Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
accident | /æk•sɪ•dənt/ | noun | sudden unplanned event causing damage, injury etc |
active | /æk•tɪv/ | adj | moving around a lot or doing many things |
afraid | /ə•frɛɪd/ | adj | worried that something bad will happen; scared |
cancer | /kæn•sə/ | noun | any growth caused by abnormal cell division |
code | /koʊd/ | noun | a password made of a set of letters or numbers |
conclude | /kən'klud/ | verb | to stop or finish; to come to the end of something |
consideration | /kən•sɪ•də•rɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | careful thought; thinking about something |
convince | /kən•vɪns/ | verb | to persuade someone, or make them feel sure |
enable | /ɪ•nɛɪ•bl/ | verb | to make it possible to do something |
environmental | /ɪn,vaɪərən'mɛntl/ | adj | of the natural world in which plants and animals live |
experiment | /ɪks•pɛ•rɪ•mɛnt/ | noun | test performed to assess new ideas or theories |
healthy | /hɛl•θɪ/ | adj | in good condition physically (or financially); not ill or bad |
impossible | /ɪm•pɑ•sə•bl/ | adj | very unlikely to happen or exist |
possibly | /pɑsəblɪ/ | adv | may be true or likely, but is uncertain |
religious | /rɪ•lɪ•dʒəs/ | adj | concerning religion or faith |
revenue | /rɛ•vɪ•nju/ | noun | money that is made by or paid to a business |
strange | /strɛɪndʒ/ | adj | unusual or odd; surprising because unexpected |
sun | /sʌn/ | noun | the hot shining star the earth moves around |
threat | /θrɛt/ | noun | warning of probable trouble |
vary | /vɛɚ•rɪ/ | verb | to be changeable, both up and down |