Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
2283 | accurate | /ˈæk.jər.ɪt/ | adj | correct; not having mistakes or errors |
2208 | adjust | /əˈdʒʌst/ | verb | to change so as to fit in with new conditions |
2201 | adviser | /ædˈvaɪ.zər/ | noun | an expert who suggests what someone should do |
2212 | agricultural | /ˈæg.rɪˌkʌl.tʃər/ | adj | concerning farming |
2271 | alarm | /əˈlɑrm/ | noun | sound or light used for a warning or to wake someone |
2214 | alcohol | /ˈæl.kəˌhɔl/ | noun | drinks such as wine, whiskey, beer |
2266 | ally | /ˈæl.aɪ/ | noun | someone who supports, helps, or defends you |
2300 | attribute | /ˈæ.trəˌbjut/ | noun | a quality or characteristic that someone or something has (e.g., size or color) |
2206 | awful | /ˈɑ.fʊl/ | adj | very bad; horrible; terrible |
2294 | bath | /bæθ/ | noun | the cleaning of a body by putting it completely into water |
2248 | behave | /bɪˈheɪv/ | verb | to act in a particular way; to act correctly |
2268 | bend | /bɛnd/ | verb | to make something not straight; make into a curve |
2263 | blind | /blaɪnd/ | adj | unable to see; with eyes that cannot see |
2265 | bloody | /ˈblʌ.di/ | adj | covered or spotted with blood on the surface |
2282 | boot | /but/ | noun | footwear covering your foot and part of your leg |
2291 | bowl | /bəʊl/ | noun | a round container used for holding things like rice or soup |
2262 | bread | /brɛd/ | noun | baked food made from flour, used in sandwiches, etc. |
2270 | briefly | /ˈbrif.li/ | adv | happening in a short period of time; using few words |
2260 | broadcast | /ˈbrɔdˌkæst/ | verb | to send out signals by radio or television |
2286 | burden | /ˈbɜr.dən/ | verb | something that causes worry, difficulty, or hard work |
2285 | button | /ˈbʌt.ən/ | noun | small round piece of material used to fasten clothing |
2277 | cite | /saɪt/ | verb | to mention the work of others in your writing |
2213 | competitor | /kəmˈpɛt.ɪ.tər/ | noun | someone taking part in a race, business, etc. |
2218 | confident | /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt/ | adj | feeling that you can do well at something |
2237 | consult | /kənˈsʌlt/ | verb | to discuss something to make a decision |
2276 | crazy | /ˈkreɪ.zi/ | adj | not being sensible or practical |
2209 | creative | /kriˈeɪ.tɪv/ | adj | having the ability to make something new |
2296 | criticize | /ˈkrɪt.əˌsaɪz/ | verb | to say that someone or something is bad |
2220 | curve | /kɜrv/ | noun | a smooth rounded line that is not straight |
2284 | dealer | /ˈdi.lər/ | noun | someone who buys things to sell to others |
2224 | depth | /dɛpθ/ | noun | distance below a surface |
2287 | desert | /ˈdɛz.ərt/ | noun | area of land that has very little water and few plants |
2250 | dimension | /daɪˈmɛn.ʃən/ | noun | measurement of length, width, or height |
2255 | dirty | /ˈdɜr.ti/ | adj | not clean |
2292 | discovery | /dɪsˈkʌv.ə.ri/ | noun | learning something for the first time |
2272 | disturb | /dɪˈstɜrb/ | verb | to stop someone from working or sleeping |
2254 | efficiency | /ɪˈfɪʃ.ən.si/ | noun | working well; producing something without waste |
2225 | entrance | /ˈɛn.trəns/ | noun | a way into a place |
2244 | exam | /ɪgˈzæm/ | noun | test of your knowledge or ability in something |
2231 | extensive | /ɪkˈstɛn.sɪv/ | adj | large; full or complete |
2215 | festival | /ˈfɛs.tə.vəl/ | noun | cultural event with a program of events |
2274 | flood | /flʌd/ | noun | a large amount of water covering land that is usually dry |
2295 | frequency | /ˈfri.kwən.si/ | noun | how often something happens |
2280 | gender | /ˈdʒɛn.dər/ | noun | state of being male or female |
2227 | giant | /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/ | adj | extremely big, or much bigger than other things |
2228 | god | /ɡɑd/ | noun | a being with special powers that cannot be explained by nature |
2236 | harm | /hɑrm/ | verb | to hurt, damage, or cause problems |
2243 | impress | /ɪmˈprɛs/ | verb | to make someone admire or respect another person or thing |
2233 | independence | /ˌɪn.dɪˈpɛn.dəns/ | noun | having the freedom to make your own decisions |
2252 | infection | /ˌɪnˈfɛk.ʃən/ | noun | act or state of becoming infected with a disease |
2235 | inner | /ˈɪn.ər/ | adj | concerning the inside part of something |
2232 | interpret | /ɪnˈtɜr.prɪt/ | verb | to repeat what was said in another language |
2242 | intervention | /ˌɪn.tərˈvɛn.ʃən/ | noun | involvement in a situation to prevent future problems |
2259 | iron | /ˈaɪ.ərn/ | noun | the hard metal used to make steel (symbol Fe) |
2253 | jacket | /ˈdʒæk.ɪt/ | noun | a light, thin coat |
2221 | knee | /ni/ | noun | the middle part of your leg that bends |
2299 | lip | /lɪp/ | noun | top and bottom part of the outside of a person's mouth |
2226 | log | /lɑɡ/ | noun | a piece of a tree that has been cut |
2249 | loud | /laʊd/ | adj | making a lot of noise |
2288 | mate | /meɪt/ | noun | someone who you work, live, or go to school with |
2269 | mature | /məˈtʊər/ | adj | being an adult, being fully developed physically |
2261 | membership | /ˈmɛm.bərˌʃɪp/ | noun | all the people who belong to a club or group |
2205 | mirror | /ˈmɪr.ər/ | noun | a thing with a glass surface used to look at yourself |
2204 | mode | /məʊd/ | noun | way of acting or doing something |
2278 | newly | /ˈnu.li/ | adv | very recently; just done or made |
2210 | nowadays | /ˈnaʊ.əˌdeɪz/ | adv | at the present time; now |
2289 | occasionally | /əˈkeɪ.ʒə.nəl.i/ | adv | not very often; sometimes; seldom |
2222 | overcome | /ˌoʊ.vərˈkʌm/ | verb | to succeed in a struggle |
2279 | parallel | /ˈpær.əˌlɛl/ | adj | very similar and often occurring at the same time |
2298 | philosophy | /fɪˈlɑs.ə.fi/ | noun | study of ideas about the fundamental nature of life |
2238 | pink | /pɪŋk/ | adj | pale red color |
2219 | planet | /ˈplæn.ɪt/ | noun | one of the bodies that orbit the sun |
2211 | poem | /ˈpoʊ.əm/ | noun | a written composition in verse, not prose |
2229 | portion | /ˈpɔr.ʃən/ | noun | part of a whole |
2207 | pose | /poʊz/ | verb | to put someone in a position to be photographed |
2275 | poverty | /ˈpɑv.ər.ti/ | noun | being poor |
2264 | pure | /pjʊər/ | adj | not mixed with anything else |
2267 | quantity | /ˈkwɒn.tɪ.ti/ | noun | amount or number of something |
2246 | radical | /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | very new and different from what is traditional |
2257 | regularly | /ˈrɛg.jə.lər.li/ | adv | at the usual time each day, week, or month |
2293 | resistance | /rɪˈzɪs.təns/ | noun | refusal to accept something new or different |
2258 | resort | /rɪˈzɔrt/ | noun | a place where people go on holiday |
2203 | reverse | /rɪˈvɜrs/ | verb | to go in the opposite direction |
2239 | shadow | /ˈʃæd.oʊ/ | noun | a dark shape that appears when something stops the light |
2290 | shareholder | /ˈʃɛərˌhoʊl.dər/ | noun | someone who owns a part of a corporation |
2247 | similarly | /ˈsɪm.ə.lər.li/ | adv | in a way that is almost the same as something or someone else |
2241 | smooth | /smuð/ | adj | something that feels pleasant and flat when you touch it; not rough |
2281 | sponsor | /ˈspɑn.sər/ | verb | to help someone or something succeed by giving them money |
2256 | statistic | /stəˈtɪs.tɪk/ | noun | a number that represents a piece of information |
2202 | stem | /stɛm/ | noun | the long, thin part of a plant that supports leaves and flowers |
2240 | strip | /strɪp/ | verb | to take something away from (someone) |
2251 | subsequent | /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ | adj | happening after |
2230 | substance | /ˈsʌb.stəns/ | noun | a particular type of material |
2234 | sugar | /ˈʃʊ.gər/ | noun | white sweet substance used to make foods sweeter |
2273 | sustain | /səˈsteɪn/ | verb | to maintain, lengthen or continue to do something |
2297 | tap | /tæp/ | verb | to hit something lightly |
2217 | van | /væn/ | noun | truck with an enclosed cargo space |
2216 | vegetable | /ˈvɛdʒ.tə.bəl/ | noun | a plant that is raised and eaten as food |
2245 | vice | /vaɪs/ | noun | type of evildoing |
2223 | web | /wɛb/ | noun | a net made by spiders; many things connected together |