Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
141 | become | /bɪˈkʌm/ | verb | to begin to be; grow to be; develop into |
143 | country | /ˈkʌn.tri/ | noun | an area of land that is controlled by a government |
149 | different | /ˈdɪf.ər.ənt/ | adj | not of the same kind; unlike other things |
145 | each | /itʃ/ | det | every one of two or more things |
152 | end | /ɛnd/ | noun | a point that marks the limit of something; finish |
148 | high | /haɪ/ | adj | rising upward a great distance |
142 | interest | /ˈɪn.tər.ɪst/ | verb | to make someone want to know about something |
147 | late | /leɪt/ | adj | happening near the end of a given time |
153 | live | /lɪv/ | verb | to be alive |
159 | might | /maɪt/ | aux | used to express that something could happen |
160 | must | /mʌst/ | aux | used to say that something is required or necessary |
151 | next | /nɛkst/ | adj | immediately after the previous one |
150 | off | /ɑf/ | adj | away from; not on |
144 | old | /oʊld/ | adj | having existed for a long time, not young or new |
158 | play | /pleɪ/ | verb | to do or perform a game or sport |
146 | school | /skul/ | noun | building where you learn in classes with a teacher |
157 | week | /wik/ | noun | period of seven days, starts on Sunday and end on Saturday |
155 | while | /waɪl/ | conj | during the time that; at the same time |
154 | why | /waɪ/ | adv | for what reason or purpose |
156 | world | /wɜrld/ | noun | all the humans, events, activities on the earth |