Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
324 | allow | /əˈlaʊ/ | verb | to let or permit someone do something |
327 | base | /beɪs/ | noun | origin or start from which something came |
334 | center | /ˈsɛn.tər/ | noun | place in the middle of something |
321 | deal | /dil/ | verb | to give out (cards, etc.) to; distribute |
335 | grow | /groʊ/ | verb | to develop and become bigger or taller over time |
340 | matter | /ˈmæt.ər/ | noun | problem or reason for concern |
338 | mother | /ˈmʌð.ər/ | noun | a female who has a child or children |
336 | nothing | /ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/ | pron | not anything, not a single thing |
330 | past | /pæst/ | noun | the time that existed before now (e.g., long ago) |
331 | power | /ˈpaʊ.ər/ | noun | legal or official right to perform certain actions |
328 | probably | /ˈprɑb.ə.bli/ | adv | likely to happen or be true |
337 | return | /rɪˈtɜrn/ | verb | to come back to a place again |
323 | send | /sɛnd/ | verb | to cause mail or package to go to another place |
325 | soon | /sun/ | adv | at a time not long from now |
329 | suggest | /səgˈdʒɛst/ | verb | to mention something that could be done; propose |
332 | test | /tɛst/ | noun | examination; questions to measure knowledge |
333 | visit | /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ | verb | to go to a place for a time, usually for a reason |
339 | walk | /wɔk/ | verb | to move with your legs at a slowish pace |
326 | watch | /wɑtʃ/ | verb | to look at carefully to work out what is happening |
322 | water | /ˈwɔ.tər/ | noun | clear liquid that forms the seas, rivers, and rain |