NAWL 1.20 Learning Dictionary
Set 19: Words 361 to 380

361 arrow /ˈæɹ.əʊ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary a symbol to give direction; a long piece of wood shot from a bow
369 artificial /ˌɑː(ɹ).təˈfɪʃ.əl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary something that is made by people; not natural
375 assignment /əˈsaɪn.mənt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary work that you must do as part of a course of study or as part of your job
379 cattle /ˈkæt.l/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary cows or bulls on a farm
363 commentary /ˈkɒm.ənˌtɛr.i/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary a discussion of a written work or event, usually to give greater explanation or opinion on it
366 consensus /kənˈsɛn.səs/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary a decision that is shared by most of the members of a group
378 disability /dɪsəˈbɪlɪti/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary a condition that limits a person's ability to do something
374 habitat /ˈhæb.ɪˌtæt/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary the natural place, or type of place, where a plant or animal lives
370 harvest /ˈhɑɹ.vəst/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary the time that you bring the crops in from the fields; (v.) to bring in crops
377 mechanical /məkænɪkəl/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary using or having to do with machines
373 monkey /ˈmʌŋki/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary an animal, closely related to humans, that lives in trees
372 pi /paɪ/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; approximately equal to 3.14
380 purely /ˈpjɔːli/ adv OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary for no other reason; only and completely
368 radius /ˈreɪ.di.əs/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary a given area or a range around a certain point; a line from the center of a circle to its edge
376 replicate /ˈrɛp.lɪˌkeɪt/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary to repeat something, such as an experiment, study or process
362 reproduce /rˌiprədus/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary to make a copy of something
364 residue /ˈrɛz.ɪˌdu/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary left over after part or most is taken away
367 simplify /sɪmpləfˌaɪ/ verb OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary to make something easier to do, use or understand
371 suicide /ˈsu.əˌsaɪd/ noun OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary the act of purposely killing yourself because you no longer wish to live
365 unstable /ʌnˈsteɪbəɫ/ adj OUP CUP Britannica Longman Collins Wiktionary likely to move from its position or fall