg.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/ | noun | official rule that controls how something is done |
1485 | relax | /rɪˈlæks/ | verb | to stop feeling nervous or worried; to rest and do something enjoyable |
1483 | studio | /ˈstu.diˌoʊ/ | noun | the building or room where art is made, such as paintings, movies, or music |
1490 | suspect | /səˈspɛkt/ | verb | to think that someone may have committed a crime or done something wrong |
1486 | tourist | /ˈtʊər.ɪst/ | noun | someone who travels to a place for pleasure |