Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
amaze | /ə•mɛɪz/ | verb | to cause wonder; to surprise completely |
birth | /bɚθ/ | noun | time when a baby or young animal is born |
channel | /tʃæ•nL/ | noun | long hole dug in the ground |
concentrate | /kɑn•sɛn•trɛɪt/ | verb | to pay great attention to a task; focus |
device | /dɪ•vaɪs/ | noun | object, machine, or equipment for a specific use |
expense | /ɪks•pɛns/ | noun | paying money for something (big) |
factory | /fæk•tə•rɪ/ | noun | building where things are made |
forest | /fɑ•rɪst/ | noun | large area with many trees |
friendly | /frɛn•dlɪ/ | adv | acting like a friend; kind and helpful |
investigate | /ɪn•vɛs•tɪ•gɛɪt/ | verb | to try to find out facts; to carry out research |
label | /lɛɪ•bl/ | noun | a piece of paper or material to identify something |
plenty | /plɛn•tɪ/ | pron | when there is not too little of something; a lot |
provision | /prə•vɪ•ʒən/ | noun | clause in a legal document |
rank | /ræŋk/ | verb | to rate people in higher or lower position relative to others |
recommendation | /rɛ•kə•mɛn•dɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | official suggestion about a course of action or a choice of person; the act of suggesting someone or something as a good choice |
resident | /rɛ•zɪ•dənt/ | adj | someone who lives in a particular place |
root | /rut/ | noun | part of a plant that grows underground |
secure | /sɪ•kjʊə/ | verb | to protect something from danger or harm, keep things safe |
typical | /tɪ•pɪ•kəl/ | adj | normal; usual; expected |