Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
1349 | accident | /ˈæk.sə.dənt/ | noun | sudden unplanned event causing damage, injury, etc. |
1354 | active | /ˈæk.tɪv/ | adj | moving around a lot or doing many things |
1369 | actor | /ˈæk.tər/ | noun | person who acts in the theater, movies, or tv |
1335 | actual | /ˈæk.tʃu.əl/ | adj | real or existing in fact, not imagined; real |
1353 | afraid | /əˈfreɪd/ | adj | worried that something bad will happen; scared |
1305 | aid | /eɪd/ | verb | to provide things useful or needed by others |
1341 | award | /əˈwɔrd/ | verb | to give a prize for doing something well |
1337 | battle | /ˈbæ.təl/ | noun | military fight between armies |
1363 | blow | /bloʊ/ | verb | to move something using air |
1304 | boat | /boʊt/ | noun | small form of transport for traveling on water |
1330 | broad | /brɑd/ | adj | wide; from the shorter two sides to the other |
1390 | camera | /ˈkæm.ər.ə/ | noun | object that takes pictures digitally, or on film |
1357 | cancer | /ˈkæn.sər/ | noun | any growth caused by abnormal cell division |
1386 | carefully | /ˈkɛər.fə.li/ | adv | in a manner that involves focus and care |
1339 | cash | /kæʃ/ | noun | physical money (not credit card or digital) |
1342 | coach | /koʊtʃ/ | noun | person who teaches others how to do (sport, job) |
1346 | code | /koʊd/ | noun | a password made of a set of letters or numbers |
1395 | coffee | /ˈkɔ.fi/ | noun | a brown drink made from roasted beans and boiled water |
1384 | comfortable | /ˈkʌm.fər.tə.bəl/ | adj | not being worried about something; at ease |
1322 | commit | /kəˈmɪt/ | verb | to do something bad, usually a crime |
1382 | concert | /ˈkɑn.sɜrt/ | noun | musical entertainment given in public by one or more performers |
1355 | conclude | /kənˈklud/ | verb | to stop or finish; to come to the end of something |
1344 | consideration | /kənˌsɪd.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | careful thought; thinking about something |
1400 | construction | /kənˈstrʌk.ʃən/ | noun | act of building something; thing that is built |
1358 | convince | /kənˈvɪns/ | verb | to persuade someone, or make them feel sure |
1302 | crisis | /ˈkraɪ.sɪs/ | noun | unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty |
1394 | cycle | /ˈsaɪ.kəl/ | noun | series of regular and repeated actions |
1310 | delay | /dɪˈleɪ/ | verb | to cause something to happen later than planned or expected |
1329 | district | /ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ | noun | area of a country, city, or town |
1316 | divide | /dɪˈvaɪd/ | verb | to separate something into equal pieces |
1381 | egg | /ɛg/ | noun | hard-shelled thing from which a young bird is born |
1352 | enable | /ɛnˈeɪ.bəl/ | verb | to make it possible to do something |
1312 | engineer | /ˌɛn.dʒəˈnɪər/ | noun | professional who designs and builds machines, roads, and other complicated structures |
1360 | environmental | /ɛnˌvaɪ.rənˈmən.tl/ | adj | of the natural world in which plants and animals live |
1321 | expand | /ɪkˈspænd/ | verb | to become bigger or larger in size and amount |
1343 | experiment | /ɪkˈspɛr.ɪ.mənt/ | noun | test performed to assess new ideas or theories |
1306 | fan | /fæn/ | noun | thing you wave in front of your face to stay cool |
1379 | finance | /ˈfaɪ.næns/ | noun | control of money a person/business has access to |
1301 | flower | /ˈflaʊ.ər/ | noun | plant with a pretty head (e.g., a rose) |
1399 | freedom | /ˈfri.dəm/ | noun | state of being free, not being controlled |
1309 | fresh | /frɛʃ/ | adj | newly made or gathered |
1370 | glad | /glæd/ | adj | happy that something happened; pleased |
1340 | hardly | /ˈhɑrd.li/ | adv | clearly or undoubtedly not; very little |
1380 | hate | /heɪt/ | verb | to have a very strong feeling of dislike for |
1362 | healthy | /ˈhɛl.θi/ | adj | in good condition physically (or financially); not ill or bad |
1327 | host | /hoʊst/ | noun | person who entertains guests |
1350 | impossible | /ɪmˈpɑs.ə.bəl/ | adj | very unlikely to happen or exist |
1314 | insurance | /ɪnˈʃʊər.əns/ | noun | payments to cover potential loss/damage/injury/death |
1366 | invest | /ɪnˈvɛst/ | verb | to use resources to build for the future |
1318 | investigation | /ɪnˌvɛs.tɪˈgeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | search for information about something |
1324 | jump | /dʒʌmp/ | verb | to push your body into the air with your legs |
1307 | kitchen | /ˈkɪtʃ.ən/ | noun | place where food is cooked |
1317 | length | /lɛŋkθ/ | noun | measurement of distance or of time |
1365 | location | /loʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | particular position or area |
1334 | lunch | /lʌntʃ/ | noun | light meal eaten in the middle of the day |
1392 | manufacture | /ˌmæn.jəˈfæk.tʃər/ | verb | to produce large numbers of products in a factory |
1377 | monitor | /ˈmɑn.ɪ.tər/ | noun | electronic screen on which you can see images |
1376 | murder | /ˈmɜr.dər/ | noun | crime of deliberately killing a person |
1397 | museum | /mjuˈzi.əm/ | noun | building to display art, science, or history objects |
1315 | nurse | /nɜrs/ | noun | person trained to care for sick or injured people |
1323 | obvious | /ˈɑb.vi.əs/ | adj | easily understood and clear; plain to see |
1373 | opposite | /ˈɑp.ə.zɪt/ | adj | across from or on the side facing something |
1387 | pack | /pæk/ | verb | to put things in a suitcase to go on a trip |
1319 | package | /ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/ | noun | box or container in which items are placed for mailing |
1336 | pool | /pul/ | noun | large container or hole that is filled with water and used for people to swim in |
1347 | possibly | /ˈpɑs.ə.bli/ | adv | may be true or likely, but is uncertain |
1367 | proceed | /prəˈsid/ | verb | to continue to do something; carry on |
1313 | quiet | /ˈkwaɪ.ɪt/ | adj | not loud; making very little sound |
1388 | recall | /rɪˈkɔl/ | verb | to remember events or details of the past |
1326 | relatively | /ˈrɛl.ə.tɪv.li/ | adv | in a manner that measures or compares something to something else |
1356 | religious | /rɪˈlɪdʒ.əs/ | adj | concerning religion or faith |
1351 | revenue | /ˈrɛv.ənˌju/ | noun | money that is made by or paid to a business |
1311 | safety | /ˈseɪf.ti/ | noun | state of being free from harm or danger |
1303 | settle | /ˈsɛt.l/ | verb | to move to a new environment and become accustomed to it |
1383 | shock | /ʃɒk/ | noun | sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected |
1378 | soldier | /ˈsoʊl.dʒər/ | noun | person who is in the military |
1320 | somewhere | /ˈsʌmˌwɛər/ | adv | at or to an unknown or unnamed place |
1333 | spirit | /ˈspɪr.ɪt/ | noun | part of a person that is not physical and believed to be the source of human emotions and character |
1332 | spring | /sprɪŋ/ | noun | time of year when plants start growing after winter |
1374 | stone | /stoʊn/ | noun | hard, solid piece of rock |
1345 | strange | /streɪndʒ/ | adj | unusual or odd; surprising because unexpected |
1375 | sum | /sʌm/ | noun | amount when all is added together; total |
1361 | sun | /sʌn/ | noun | the hot shining star the earth moves around |
1391 | swim | /swɪm/ | verb | to move through water by moving parts of the body |
1371 | tape | /teɪp/ | verb | to stick things together using an adhesive strip |
1393 | theater | /ˈθi.ə.tər/ | noun | place where shows are performed on a stage |
1348 | threat | /θrɛt/ | noun | warning of probable trouble |
1331 | tire | /ˈtaɪ.ər/ | verb | to feel the need to rest after some effort; (n) a rubber covering around a wheel |
1396 | totally | /ˈtoʊt.əl.i/ | adv | in a complete way; completely; absolutely |
1338 | tradition | /trəˈdɪ.ʃən/ | noun | way of thinking and behaving that was used for a long time |
1308 | twice | /twaɪs/ | adv | two times |
1385 | usual | /ˈju.ʒu.əl/ | adj | being the way things occur most of the time |
1359 | vary | /ˈvɛər.i/ | verb | to be changeable, both up and down |
1398 | visitor | /ˈvɪz.ɪ.tər/ | noun | one who goes to a place to see it (or someone) |
1364 | volume | /ˈvɑl.jum/ | noun | level of sound produced by an object, such as a radio or television |
1368 | wash | /wɑʃ/ | verb | to clean someone or something with soap and water |
1325 | weapon | /ˈwɛp.ən/ | noun | something that is used for fighting |
1372 | whereas | /wɛərˈæz/ | conj | taking into consideration the fact that |
1389 | wine | /waɪn/ | noun | alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes |
1328 | winter | /ˈwɪn.tər/ | noun | coldest season of the year |