Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
383 | across | /əˈkrɑs/ | adv | from one side to the other of something |
372 | ago | /əˈgoʊ/ | adv | at a specified length of time in the past |
324 | allow | /əˈlaʊ/ | verb | to let or permit someone do something |
307 | almost | /ˈɑl.məʊst/ | adv | only a little less than, nearly, not quite |
388 | along | /əˈlɔŋ/ | prep | at a point on a line |
302 | already | /ɔlˈrɛd.i/ | adv | having happened or been done before this time |
376 | among | /əˈmʌŋ/ | prep | in the center of some things; in relation to several things |
355 | answer | /ˈæn.sər/ | noun | solution to a problem or test question |
318 | anything | /ˈɛn.iˌθɪŋ/ | pron | thing of any kind; used to refer to a thing in questions |
327 | base | /beɪs/ | noun | origin or start from which something came |
352 | bit | /bɪt/ | noun | small piece of something |
368 | break | /breɪk/ | verb | to separate into pieces by force, or by dropping |
313 | care | /kɛər/ | verb | to look after someone or something |
319 | cause | /kɔz/ | verb | to make something happen; create effect or result |
334 | center | /ˈsɛn.tər/ | noun | place in the middle of something |
362 | class | /klæs/ | noun | rank or level in society, ranked from high (rich professional people) to low (ordinary people) |
369 | clear | /klɪər/ | adj | easy to understand; well-explained; obvious |
378 | color | /ˈkʌl.ər/ | noun | the quality of things you can see (e.g., red, blue) |
303 | concern | /kənˈsɜrn/ | noun | feeling of worry or anxiety |
308 | continue | /kənˈtɪn.ju/ | verb | to do something without stopping, or after pausing |
301 | control | /kənˈtroʊl/ | verb | to direct or influence the behavior of something |
386 | create | /kriˈeɪt/ | verb | to make, cause, or bring into existence |
321 | deal | /dil/ | verb | to give out (cards, etc.) to; distribute |
359 | decide | /dɪˈsaɪd/ | verb | to make a choice about something or choose after thinking |
350 | develop | /dɪˈvɛl.əp/ | verb | to grow bigger, more complex, or more advanced |
363 | development | /dɪˈvɛl.əp.mənt/ | noun | act or process of growing bigger or more advanced |
387 | drive | /draɪv/ | verb | to control a vehicle so that it moves somewhere |
315 | effect | /ɪˈfɛkt/ | noun | change brought about by a cause; result |
371 | either | /ˈi.ðər/ | adj | one of two (used when there is a choice of two) |
317 | ever | /ˈɛv.ər/ | adv | at any time; at all times in the future |
314 | expect | /ɪkˈspɛkt/ | verb | to believe something is probably going to happen |
391 | eye | /aɪ/ | noun | part of the body that you see with |
320 | fall | /fɔl/ | noun | dropping from a standing position to the ground |
357 | figure | /ˈfɪɡ.jər/ | verb | to understand after thinking; work out |
367 | food | /fud/ | noun | what people and animals eat to live |
346 | force | /fɔrs/ | verb | to use physical strength or violence to persuade |
395 | free | /fri/ | adj | costing no money |
400 | further | /ˈfɜr.ðər/ | adj | extra; in addition |
370 | future | /ˈfju.tʃər/ | noun | time that is to come after the present |
393 | game | /geɪm/ | noun | activity with rules that people play to have fun |
335 | grow | /groʊ/ | verb | to develop and become bigger or taller over time |
365 | half | /hæf/ | noun | the part you get when one is divided into two; ½ |
385 | history | /ˈhɪs.tə.ri/ | noun | study of past event |
379 | involve | /ɪnˈvɑlv/ | verb | to have or be included as a part of something |
360 | language | /ˈlæŋ.gwɪdʒ/ | noun | words or signs used to communicate messages |
358 | letter | /ˈlɛt.ər/ | noun | message you put in an envelope and send by post |
349 | light | /laɪt/ | adj | not heavy; weighing only a little |
305 | lose | /luz/ | verb | to be unable to find something you once had |
340 | matter | /ˈmæt.ər/ | noun | problem or reason for concern |
341 | mind | /maɪnd/ | noun | part of humans that allows us to think or feel |
366 | minute | /ˈmɪn.ɪt/ | noun | unit of time equal to 60 seconds |
397 | moment | /ˈmoʊ.mənt/ | noun | very short or brief period of time |
338 | mother | /ˈmʌð.ər/ | noun | a female who has a child or children |
392 | music | /ˈmju.zɪk/ | noun | sounds that are sung or played to give pleasure |
384 | note | /noʊt/ | verb | to make mention of something; to make a remark |
336 | nothing | /ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/ | pron | not anything, not a single thing |
343 | office | /ˈɑ.fɪs/ | noun | building of set of rooms used to do business or professional activities |
330 | past | /pæst/ | noun | the time that existed before now (e.g., long ago) |
373 | per | /pɜr/ | prep | for each; during each |
382 | period | /ˈpɪər.i.əd/ | noun | set amount of time during which events take place |
399 | policy | /ˈpɑl.ə.si/ | noun | course of action proposed by an organization, etc. |
394 | political | /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | concerning government or public affairs |
331 | power | /ˈpaʊ.ər/ | noun | legal or official right to perform certain actions |
328 | probably | /ˈprɑb.ə.bli/ | adv | likely to happen or be true |
304 | product | /ˈprɑd.əkt/ | noun | item that can be bought |
312 | rate | /reɪt/ | noun | speed or frequency of events over time |
380 | reach | /ritʃ/ | verb | to come to or arrive at a goal or destination |
354 | real | /ril/ | adj | actually existing or happening, not imagined |
396 | receive | /rɪˈsiv/ | verb | to get something that someone has given or sent to you |
344 | record | /ˈrɛk.ərd/ | noun | being the highest or most extreme level achieved in an area |
374 | remain | /rɪˈmeɪn/ | verb | to be left behind, to continue to exist |
351 | remember | /rɪˈmɛm.bər/ | verb | to bring a previous image or idea to your mind |
337 | return | /rɪˈtɜrn/ | verb | to come back to a place again |
398 | sale | /seɪl/ | noun | giving something for money; the amount sold |
323 | send | /sɛnd/ | verb | to cause mail or package to go to another place |
348 | several | /ˈsɛv.ər.əl/ | det | more than two but not many |
353 | share | /ʃɛər/ | noun | part of a company you own, shown by a certificate |
356 | sit | /sɪt/ | verb | to be in a resting position on a chair |
381 | social | /ˈsoʊ.ʃəl/ | adj | involving activities among people especially free time activities |
325 | soon | /sun/ | adv | at a time not long from now |
316 | sort | /sɔrt/ | noun | group or class of similar things or people |
390 | sound | /saʊnd/ | noun | waves traveling in air or water that can be heard |
309 | stand | /stænd/ | verb | to be upright; not be sitting or lying down |
345 | stay | /steɪ/ | verb | to spend time visiting a place or someone's home |
347 | stop | /stɑp/ | verb | to finish moving or to come to an end |
306 | story | /ˈstɔr.i/ | noun | an account or description of how something happened |
361 | subject | /ˈsʌb.dʒɪkt/ | noun | the person, or thing that is being talked, or written about |
329 | suggest | /səgˈdʒɛst/ | verb | to mention something that could be done; propose |
332 | test | /tɛst/ | noun | examination; questions to measure knowledge |
375 | top | /tɒp/ | noun | highest or upper part or point of something |
364 | town | /taʊn/ | noun | small city |
389 | type | /taɪp/ | noun | group of things or people sharing common features |
342 | value | /ˈvæl.ju/ | verb | to say how much money something is worth |
333 | visit | /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ | verb | to go to a place for a time, usually for a reason |
339 | walk | /wɔk/ | verb | to move with your legs at a slowish pace |
326 | watch | /wɑtʃ/ | verb | to look at carefully to work out what is happening |
322 | water | /ˈwɔ.tər/ | noun | clear liquid that forms the seas, rivers, and rain |
310 | whole | /hoʊl/ | adj | complete or full; all of |
377 | win | /wɪn/ | verb | to succeed in a game or contest |
311 | yet | /jɛt/ | adv | until now; up to the present |