Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
2398 | absolute | /ˈæb.səˌlut/ | adj | complete and total |
2283 | accurate | /ˈæk.jər.ɪt/ | adj | correct; not having mistakes or errors |
2001 | achievement | /əˈtʃiv.mənt/ | noun | something good that you have successfully done |
2010 | acquisition | /ˌæk.wɪˈzɪʃ.ən/ | noun | act of getting something |
2372 | adapt | /əˈdæpt/ | verb | to change something to fit or suit a new purpose |
2358 | adequate | /ˈæd.ə.kwɪt/ | adj | enough; good enough for what is needed |
2208 | adjust | /əˈdʒʌst/ | verb | to change so as to fit in with new conditions |
2347 | admire | /ædˈmaɪər/ | verb | to feel respect or wonder toward someone |
2201 | adviser | /ædˈvaɪ.zər/ | noun | an expert who suggests what someone should do |
2316 | advocate | /ˈæd.vəˌkeɪt/ | verb | to publicly support a belief, or to request a change |
2030 | agenda | /əˈdʒɛn.də/ | noun | a list of subjects that people will discuss at a meeting |
2212 | agricultural | /ˈæg.rɪˌkʌl.tʃər/ | adj | concerning farming |
2271 | alarm | /əˈlɑrm/ | noun | sound or light used for a warning or to wake someone |
2181 | album | /ˈæl.bəm/ | noun | book with a collection of photographs or pictures |
2214 | alcohol | /ˈæl.kəˌhɔl/ | noun | drinks such as wine, whiskey, beer |
2266 | ally | /ˈæl.aɪ/ | noun | someone who supports, helps, or defends you |
2102 | alter | /ˈɑl.tər/ | verb | to make a change to something |
2170 | analyst | /ˈæ.nə.lɪst/ | noun | someone who is skilled at studying the details of data |
2140 | anger | /ˈæŋ.gər/ | verb | to make someone mad, upset, or annoyed |
2338 | angle | /ˈæŋ.gəl/ | noun | a place where two lines or surfaces meet |
2335 | anticipate | /ænˈtɪs.əˌpeɪt/ | verb | to expect or look ahead to something positively |
2340 | anxiety | /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.tɪ/ | noun | fear about what might happen; worry |
2107 | anymore | /ˌɛn.iˈmɔr/ | adv | no longer; no more |
2168 | apartment | /əˈpɑrt.mənt/ | noun | set of rooms to live in on one floor of a building |
2301 | apologize | /əˈpɑl.əˌdʒaɪz/ | verb | to say sorry because of a mistake or injury you made |
2151 | apparent | /əˈpɛər.ənt/ | adj | easy to see or clearly understand |
2302 | approval | /əˈpru.vəl/ | noun | positive opinion of something or someone |
2058 | arrival | /əˈraɪ.vəl/ | noun | when someone or something gets to a place |
2099 | assist | /əˈsɪst/ | verb | to help |
2015 | assistance | /əˈsɪs.təns/ | noun | act of helping someone |
2064 | assure | /əˈʃɜr/ | verb | to make sure that something happens |
2300 | attribute | /ˈæ.trəˌbjut/ | noun | a quality or characteristic that someone or something has (e.g., size or color) |
2206 | awful | /ˈɑ.fʊl/ | adj | very bad; horrible; terrible |
2157 | badly | /ˈbæd.li/ | adv | not in a good way; not as wanted or liked |
2294 | bath | /bæθ/ | noun | the cleaning of a body by putting it completely into water |
2062 | beer | /bɪər/ | noun | alcoholic drink that is made from wheat or grains |
2248 | behave | /bɪˈheɪv/ | verb | to act in a particular way; to act correctly |
2268 | bend | /bɛnd/ | verb | to make something not straight; make into a curve |
2394 | beneath | /bɪˈniθ/ | prep | under; in or to a lower position; below |
2115 | beside | /bɪˈsaɪd/ | prep | by the side of something; next to something |
2197 | bid | /bɪd/ | verb | an offer to pay a particular amount of money for something |
2263 | blind | /blaɪnd/ | adj | unable to see; with eyes that cannot see |
2265 | bloody | /ˈblʌ.di/ | adj | covered or spotted with blood on the surface |
2282 | boot | /but/ | noun | footwear covering your foot and part of your leg |
2159 | boundary | /ˈbaʊn.də.ri/ | noun | where one area ends and another begins |
2291 | bowl | /bəʊl/ | noun | a round container used for holding things like rice or soup |
2262 | bread | /brɛd/ | noun | baked food made from flour, used in sandwiches, etc. |
2198 | breed | /brid/ | verb | to produce baby animals of specific kinds |
2270 | briefly | /ˈbrif.li/ | adv | happening in a short period of time; using few words |
2200 | brilliant | /ˈbrɪl.jənt/ | adj | having a great amount of intelligence or talent |
2260 | broadcast | /ˈbrɔdˌkæst/ | verb | to send out signals by radio or television |
2286 | burden | /ˈbɜr.dən/ | verb | something that causes worry, difficulty, or hard work |
2285 | button | /ˈbʌt.ən/ | noun | small round piece of material used to fasten clothing |
2076 | cable | /ˈkeɪ.bəl/ | noun | wire carrying electricity, tv signals, internet, etc. |
2173 | cake | /keɪk/ | noun | a sweet baked food made from flour, eggs, fat, and sugar |
2390 | cancel | /ˈkæn.səl/ | verb | to stop a planned event from happening |
2374 | cap | /kæp/ | noun | small, soft hat often with a front visor or shade |
2397 | capability | /ˌkeɪ.pəˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ | noun | means, ability, or potential to do something |
2325 | characterize | /ˈkær.ɪk.təˌraɪz/ | verb | to describe the qualities of a person, place, thing |
2354 | charity | /ˈtʃær.ɪ.ti/ | noun | organization providing help to the needy, the sick |
2376 | charm | /tʃɑrm/ | noun | quality of making people like you; attractiveness |
2339 | chicken | /ˈtʃɪk.ən/ | noun | a large bird that is raised on farms for its eggs and meat |
2356 | cigarette | /ˈsɪg.əˌrɛt/ | noun | a small paper tube filled with tobacco |
2277 | cite | /saɪt/ | verb | to mention the work of others in your writing |
2367 | clinical | /ˈklɪn.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | related to the examination and treatment of patients |
2090 | cloud | /klaʊd/ | noun | a mass of water vapor in the sky, as when it is going to rain |
2213 | competitor | /kəmˈpɛt.ɪ.tər/ | noun | someone taking part in a race, business, etc. |
2380 | compound | /ˈkɑm.paʊnd/ | noun | something that is made from two or more other things |
2384 | comprehensive | /ˌkɑm.prɪˈhɛn.sɪv/ | adj | including most or all things |
2218 | confident | /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt/ | adj | feeling that you can do well at something |
2154 | constantly | /ˈkɑn.stənt.li/ | adv | happening a lot or all the time |
2357 | constitute | /ˈkɑn.stɪˌtut/ | verb | to make up or be part of something |
2237 | consult | /kənˈsʌlt/ | verb | to discuss something to make a decision |
2359 | consultant | /kənˈsʌl.tənt/ | noun | expert who gives (paid) advice |
2059 | contemporary | /kənˈtɛm.pəˌrɛr.i/ | adj | being of the time being discussed |
2308 | conventional | /kənˈvɛn.ʃə.nəl/ | adj | following the common attitudes and practices |
2110 | convert | /kənˈvɜrt/ | verb | to change form, character, or function to another |
2399 | correspond | /ˌkɔr.əˈspɑnd/ | verb | to have similarity or equality with something |
2361 | cousin | /ˈkʌ.zən/ | noun | a child of your uncle or aunt |
2074 | coverage | /ˈkʌv.ər.ɪdʒ/ | noun | way a newspaper, television program, etc., reports an event or subject |
2068 | crack | /kræk/ | verb | to almost break something |
2276 | crazy | /ˈkreɪ.zi/ | adj | not being sensible or practical |
2388 | cream | /krim/ | noun | the thick white liquid that comes from milk and is used in cooking |
2209 | creative | /kriˈeɪ.tɪv/ | adj | having the ability to make something new |
2095 | crew | /kru/ | noun | an organized group of workers (e.g., on a ship) |
2296 | criticize | /ˈkrɪt.əˌsaɪz/ | verb | to say that someone or something is bad |
2144 | currency | /ˈkʌr.ən.si/ | noun | a money system that a country uses |
2220 | curve | /kɜrv/ | noun | a smooth rounded line that is not straight |
2371 | custom | /ˈkʌs.təm/ | noun | what is usual or normal |
2145 | database | /ˈdeɪ.təˌbeɪs/ | noun | information stored in a computer in an organized way |
2284 | dealer | /ˈdi.lər/ | noun | someone who buys things to sell to others |
2012 | deeply | /ˈdip.li/ | adv | to a great, intense, or extreme extent |
2169 | demonstration | /ˌdɛm.ənˈstreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | explanation of how something works |
2336 | dependent | /dɪˈpɛn.dənt/ | adj | someone who depends on another for (financial) support |
2313 | deposit | /dɪˈpɑz.ɪt/ | noun | money that is given for a special purpose such as proof that you will buy something, or as savings in a bank |
2128 | depression | /dɪˈprɛ.ʃən/ | noun | a feeling of great sadness |
2224 | depth | /dɛpθ/ | noun | distance below a surface |
2287 | desert | /ˈdɛz.ərt/ | noun | area of land that has very little water and few plants |
2178 | designer | /dɪˈzaɪ.nər/ | noun | someone who creates plans to make something |
2345 | detect | /dɪˈtɛkt/ | verb | to discover or identify the presence of something |
2120 | devote | /dɪˈvoʊt/ | verb | to decide to use or give something for something else |
2387 | dialog | /ˈdaɪ.əˌlɔg/ | noun | conversation between two or more individuals |
2331 | dig | /dɪɡ/ | verb | to move material to create a hole |
2309 | digital | /ˈdɪ.dʒɪ.təl/ | adj | using electronic signals or computers |
2250 | dimension | /daɪˈmɛn.ʃən/ | noun | measurement of length, width, or height |
2255 | dirty | /ˈdɜr.ti/ | adj | not clean |
2117 | disaster | /dɪˈzæs.tər/ | noun | something that causes a lot of harm or damage |
2292 | discovery | /dɪsˈkʌv.ə.ri/ | noun | learning something for the first time |
2392 | dismiss | /dɪsˈmɪs/ | verb | to send someone away |
2165 | disorder | /dɪsˈɔr.dər/ | noun | a lack of organization |
2029 | dispute | /dɪsˈpjut/ | noun | argument between two or more parties about something |
2132 | distinction | /dɪˈstɪŋk.ʃən/ | noun | the special quality that makes something different |
2272 | disturb | /dɪˈstɜrb/ | verb | to stop someone from working or sleeping |
2003 | dominate | /ˈdɑm.əˌneɪt/ | verb | to have power or influence over |
2332 | drag | /dræɡ/ | verb | to pull something that is difficult to move |
2061 | ease | /iz/ | noun | state of being comfortable or relaxed |
2368 | eastern | /ˈi.stərn/ | adj | being in the area to the east |
2311 | edit | /ˈɛd.ɪt/ | verb | to check and makes changes before publication |
2032 | edition | /ɪˈdɪ.ʃən/ | noun | a particular version of something that is sold to the public |
2254 | efficiency | /ɪˈfɪʃ.ən.si/ | noun | working well; producing something without waste |
2052 | elderly | /ˈɛl.dər.li/ | adj | a polite word for 'old', used to describe people |
2014 | electricity | /ɪ.lɛkˈtrɪs.ɪ.ti/ | noun | energy generated positive and negative charges |
2082 | eliminate | /ɪˈlɪm.əˌneɪt/ | verb | to completely remove; to get rid of |
2031 | emphasis | /ˈɛm.fə.sɪs/ | noun | particular importance to the way something is said |
2051 | enterprise | /ˈɛn.tərˌpraɪz/ | noun | a business or organization |
2034 | entertainment | /ˌɛn.tərˈteɪn.mənt/ | noun | activities that make people have a good time by singing, telling jokes, etc. |
2304 | entitle | /ɛnˈtaɪt.l/ | verb | to give the right to do or have something to someone |
2225 | entrance | /ˈɛn.trəns/ | noun | a way into a place |
2067 | episode | /ˈɛp.əˌsoʊd/ | noun | show which is part of a larger story |
2049 | equivalent | /ˌi.kwəˈveɪ.lənt/ | adj | being about equal in value, use, or meaning |
2073 | era | /ˈɪə.rə/ | noun | a period of time in history that is special for a particular reason |
2161 | essay | /ˈɛs.eɪ/ | noun | short written work that displays someone's opinions or beliefs regarding a particular subject |
2317 | establishment | /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ.mənt/ | noun | organization, institution, or place to do business |
2365 | ethnic | /ˈɛθ.nɪk/ | adj | connected with people who share a cultural tradition |
2139 | evaluate | /ɪˈvæl.juˌeɪt/ | verb | to form an idea to judge something carefully |
2158 | everyday | /ˈɛv.riˌdeɪ/ | adj | used or seen daily; suitable for daily use; ordinary |
2190 | evil | /ˈi.vəl/ | adj | morally bad; causing harm to someone |
2327 | exact | /ɪgˈzækt/ | adj | completely correct; accurate; specific |
2244 | exam | /ɪgˈzæm/ | noun | test of your knowledge or ability in something |
2088 | exclude | /ɪkˈsklud/ | verb | to prevent someone from access to a group |
2153 | expansion | /ɪkˈspæn.ʃən/ | noun | act of expanding or becoming bigger |
2307 | exposure | /ɪkˈspoʊ.ʒər/ | noun | state of experiencing something directly |
2186 | extension | /ɪkˈstɛn.ʃən/ | noun | extra time allowed to complete something |
2231 | extensive | /ɪkˈstɛn.sɪv/ | adj | large; full or complete |
2125 | external | /ɪkˈstɜr.nl/ | adj | outside of something |
2199 | extraordinary | /ˌɛkˈstrɔr.dənˌɛr.i/ | adj | beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; remarkable |
2098 | false | /fɔls/ | adj | not real or true |
2124 | fascinate | /ˈfæs.ɪˌneɪt/ | verb | attract or interest greatly |
2215 | festival | /ˈfɛs.tə.vəl/ | noun | cultural event with a program of events |
2274 | flood | /flʌd/ | noun | a large amount of water covering land that is usually dry |
2369 | forecast | /ˈfɔrˌkæst/ | noun | a prediction of some future thing (e.g., the weather) |
2312 | formation | /fɔrˈmeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | process of creating, or making into a particular shape |
2101 | formula | /ˈfɔr.mjə.lə/ | noun | plan, rule, or method for doing or making something |
2177 | foundation | /faʊnˈdeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | underground base on which a building is constructed |
2044 | framework | /ˈfreɪmˌwɜrk/ | noun | basic structure of something |
2295 | frequency | /ˈfri.kwən.si/ | noun | how often something happens |
2196 | frighten | /ˈfraɪt.ən/ | verb | to make someone afraid or nervous |
2166 | furniture | /ˈfɜr.nɪ.tʃər/ | noun | items such as tables, chairs, beds, or closets |
2060 | gate | /gɛɪt/ | noun | place in a fence which can be opened or closed |
2040 | gay | /gɛɪ/ | noun | person attracted to someone of the same sex |
2280 | gender | /ˈdʒɛn.dər/ | noun | state of being male or female |
2227 | giant | /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/ | adj | extremely big, or much bigger than other things |
2228 | god | /ɡɑd/ | noun | a being with special powers that cannot be explained by nature |
2054 | governor | /ˈgʌv.ər.nər/ | noun | person who leads a state or province |
2303 | grab | /ɡræb/ | verb | to quickly reach out and take something in your hand. |
2188 | gradually | /ˈgrædʒ.u.ə.li/ | adv | occurring in a slow manner over a period of time |
2093 | grand | /ɡrænd/ | adj | including many things; very large |
2193 | grass | /græs/ | noun | plants with narrow green leaves, grown on lawns |
2129 | guilty | /ˈgɪl.ti/ | adj | having done something bad or illegal |
2236 | harm | /hɑrm/ | verb | to hurt, damage, or cause problems |
2119 | heavily | /ˈhɛv.ə.li/ | adv | a lot or to a great degree |
2150 | height | /haɪt/ | noun | distance of something from the bottom to the top |
2094 | hence | /ˈhɛns/ | adv | from now, later than the present time |
2108 | hero | /ˈhɪə.rəʊ/ | noun | person of great courage and strength who saves others |
2360 | historian | /hɪˈstɔr.i.ən/ | noun | someone who studies or writes about the course of history |
2035 | honest | /ˈɑn.ɪst/ | adj | good; always telling the truth and not stealing |
2353 | illegal | /ɪˈli.gəl/ | adj | not allowed by the laws or rules |
2243 | impress | /ɪmˈprɛs/ | verb | to make someone admire or respect another person or thing |
2385 | incentive | /ɪnˈsɛn.tɪv/ | noun | something that encourages a person to work hard |
2048 | inch | /ɪntʃ/ | noun | a measure of length; 1/12 of a foot (2.54 centimeters) |
2134 | incorporate | /ɪnˈkɔr.pəˌreɪt/ | verb | to include or involve as part of something else |
2233 | independence | /ˌɪn.dɪˈpɛn.dəns/ | noun | having the freedom to make your own decisions |
2330 | infant | /ˈɪn.fənt/ | noun | child in the beginning stage of life; a baby |
2252 | infection | /ˌɪnˈfɛk.ʃən/ | noun | act or state of becoming infected with a disease |
2146 | initially | /ɪˈnɪʃ.ə.li/ | adv | at the beginning |
2235 | inner | /ˈɪn.ər/ | adj | concerning the inside part of something |
2180 | innovation | /ˌɪn.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ | noun | new invention or idea that is created |
2079 | input | /ˈɪnˌpʊt/ | verb | to put in information, advice, or opinions |
2092 | inspire | /ɪnˈspaɪ.ər/ | verb | to make someone have the desire to do something |
2232 | interpret | /ɪnˈtɜr.prɪt/ | verb | to repeat what was said in another language |
2242 | intervention | /ˌɪn.tərˈvɛn.ʃən/ | noun | involvement in a situation to prevent future problems |
2194 | invitation | /ˌɪn.vɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | when someone asks you to do something or go somewhere |
2306 | involvement | /ɪnˈvɑlv.mənt/ | noun | act or process of joining in a particular activity |
2259 | iron | /ˈaɪ.ərn/ | noun | the hard metal used to make steel (symbol Fe) |
2080 | isolate | /ˈaɪ.səˌleɪt/ | verb | to keep in a place or situation apart from others |
2253 | jacket | /ˈdʒæk.ɪt/ | noun | a light, thin coat |
2122 | justify | /ˈdʒʌs.təˌfaɪ/ | verb | to give reasons why you did something or why it is right |
2364 | keen | /kin/ | adj | being eager or excited for something to happen |
2221 | knee | /ni/ | noun | the middle part of your leg that bends |
2011 | laughter | /ˈlɑf.tər/ | noun | action or sound of laughing |
2024 | layer | /ˈleɪ.ər/ | noun | an amount of something that is spread over a surface |
2386 | league | /lig/ | noun | association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members |
2378 | lecture | /ˈlɛk.tʃər/ | noun | talk or speech about a particular subject |
2305 | lend | /lɛnd/ | verb | to give to someone for a while before it is returned |
2299 | lip | /lɪp/ | noun | top and bottom part of the outside of a person's mouth |
2226 | log | /lɑɡ/ | noun | a piece of a tree that has been cut |
2185 | loose | /lus/ | adj | not tightly attached or held |
2249 | loud | /laʊd/ | adj | making a lot of noise |
2393 | margin | /ˈmɑr.dʒɪn/ | noun | the empty space at the top, bottom, and sides of a written or printed page |
2288 | mate | /meɪt/ | noun | someone who you work, live, or go to school with |
2269 | mature | /məˈtʊər/ | adj | being an adult, being fully developed physically |
2261 | membership | /ˈmɛm.bərˌʃɪp/ | noun | all the people who belong to a club or group |
2382 | mess | /mɛs/ | noun | dirty or untidy area |
2112 | meter | /ˈmi.tər/ | noun | unit of length equal to 100 cm or about 39 inches |
2205 | mirror | /ˈmɪr.ər/ | noun | a thing with a glass surface used to look at yourself |
2204 | mode | /məʊd/ | noun | way of acting or doing something |
2348 | moderate | /ˈmɑd.ər.ɪt/ | adj | average in size or amount |
2131 | mom | /mɑm/ | noun | mother |
2066 | mood | /mud/ | noun | emotion or a state of mind; how you feel |
2333 | mount | /maʊnt/ | verb | to organize and begin an action; to attach to a support |
2155 | muscle | /ˈmʌs.əl/ | noun | a body tissue that can become longer or shorter and moves the body |
2350 | musician | /mjuˈzɪʃ.ən/ | noun | a person who writes, sings, or plays music, as a job |
2143 | naturally | /ˈnætʃ.ər.ə.li/ | adv | as someone would expect; not surprising |
2002 | negotiate | /nɪˈgoʊ.ʃiˌeɪt/ | verb | to have a formal discussion to reach an agreement |
2078 | nervous | /ˈnɜr.vəs/ | adj | having a tendency to become uneasy or anxious |
2278 | newly | /ˈnu.li/ | adv | very recently; just done or made |
2114 | nose | /nəʊz/ | noun | part of the face used for breathing and smelling |
2210 | nowadays | /ˈnaʊ.əˌdeɪz/ | adv | at the present time; now |
2069 | numerous | /ˈnu.mər.əs/ | adj | existing in large numbers |
2137 | obligation | /ˌɑb.ləˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | something that you do because it is your duty or because you feel you have to |
2289 | occasionally | /əˈkeɪ.ʒə.nəl.i/ | adv | not very often; sometimes; seldom |
2344 | offense | /əˈfɛns/ | noun | criminal act; something that causes hurt |
2329 | operator | /ˈɑp.əˌreɪ.tər/ | noun | someone who uses and controls something, usually equipment |
2395 | opponent | /əˈpoʊ.nənt/ | noun | a person that you are competing against in a game or contest |
2222 | overcome | /ˌoʊ.vərˈkʌm/ | verb | to succeed in a struggle |
2315 | overseas | /ˌoʊ.vərˈsiz/ | adv | in or to a foreign country that is across a sea |
2053 | owe | /əʊ/ | verb | to need to pay money to a person, bank, business, etc. |
2118 | pace | /peɪs/ | noun | the speed at which someone or something moves or happens |
2279 | parallel | /ˈpær.əˌlɛl/ | adj | very similar and often occurring at the same time |
2007 | peer | /pɪər/ | noun | person of the same age, class, or background as another |
2320 | pen | /pɛn/ | noun | something you write with that uses ink |
2008 | pension | /ˈpɛn.ʃən/ | noun | regular payments you receive after you retire |
2103 | perceive | /pərˈsiv/ | verb | to notice or become aware of something |
2142 | perception | /pərˈsɛp.ʃən/ | noun | the way in which one sees or understands something |
2091 | persuade | /pərˈsweɪd/ | verb | to get you to do/believe something, by giving reasons |
2096 | phenomenon | /fɪˈnɑm.əˌnən/ | noun | a fact that can be observed and studied |
2298 | philosophy | /fɪˈlɑs.ə.fi/ | noun | study of ideas about the fundamental nature of life |
2238 | pink | /pɪŋk/ | adj | pale red color |
2057 | pitch | /pɪtʃ/ | noun | 1. the level of a sound; 2. a throw of a ball; 3. a speech to sell something; 4. black substance that is sticky when hot and hard when dry |
2219 | planet | /ˈplæn.ɪt/ | noun | one of the bodies that orbit the sun |
2171 | platform | /ˈplæt.fɔrm/ | noun | a raised area for people to stand on |
2314 | pleasant | /ˈplɛz.ənt/ | adj | causing a good feeling |
2211 | poem | /ˈpoʊ.əm/ | noun | a written composition in verse, not prose |
2164 | pollution | /pəˈlu.ʃən/ | noun | dirty or dangerous waste released into an environment |
2056 | port | /pɔrt/ | noun | a town or an area of a town next to water where ships arrive and leave from |
2229 | portion | /ˈpɔr.ʃən/ | noun | part of a whole |
2207 | pose | /poʊz/ | verb | to put someone in a position to be photographed |
2135 | pour | /pɔr/ | verb | to make a liquid flow from one container into another |
2275 | poverty | /ˈpɑv.ər.ti/ | noun | being poor |
2342 | precisely | /prɪˈsaɪs.lɪ/ | adv | in an exact and accurate manner |
2383 | preference | /ˈprɛf.ər.əns/ | noun | something that is liked or wanted more than another |
2028 | preparation | /ˌprɛp.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | getting ready for something |
2081 | prisoner | /ˈprɪz.ə.nər/ | noun | someone kept in a prison as punishment for a crime |
2005 | prize | /praɪz/ | noun | something that is won in a contest or given as an award |
2065 | profile | /ˈproʊ.faɪl/ | noun | description listing the basic information about a person or group |
2375 | prompt | /prɑmpt/ | adj | being done quickly and with no delay |
2021 | proof | /pruf/ | noun | information which shows that something is true or correct |
2141 | pub | /pʌb/ | noun | a place that sells alcohol and food |
2041 | publication | /ˌpʌb.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | process of producing a book or magazine |
2097 | pupil | /ˈpju.pəl/ | noun | 1. a child or young person who is being taught; a student; 2. the black round part in the center of the eye that lets in light |
2264 | pure | /pjʊər/ | adj | not mixed with anything else |
2267 | quantity | /ˈkwɒn.tɪ.ti/ | noun | amount or number of something |
2246 | radical | /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | very new and different from what is traditional |
2389 | rapid | /ˈræp.ɪd/ | adj | happening very quickly |
2149 | rarely | /ˈrɛər.li/ | adv | in an infrequent manner |
2160 | ratio | /ˈreɪ.ʃiˌəʊ/ | noun | two numbers that show the relationship between two groups of people or things |
2377 | react | /riˈækt/ | verb | to behave or make a change in a particular way |
2013 | recognition | /ˌrɛk.əgˈnɪʃ.ən/ | noun | accepting that something is true or that it exists |
2321 | recovery | /rɪˈkʌ.və.ri/ | noun | process of returning to a former state after problems |
2087 | recruit | /rɪˈkrut/ | verb | to get people to come and work, join, or study with you |
2391 | regret | /rɪˈgrɛt/ | verb | to be sorry about something |
2257 | regularly | /ˈrɛg.jə.lər.li/ | adv | at the usual time each day, week, or month |
2191 | remarkable | /rɪˈmɑr.kə.bəl/ | adj | interesting and unexpected, worthy of notice |
2027 | representation | /ˌrɛp.rɪ.zɛnˈteɪ.ʃən/ | noun | speaking or doing something officially for another person |
2381 | rescue | /ˈrɛs.kju/ | verb | to save something from danger or harm |
2396 | resist | /rɪˈzɪst/ | verb | to try to stop or prevent something |
2293 | resistance | /rɪˈzɪs.təns/ | noun | refusal to accept something new or different |
2258 | resort | /rɪˈzɔrt/ | noun | a place where people go on holiday |
2018 | respectively | /rɪˈspɛk.tɪv.li/ | adv | in the order people or things were mentioned |
2100 | restore | /rɪˈstɔr/ | verb | to put or bring back into existence or use, mend |
2046 | restrict | /rɪˈstrɪkt/ | verb | to prevent from doing something |
2176 | restriction | /rɪˈstrɪk.ʃən/ | noun | a rule or law that limits what people can do |
2037 | retail | /ˈri.teɪl/ | adj | concerning the business of selling products to the public for personal use |
2017 | retirement | /rɪˈtaɪər.mənt/ | noun | time when someone has stopped working because of their age |
2203 | reverse | /rɪˈvɜrs/ | verb | to go in the opposite direction |
2343 | rival | /ˈraɪ.vəl/ | adj | a person, team, or organization that competes with another; a competitor |
2016 | roof | /ruf/ | noun | cover or top of something |
2319 | rough | /rʌf/ | adj | not smooth, gentle, or careful |
2104 | routine | /ruˈtin/ | noun | happening or done regularly or frequently |
2116 | sail | /seɪl/ | verb | to travel on water in a ship or boat |
2373 | sand | /sænd/ | noun | grains of rock that make beaches and deserts |
2133 | satisfaction | /ˌsæt.ɪsˈfæk.ʃən/ | noun | happy feeling because of something that you did |
2156 | scare | /skɛər/ | verb | to make someone feel frightened or worried |
2162 | scream | /skrim/ | verb | to make a sudden loud cry |
2322 | seal | /sil/ | verb | to make something so that it does not leak air or water |
2085 | secondary | /ˈsɛk.ənˌdɛr.i/ | adj | less important than something else |
2370 | segment | /ˈsɛg.mənt/ | noun | part divided from the other parts of something |
2077 | sensitive | /ˈsɛn.sɪ.tɪv/ | adj | easily hurt or damaged |
2239 | shadow | /ˈʃæd.oʊ/ | noun | a dark shape that appears when something stops the light |
2290 | shareholder | /ˈʃɛərˌhoʊl.dər/ | noun | someone who owns a part of a corporation |
2352 | shower | /ˈʃaʊ.ər/ | noun | the cleaning of a body by standing under falling water |
2351 | significance | /sɪgˈnɪf.ɪ.kəns/ | noun | importance of something; the potential for something to have a big effect |
2033 | silver | /ˈsɪl.vər/ | noun | expensive, near white color metal (symbol Ag) |
2247 | similarly | /ˈsɪm.ə.lər.li/ | adv | in a way that is almost the same as something or someone else |
2182 | singer | /ˈsɪŋ.ər/ | noun | a person who sings, often as a profession |
2105 | sink | /sɪŋk/ | verb | to go down below the surface of water, mud, etc. |
2138 | sir | /sɜr/ | noun | form of address to a man you respect |
2042 | slight | /slaɪt/ | adj | very small in degree or amount |
2023 | smart | /smɑrt/ | adj | being clever, having a good mind |
2241 | smooth | /smuð/ | adj | something that feels pleasant and flat when you touch it; not rough |
2022 | soil | /sɔɪl/ | noun | top layer of earth in which plants grow |
2050 | solid | /ˈsɑl.ɪd/ | adj/noun | firm or hard; not a gas or liquid |
2126 | spare | /spɛər/ | adj | kept as something extra that can be used if it is needed |
2063 | specialist | /ˈspɛ.ʃə.lɪst/ | noun | person who works in one specific area of a field or profession |
2337 | specialize | /ˈspɛ.ʃəˌlaɪz/ | verb | to focus on one area of a field or profession |
2326 | specify | /ˈspɛs.əˌfaɪ/ | verb | to state, name, or mention exactly and clearly |
2328 | spin | /spɪn/ | verb | to turn around repeatedly |
2281 | sponsor | /ˈspɑn.sər/ | verb | to help someone or something succeed by giving them money |
2106 | stare | /stɛər/ | verb | to look at someone or something for a long time |
2256 | statistic | /stəˈtɪs.tɪk/ | noun | a number that represents a piece of information |
2111 | steady | /ˈstɛd.i/ | adj | firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking, rocking, or likely to fall over |
2172 | steel | /stil/ | noun | very strong metal made of iron and other substances mixed together |
2202 | stem | /stɛm/ | noun | the long, thin part of a plant that supports leaves and flowers |
2179 | strain | /streɪn/ | noun | too much pressure on a person or system that can cause problems |
2148 | stream | /strim/ | noun | small river |
2089 | string | /strɪŋ/ | noun | thin rope |
2240 | strip | /strɪp/ | verb | to take something away from (someone) |
2400 | stroke | /strəʊk/ | verb | to touch someone or something repeatedly in a caring way |
2363 | stupid | /ˈstu.pɪd/ | adj | lacking the ability to learn easily; not intelligent |
2070 | submit | /səbˈmɪt/ | verb | to accept a superior force has power over you |
2251 | subsequent | /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ | adj | happening after |
2230 | substance | /ˈsʌb.stəns/ | noun | a particular type of material |
2234 | sugar | /ˈʃʊ.gər/ | noun | white sweet substance used to make foods sweeter |
2318 | summary | /ˈsʌm.ə.ri/ | noun | a brief statement that gives the most important information |
2004 | supplier | /səˈplaɪ/ | noun | organization that provides a product or service |
2109 | supporter | /səˈpɔr.tər/ | noun | someone who shows they are in favor of an idea/plan |
2349 | surgery | /ˈsɜr.dʒə.ri/ | noun | medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into a body |
2273 | sustain | /səˈsteɪn/ | verb | to maintain, lengthen or continue to do something |
2136 | sweep | /swip/ | verb | to remove dust or dirt from a surface with a broom or brush |
2167 | symbol | /ˈsɪm.bəl/ | noun | action or object that represents a particular idea or quality |
2071 | symptom | /ˈsɪmp.təm/ | noun | a change in someone or something that shows they have an illness or problem |
2189 | tank | /tæŋk/ | noun | container for holding liquid or gas |
2297 | tap | /tæp/ | verb | to hit something lightly |
2346 | teenager | /ˈtinˌeɪ.dʒər/ | noun | a person between the ages of 13 and 19 |
2075 | tension | /ˈtɛn.ʃən/ | noun | feeling of anxiety and inability to relax |
2147 | territory | /ˈtɛr.ɪˌtɔr.i/ | noun | area of land or ocean owned or controlled by a government or person |
2121 | terrorist | /ˈtɛr.ər.ɪst/ | noun | a person who uses fear or violence for a political purpose |
2083 | tight | /taɪt/ | adj | held together firmly; difficult to move |
2026 | tooth | /tuθ/ | noun | hard white thing in the mouth used for biting and eating |
2324 | tower | /ˈtaʊ.ər/ | noun | a tall, narrow building |
2047 | trace | /treɪs/ | verb | to find, describe or discover by investigation |
2183 | trail | /treɪl/ | noun | a path through the countryside, often where people walk |
2174 | transform | /trænsˈfɔrm/ | verb | to change the shape of something completely |
2195 | transition | /trænˈsɪ.ʒən/ | noun | a gradual change from one condition to another |
2310 | translate | /trænzˈleɪt/ | verb | to change words from one language into another |
2184 | trap | /træp/ | noun | a device used for catching animals |
2113 | truck | /trʌk/ | noun | a large road vehicle used to carry things |
2323 | tube | /tjub/ | noun | long, hollow object |
2192 | tune | /tjun/ | noun | group of musical notes that make a nice sound |
2366 | twin | /twɪn/ | noun | two children born from the same mother at the same time |
2006 | typically | /ˈtɪp.ɪ.kli/ | adv | in a normal or usual way |
2020 | ultimately | /ˈʌl.tɪ.mət.lɪ/ | adv | finally, after doing other things |
2130 | underlie | /ˌʌn.dərˈlaɪ/ | verb | to lie or exist beneath |
2036 | undertake | /ˌʌn.dərˈteɪk/ | verb | to begin or attempt, commit oneself to and begin |
2055 | uniform | /ˈju.nɪˌfɔrm/ | noun | a set of clothes that show you are part of a group or school |
2355 | universal | /ˌju.nəˈvɜr.səl/ | adj | done or experienced by everyone |
2043 | unknown | /ʌnˈnoʊn/ | noun | not familiar or famous |
2039 | unlikely | /ʌnˈlaɪk.li/ | adv | not being likely to happen or not likely to be the truth |
2025 | upset | /ʌpˈsɛt/ | adj | troubled, worried, or angry |
2217 | van | /væn/ | noun | truck with an enclosed cargo space |
2019 | variation | /ˌvɛər.iˈeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | something almost the same as another but different |
2216 | vegetable | /ˈvɛdʒ.tə.bəl/ | noun | a plant that is raised and eaten as food |
2379 | venture | /ˈvɛn.tʃər/ | noun | activity that involves taking chances or risks |
2245 | vice | /vaɪs/ | noun | type of evildoing |
2072 | virtually | /ˈvɜr.tʃu.ə.li/ | adv | almost completely |
2341 | virus | /ˈvaɪ.rəs/ | noun | a very small, basic living thing that causes disease or sickness |
2362 | visual | /ˈvɪʒ.u.əl/ | adj | something to look at with the eyes |
2123 | vital | /ˈvaɪt.əl/ | adj | necessary |
2187 | wealth | /wɛlθ/ | noun | large amount of money and possessions |
2223 | web | /wɛb/ | noun | a net made by spiders; many things connected together |
2086 | welfare | /ˈwɛlˌfɛər/ | noun | a government program to help poor people |
2152 | western | /ˈwɛs.tərn/ | adj | coming from, found in, or facing towards the west |
2084 | wet | /wɛt/ | adj | covered or soaked with a liquid; not dry |
2127 | whenever | /wɛnˈɛv.ər/ | adv | at any or every time that |
2009 | wing | /wɪŋ/ | noun | part of an animal's body that is used for flying |
2038 | wire | /ˈwaɪ.ər/ | noun | thin, flexible thread of metal |
2163 | withdraw | /wɪðˈdrɑ/ | verb | pull back; move away or backward from something |
2175 | wound | /wund/ | noun | an injury to the body that is caused when something breaks the skin |
2334 | wrap | /ræp/ | verb | to cover something on all sides with a piece of material or paper |
2045 | zone | /zoʊn/ | noun | area of space used for a particular reason |