Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
1078 | absolutely | /ˌæb.səˈlut.li/ | adv | completely; totally; very |
1081 | additional | /əˈdɪʃ.ə.nl/ | adj | further or added |
1046 | administration | /ædˌmɪn.əˈstreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | the work of running something (e.g., a business) |
1034 | admit | /ədˈmɪt/ | verb | to agree that you did something bad, or that something bad is true |
1040 | advice | /ædˈvaɪs/ | noun | suggestion about what someone should do |
1090 | alternative | /ɔlˈtɜr.nə.tɪv/ | noun | other choices |
1004 | announce | /əˈnaʊns/ | verb | to make a public statement about a plan, decision |
1073 | appeal | /əˈpil/ | verb | to request a judge or others change a decision |
1019 | appropriate | /əˈprəʊ.pri.ɪt/ | adj | right or suitable for some situation or purpose |
1094 | attitude | /ˈæt.ɪˌtud/ | noun | way you act, think, and feel about something |
1039 | aware | /əˈwɛər/ | adj | knowing or feeling that something exists |
1087 | band | /bænd/ | noun | group of people who work together (e.g., play music) |
1035 | beat | /bit/ | verb | to win against another person or team; defeat |
1020 | block | /blɑk/ | verb | to stop from going forward or making progress |
1018 | blood | /blʌd/ | noun | red liquid in the bodies of people and animals |
1016 | budget | /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/ | noun | amount of money planned to be spent on something |
1060 | chair | /tʃɛər/ | noun | a piece of furniture you sit on when sitting at a table or desk |
1095 | cheap | /tʃip/ | adj | not costing a lot of money |
1069 | collect | /kəˈlɛkt/ | verb | to gather things/people together in one place |
1084 | collection | /kəˈlɛk.ʃən/ | noun | group of similar things gathered as a hobby |
1038 | committee | /kəˈmɪt.i/ | noun | group of people who do or decide something |
1047 | complex | /ˈkɑm.plɛks/ | adj | difficult, not easy to understand or explain |
1054 | conduct | /kənˈdʌkt/ | verb | to direct, lead or guide something |
1066 | connection | /kəˈnɛk.ʃən/ | noun | something that joins things together; being joined |
1025 | content | /ˈkɑn.tɛnt/ | noun | information in something (e.g., a book or computer program) |
1049 | context | /ˈkɑn.tɛkst/ | noun | set of facts surrounding a person or event |
1037 | copy | /ˈkɑp.i/ | verb | to make something that looks the same as the original |
1032 | correct | /kəˈrɛkt/ | adj | true or accurate |
1022 | count | /kaʊnt/ | verb | to add things together to find the total number |
1064 | deliver | /dɪˈlɪv.ər/ | verb | to take something to a person or place |
1001 | difficulty | /ˈdɪf.ɪˌkʌl.ti/ | noun | something that is hard to do |
1051 | directly | /dɪˈrɛkt.li/ | adv | in a frank and honest way |
1096 | double | /ˈdʌb.əl/ | prep | two times the amount or degree; twice |
1031 | effective | /ɪˈfɛk.tɪv/ | adj | working efficiently to produce a desired result |
1030 | element | /ˈɛl.ə.mənt/ | noun | essential or particular part of something |
1055 | equipment | /ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ | noun | tools or materials used to perform a task |
1015 | exchange | /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ | verb | to give things of similar value to each other |
1059 | executive | /ɪgˈzɛk.jə.tɪv/ | noun | a senior manager in a business or organization |
1061 | expensive | /ɪkˈspɛn.sɪv/ | adj | costing a lot of money |
1058 | extra | /ˈɛk.strə/ | adj | more than necessary; additional |
1080 | fair | /fɛər/ | adj | treating all people the same way |
1017 | famous | /ˈfeɪ.məs/ | adj | widely known; recognized by many people |
1083 | farm | /fɑrm/ | noun | land used for growing crops or raising animals |
1077 | flat | /flæt/ | adj | level; even; without curves or bumps |
1079 | flow | /floʊ/ | verb | to move steadily and easily in a certain direction |
1042 | glass | /glæs/ | noun | hard transparent material used for making windows |
1041 | handle | /ˈhæn.dl/ | verb | to have the ability to cope with or take responsibility for |
1085 | hang | /hæŋ/ | verb | to attach a picture, photograph, etc., onto a wall |
1052 | heavy | /ˈhɛv.i/ | adj | having a lot of weight |
1074 | highly | /ˈhaɪ.li/ | adv | more than usual; to a great degree |
1006 | independent | /ˌɪn.dɪˈpɛn.dənt/ | adj | making your own decisions; not controlled by others |
1070 | inform | /ɪnˈfɔrm/ | verb | to give information or facts about something |
1028 | invite | /ɪnˈvaɪt/ | verb | to ask someone to go somewhere or do something |
1097 | leg | /lɛg/ | noun | part of the body from the thigh down |
1009 | majority | /məˈdʒɑr.ɪ.ti/ | noun | amount that is more than half of a group |
1033 | medical | /ˈmɛd.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | of or relating to physical health or medicine |
1029 | mix | /mɪks/ | verb | to combine two or more things to make one |
1086 | negative | /ˈnɛg.ə.tɪv/ | adj | being harmful, unwanted, or unhelpful |
1014 | none | /nʌn/ | pron | not one of a group; not at all or in no way |
1098 | observe | /əbˈzɜrv/ | verb | to watch carefully; to make a comment |
1056 | otherwise | /ˈʌð.ərˌwaɪz/ | adv | indicates that there will be a bad result if something is done, not done, or done improperly |
1092 | pair | /pɛər/ | noun | two of the same thing (e.g., socks) |
1026 | prevent | /prɪˈvɛnt/ | verb | to stop something from happening or existing |
1067 | primary | /ˈpraɪ.mɛr.i/ | adj | most important, most basic or essential |
1071 | principle | /ˈprɪn.sə.pəl/ | noun | strong belief that influences a person's actions; basic law or belief |
1100 | print | /prɪnt/ | verb | to make many copies of a page, magazine, or book |
1002 | purchase | /ˈpɜr.tʃəs/ | verb | to buy something; to get by paying money for it |
1045 | radio | /ˈreɪ.diˌoʊ/ | noun | system for sending and receiving signals through the air |
1007 | recommend | /ˌrɛk.əˈmɛnd/ | verb | to say something is good and deserves to be chosen |
1088 | relative | /ˈrɛl.ə.tɪv/ | noun | measured or considered in comparison to something else |
1053 | remove | /rɪˈmuv/ | verb | to move, erase or take away from a place |
1011 | request | /rɪˈkwɛst/ | verb | to ask for something |
1082 | responsible | /rɪˈspɑn.sə.bəl/ | adj | having the duty of dealing with something; being the cause or creator of something; behaving in a mature and reasonable manner |
1012 | rich | /rɪtʃ/ | adj | having a lot of money, possessions, or resources |
1050 | ride | /raɪd/ | verb | to sit on and control a horse or vehicle |
1027 | safe | /seɪf/ | adj | being out of danger |
1062 | sample | /ˈsæm.pəl/ | verb | to try something to see if you like it (e.g., food) |
1023 | scene | /sin/ | noun | part of an act in a play |
1099 | sentence | /ˈsɛn.təns/ | noun | set of spoken or written words that make a whole statement |
1063 | sex | /sɛks/ | noun | state of being male or female mostly biological |
1093 | ship | /ʃɪp/ | noun | large boat |
1003 | shoot | /ʃut/ | verb | to kick or throw a ball at a goal |
1091 | software | /ˈsɔftˌwɛər/ | noun | market for software is expected to expand |
1010 | stick | /stɪk/ | noun | long thin piece of wood from a tree |
1072 | straight | /streɪt/ | adj | not having curves, bends, or angles |
1044 | stress | /strɛs/ | verb | to be in a state of mental tension due to problems |
1008 | survey | /sərˈveɪ/ | verb | to ask people a question about a particular topic |
1036 | telephone | /ˈtɛl.əˌfoʊn/ | noun | machine used to talk to someone who is far away |
1048 | text | /tɛkst/ | noun | written part of a book or other work |
1057 | title | /ˈtaɪ.təl/ | noun | name given to something to identify or describe it |
1089 | tour | /tʊər/ | noun | a journey to visit several places for pleasure |
1043 | trial | /ˈtraɪəl/ | noun | an event to determine the quality of something or someone |
1075 | trust | /trʌst/ | verb | to be confident that someone is honest and reliable |
1005 | unless | /ʌnˈlɛs, ən-/ | conj | negative of 'if' |
1065 | video | /ˈvɪd.iˌoʊ/ | noun | recording capturing action with sound |
1021 | warm | /wɔrm/ | adj | slightly hot; not very hot |
1068 | weather | /ˈwɛð.ər/ | noun | whether it is raining, sunny, cold, etc., outside |
1013 | wind | /wɪnd/ | noun | natural movement of outside air as part of the weather |
1076 | wonderful | /ˈwʌn.dər.fəl/ | adj | producing feelings of enjoyment or delight |
1024 | writer | /ˈraɪ.tər/ | noun | professional who writes books, articles, etc. |