Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
802 | access | /ˈæk.sɛs/ | noun | an entrance to a place; a way in |
880 | adult | /ˈæd.ʌlt/ | noun | person or animal that is fully grown |
844 | advance | /ædˈvæns/ | verb | to move forward in a certain direction |
893 | anyway | /ˈɛn.iˌweɪ/ | adv | a word people use to change the topic of a conversation |
884 | application | /ˌæp.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | formal request for a job, building permission, etc. |
879 | argument | /ˈɑr.gjə.mənt/ | noun | a discussion in which you disagree with another's opinion |
857 | associate | /əˈsəʊ.ʃiˌeɪt/ | noun | partner in professional work (e.g., in law) |
870 | assume | /əˈsum/ | verb | to believe, based on the evidence; suppose |
820 | attend | /əˈtɛnd/ | verb | to be present at an event |
851 | avoid | /əˈvɔɪd/ | verb | to prevent from happening, or stay away from |
871 | baby | /ˈbeɪ.bi/ | noun | very young child, who cannot yet speak |
837 | bar | /bɑr/ | verb | to prevent entry, exit, or an action |
826 | beyond | /bɪˈjɑnd/ | adv | on or to the farther side; in addition to |
888 | bill | /bɪl/ | noun | a piece of paper showing what you have to pay |
858 | blue | /blu/ | adj | color of the clear sky |
861 | box | /bɑks/ | noun | a container with (usually) four straight sides and a lid |
821 | brother | /ˈbrʌð.ər/ | noun | a boy or man who shares a parent with you |
810 | bus | /bʌs/ | noun | a large road vehicle used for carrying many people |
892 | career | /kəˈrɪər/ | noun | a particular occupation in professional life |
891 | central | /ˈsɛn.trəl/ | adj | being in the middle |
842 | clean | /klin/ | adj | being free from dirt or marks because it was washed |
867 | cold | /koʊld/ | adj | having a very low temperature |
875 | competition | /ˌkɑm.pɪˈtɪʃ.ən/ | noun | fighting against others when trying to win something |
812 | conference | /ˈkɑn.fər.əns/ | noun | an event where people exchange ideas |
840 | deep | /dip/ | adj | going far down from the surface |
882 | document | /ˈdɑk.jʊ.mənt/ | noun | official (printed) record that gives information |
895 | dog | /dɔg/ | noun | an animal with four legs that is used for hunting, guarding, or as a pet. |
874 | doubt | /daʊt/ | noun | not being sure of something; lack of certainty |
899 | dress | /drɛs/ | noun | women's garment with a top part and a skirt |
831 | energy | /ˈɛn.ər.dʒi/ | noun | physical or mental strength |
841 | except | /ɪkˈsɛpt/ | prep | not including; other than |
818 | express | /ɪkˈsprɛs/ | verb | to state or show what you think or how you feel |
835 | file | /faɪl/ | verb | to submit documents to an authority (e.g., city hall) |
845 | fill | /fɪl/ | verb | to make something full |
828 | fish | /fɪʃ/ | noun | animal that swims and lives in the sea |
881 | fly | /flaɪ/ | verb | to travel through the air using wings |
848 | generally | /ˈdʒɛn.ər.ə.li/ | adv | usually; as a rule; by, to, or for most people |
856 | goal | /goʊl/ | noun | something you try to do or achieve; an aim |
885 | hot | /hɑt/ | adj | having a high temperature |
862 | huge | /hjudʒ/ | adj | very very large |
801 | husband | /ˈhʌz.bənd/ | noun | married man |
805 | identify | /aɪˈdɛn.tɪ.faɪ/ | verb | to indicate who or what someone or something is |
819 | indicate | /ˈɪn.dɪˌkeɪt/ | verb | to show something, direct attention to, or point out |
864 | instance | /ˈɪn.stəns/ | noun | one of a particular group given as an example |
822 | investment | /ɪnˈvɛst.mənt/ | noun | something purchased hoping its value will increase |
806 | loss | /lɑs/ | noun | experience or state of failing to have or keep |
850 | match | /mætʃ/ | noun | a sports competition between two people or teams |
863 | message | /ˈmɛs.ɪdʒ/ | noun | piece of information that is told/given to someone |
836 | middle | /ˈmɪd.əl/ | noun | place that is halfway between two things |
808 | modern | /ˈmɑd.ərn/ | adj | of the present time; up to date; contemporary |
803 | movement | /ˈmuv.mənt/ | noun | a change in the position of something |
817 | natural | /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl/ | adj | not made by humans; without human intervention |
847 | network | /ˈnɛtˌwɜrk/ | noun | system of connections |
855 | normal | /ˈnɔr.məl/ | adj | standard or regular way of doing something |
886 | obviously | /ˈɑb.vɪ.əs.lɪ/ | adv | in a way that is easy to see or understand |
896 | officer | /ˈɔ.fə.sər/ | noun | a person with an important position in an organization |
898 | oil | /ɔɪl/ | noun | thick, black liquid in the ground used as fuel |
849 | operation | /ˌɒp.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | functioning; use |
860 | option | /ˈɑp.ʃən/ | noun | possibility out of several that can be chosen; choice |
824 | organize | /ˈɔr.gəˌnaɪz/ | verb | to arrange and plan things (e.g., a party) |
883 | pattern | /ˈpæt.ərn/ | noun | a series of actions or designs that can be repeated |
859 | positive | /ˈpɑz.ɪ.tɪv/ | adj | good or useful in qualities, constructive, confident |
830 | potential | /pəˈtɛn.ʃəl/ | adj | capable of happening or becoming reality |
809 | pressure | /ˈprɛʃ.ər/ | noun | force/weight when pressing against a thing |
900 | profit | /ˈprɑf.ɪt/ | verb | to earn money from something |
829 | promise | /ˈprɑm.ɪs/ | verb | to say you will certainly do something |
877 | propose | /prəˈpoʊz/ | verb | to offer or put forward an idea for consideration |
868 | push | /pʊʃ/ | verb | to force something away from you |
869 | quarter | /ˈkwɔr.tər/ | noun | one of four equal parts of something |
866 | refer | /rɪˈfɜr/ | verb | to talk about or write about something |
878 | reference | /ˈrɛf.ər.əns/ | verb | to cite a piece of research in speech or in writing |
833 | relation | /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən/ | noun | manner in which people, groups, or countries behave toward one another |
823 | score | /skɔr/ | verb | to get points in a sport such as kicking a ball into a goal |
889 | search | /sɜrtʃ/ | verb | to carefully look for something |
852 | seat | /sit/ | noun | something on which a person can sit |
890 | separate | /ˈsɛp.əˌreɪt/ | verb | to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts |
807 | shall | /ʃæl/ | aux | expressing the future tense, to expect to happen |
873 | sing | /sɪŋ/ | verb | to make musical sounds with your voice |
827 | sleep | /slip/ | verb | to rest your body in bed, as at night time |
894 | speech | /spitʃ/ | noun | expression of ideas or opinions |
846 | star | /stɑr/ | noun | a bright planet of gas in the night sky |
839 | strategy | /ˈstræt.ɪ.dʒi/ | noun | careful plan or method for achieving a goal |
865 | style | /staɪl/ | noun | the particular way something is done or made |
872 | successful | /səkˈsɛs.fəl/ | adj | having the desired effect or result |
838 | suffer | /ˈsʌf.ər/ | verb | to experience pain, illness, or injury |
814 | supply | /səˈplaɪ/ | verb | to give or sell goods to others for their use |
854 | task | /tæsk/ | noun | big or small piece of work someone has to do |
843 | tend | /tɛnd/ | verb | to regularly behave in a certain way |
876 | theory | /ˈθɪə.ri/ | noun | idea or set of ideas that try to explain facts or events |
897 | throughout | /θruˈaʊt/ | prep | over or across an entire thing or place, or in every part of something |
853 | throw | /θroʊ/ | verb | to use your arm to make a thing fly through the air |
834 | touch | /tʌtʃ/ | verb | to feel an object with your fingers, etc. |
804 | treat | /trit/ | verb | to act in a certain way toward someone |
811 | treatment | /ˈtrit.mənt/ | noun | way someone acts toward another |
825 | trip | /trɪp/ | noun | journey or visit to a place |
832 | trouble | /ˈtrʌb.əl/ | noun | state of difficulty or stress |
887 | unclear | /ʌn.klɪər/ | adj | not easy to understand; not obvious |
815 | village | /ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ/ | noun | small town in the country |
816 | worth | /wɜrθ/ | noun | how much something is worth; the value of something |
813 | yourself | /jɔrˈsɛlf/ | pron | reflexive form of 'you', used for an emphasis |