Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
advertisement | /əd•vɚ•tɪs•mənt/ | noun | a picture, short film, text, etc. that tells people about a product or service |
calculate | /kæl•kjʊ•lɛɪt/ | verb | to find an answer using mathematics |
consistent | /kən•sɪs•tənt/ | adj | always acting or happening in the same way |
creation | /kriː•ɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | act of making something |
illness | /ɪl•nəs/ | noun | unhealthy condition of the mind or body |
install | /ɪn•stoɚl/ | verb | to set up a piece of equipment so that it is ready to use |
journalist | /dʒɚ•nə•lɪst/ | noun | a person who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio |
luck | /lʌk/ | noun | accidental way things happen, often good things |
massive | /mæ•sɪv/ | adj | very big; very large and heavy |
mathematics | /mæ•θɪ•mæ•tɪks/ | noun | study or science of numbers and shapes |
mouse | /maʊz/ | noun | a small animal that has fur and a long tail |
occupy | /ɑ•kjʊ•paɪ/ | verb | to fill a time, a space, or an area |
outline | /aʊt•laɪn/ | verb | the main ideas or facts about something, without the details |
preserve | /prɪ•zɚv/ | verb | to keep something in an unchanged or perfect condition |
split | /splɪt/ | verb | to break something into pieces or divide something |
sudden | /sʌ•dn/ | adj | happening or done quickly or unexpectedly |
sufficient | /sə•fɪ•ʃənt/ | adj | having as much as is needed for a particular purpose |
swing | /swɪŋ/ | verb | to move smoothly backwards and forwards or from side to side while hanging from something |
update | /ʌp•dɛɪt/ | verb | to change something by adding the most recent information |
upper | /ʌ•pə/ | adj | higher than others of the same kind |